
(BNHA) The Paths He Chooses

Izuku makes choices that lead to him meeting different girls. His path for each girl is different, read about the outcomes of each girl he encounters. Also available on wattpad, Fanfiction.Net, and Fanfiction.Online

VacantThoughts · 漫画同人
64 Chs

Special! Eri's Adventures! Eri has a Birthday Party

It has been 1 year since Eri was saved by Izuku, people have been allowed to leave the dorms and live at their homes again but most stayed. Izuku adopted Eri in his second year, and they lived in the dorms together. Eri was allowed to be taught by the teachers of U.A after class was over for the Hero course students. Izuku decided not to give Yui the burden of adopting a child yet and said that they should wait until she's sure.

It was currently December 21st, Ice white snow covering the grass and roads. Eri had just finished her lessons from the U.A teachers. Today was a special day, it was Eri's 8th birthday, she had never celebrated her birthday with anyone before, so she didn't care about her birthday, well, that's what she told herself. But she actually deeply desired to celebrate her birthday. 

Izuku walked into his classroom which is where Eri was taught after school. He had plans for the white haired girls birthday, and wanted to make sure it was the best birthday ever, not that she'd be able to tell. 

"Hey, Eri-chan." Izuku said with a smile. 

"Otou-san!" Eri cheered as she got up from her special seat and ran into her fathers arms

"Did you have fun at school?" Izuku asked, patting her head.

"Yes! Midnight-sensei gave me an apple plushy, but when I asked her why she said that you'd tell me." Eri said, hoping for an answer.

"You'll find out soon, Eri-chan." Izuku said, causing the small girl to pout, Izuku chuckled at how cute she looked.

"Where's Okaa-san?" Eri asked.

"She's uh, d-doing something, we'll see her soon." Izuku said nervously.

Yui was currently at the dorms with 3 other people, helping set up a surprise party for Eri. Eri nodded, satisfied with the answer, and the two walked to the dorms as Eri talked about her day.

"What did you learn about today, Eri-chan?" 

"I learned something called multiplicate- multiplication." Eri corrected 


"Yeah, it's really easy though, Midnight-sensei also didn't give me any homework today, even though she always gives homework on Thursday! She also told me something weird." Eri said.

"What did she tell you?" Izuku asked, now worried.

"When I looked out the window, I saw someone with a huge belly. I asked Midnight-sensei why it was so big and she said there was a baby in it. Why would a person eat a baby?" Eri asked, terrified.

Izuku laughed at this, Midnight had obviously not told her that's where baby's come from, how they were made, however, was a talk for another time, Eri was too young for that talk. They continued talking until they made their way in front of the dorms. They both entered the dorms, all the lights were off, Eri was confused.

"Otou-san? Why are all the lights off? It isn't night yet." Eri asked.

"Someone must've turned them off accidentally." Izuku said, hiding the fact that she was going to get jumpscared, or surprised, whichever works for you.

They both walked in, and as soon as they stepped through the threshold, the lights suddenly popped on and out came Yui, Momo, Tsuyu, Nejire, Bakugo, Mirio, and Kirishima, who had become aunts and uncles to the young girl. 

"SURPRISE!" They all yelled, albeit Bakugo yelled a little too violently, and Yui didn't even yell, she tried though, but it only came out as a regular sounding voice. Eri jumped back in surprise, and Izuku only smiled.

"What are you all here for?" Izuku asked, mainly to Bakugo, Yui, and Mirio, and Nejire, who either didn't live at the dorms anymore, or didn't even go to U.A anymore (Mirio). 

"It's your birthday, brat, I can be here if I want." Bakugo said, trying to hide the fact that he cared about the white haired girl.

Eri teared up when she discovered that she was finally going to have a birthday party. She cried into her father's arms for a few minutes before the party began. The theme was apples, since Eri loved them so much. Apple Pies were served, apple juice was poured, and an apple cinnamon cake was made for her birthday. 

On the other side of the room were presents, she had gotten quite a lot. About 20 in total, as Eri went through all of her presents, she found a lot of interesting things. She had mostly gotten clothes but she also got a deluxe coloring book, some dolls, and a small version of U.A's gym clothes for some reason. 

When she ate the apple pie it was delicious, not better than a regular apple, but it was a close second. She also loved the cinnamon cake, apparently someone in 1-A named Sato baked it. When all was done, everyone went home full on cake and apple pie with some apple juice mixed in.

Despite having her own room, Eri often liked to spend the nights with her father, she found it more comfortable than her own bed, even though they were the same beds. 

"Did you like your Birthday party, Eri?" Izuku asked, both of them in their pajamas.

"Yes Otou-san, it was the best Birthday I could ask for!" Eri said, her pure smile almost blinding Izuku. She climbed into the bed with Izuku and snuggled against him.

"Thanks for everything Otou-san. I love you." Eri said, drifting off into sleep.

"You're welcome Eri, I love you too." Izuku said, and kissed her on the forehead.

Most people called Izuku a cinnamon roll because he was so pure and innocent, but what they left out was that a cinnamon roll wasn't complete without icing. It turned out that Eri was that Icing.

The Icing to His Cinnamon Roll.

A/N: This chapter will be posted as a Oneshot on wattpad and FFN