
Ch 27 Wedding Day

(Lemon and gore in 1-2 ch I promise)

I awoke With Rhaella and Lily and kissed them both as a wakeup call.

I wouldn't see either of them until it was the moment for the ceremony at around midday anyways.

I dressed in quick clothing then headed to a designated room on the other side of the castle.

I took Pippa and Tysha with me, and left Erika, Sarah, and Minnie to tend to my women.

On the way to the new room I picked up Willem from his designated servants room just down the hall from us.

After I entered the new room I set my things down and began to pick out my clothes for the day in my dimensional store. I had already gotten Rhaella and Lily their dresses and jewelery for the day so now I had to worry about myself and Willem.

For myself I chose a Black doublet with blood red trim and gold accents. It was reminiscent of the Elegant Beauclair Doublet from The Witcher 3. I strapped a golden engraved estoc to my hip and a crimson cape to finish off the outfit.

For Willem A black doublet with my family crest embroidered on the chest and a silver engraved side sword was enough.

After we both finished dressing we received a knock at the door.

It was a servant sent to invite me to a gathering of nobles just before the wedding.

I ordered Willem to follow, I didn't really care what nobles wanted to talk about but it would be a good time for the other nobles to see the capable young man in my service and want to curry favor by marrying a third or fourth daughter to him.

We followed the servant until we reached a large carved door. Just inside I found a mid sized hall filled with all the nobles worth a damn.

Jon Arryn, Hoster Tully, Mace Tyrell, Randyl Tarly, Tywin and my good friend Kevan Lannister.

As I walked in I heard the Hearty laughter of The Fat Mace Tyrell....he seemed to be laughing at his own joke while the rest of the Lords smiled awkwardly.

I walked straight up to Kevan, When he saw me he stood up with a smile and walked towards me.

"Good to see you at my wedding day friend, I'm glad you made it." I told him with a smile and a pat on the shoulder.

"I couldn't miss it for the world, It's the least I could do after all you have given me and my wife." He said with a smile as he gestured to the chairs beside him.

I quickly sat and then introduced myself to the lords present.

Out of all of them apart from Kevan I really didn't get along with any.

Randyll asked me if I ever partook in any military matters and I spoke of some matters back in Aedirn.

Mace asked if I had any recipes from back home so I used my Dimensional Store to get him a butter-pecan ice cream cone.

He looked at it with his beady eyes for a moment before it rapidly disappeared in his fat mouth while he moaned in ecstasy.

"DO YOU HAVE MORE.....or a recipe....I'll pay you whatever you want!!!!"

He begged for a moment before I grabbed a parchment and ink and wrote him a quick recipe.

when I informed him that he could mix in whatever flavors or even a slice of cake into the ice cream he ran out of the room with his body shaking with every step.

"I'll send lots of food to your new lands!!!" Was all I heard as he stormed down the hallway.

The other Lords seemed disconcerted at the blatant use of magic. The only ones who weren't surprised were Tywin and Kevan.

"My Lord you cannot use vile magic here, the seven say it is demonic." Jon Arryn concernedly spoke.

"My powers are a gift from my Goddess, there is nothing demonic about it....if you continue to slander my Goddesses gift I shall be forced to defend her honor just as I defended the honor of My betrothed from Lyn of House Corbray."

"Is that a threat!!!" Jon Arryn yelled out and stood as he turned red in anger.

"Yes....it is...any more slander and that threat will turn into a promise."

I told him while leaning back nonchalantly and staring into his eyes.

Then Tywin interrupted with by clearing his throat.

"There is no need for anyone to be split in half and pissed on, he was simply surprised by foreign magic..... no matter how wonderful it may look it is unknown to us." Tywin spoke flatly and quickly diffused the situation.

"Very well. . ." I said and sipped on my wine.

Jon just glared at me and sat back down, what a guy to lose his temper after being in the wrong....too bad I can't fuck his wife in the future because Lysa is disgusting.

We got over the issue and spoke for another few hours.

Before it was time to head to the Temple on Shadowmare for the Ceremony.

I had Ancalagon Land in the courtyard of the Sept and rest there.

That should prevent any shenanigans from happening during my wedding, no one would want to piss off a dragon that is just outside after all.

Willem followed close behind me as we entered the Sept of Baelor and a coordinator told us about the service.

At the center of the ceremony platform was a 20 foot Statue of Fortuna that was modeled after the one I left in the chamber under the throne room.

Aerys had hired fantastic Stonemasons to create the statue as it was nearly perfect.

I could sense Fortuna's holy aura drowning out the powers of The Seven, they were far too weak to compete with her.

I walked to the ceremony platform beside the High Septon and introduced myself to the Fat man.

The High Septon wore White robes trimmed In Gold and wore a Tall Crystal Crown on his head.

He was quite a fat man, his breathing was heavy and laboured as I spoke to him.

He told me of the modifications to the wedding since there would be another deity present as he gestured to the statue of Fortuna.

He didn't seem genuinely upset since he wasn't a real believer in the seven but I could tell he wasn't comfortable with it.

Even though septons were supposed to be the avatar of their gods this man reeked of sin.

The smell the various boys he was with before coming to the Sept oozed out of him along with the smell of Myrish perfume and wine.

What a disgusting man, I made sure to cast an impotence curse on him immediately, I wonder how long he'll search for a cure before he gives up hehe.

Slowly the nobles all wandered as a servant called out the name and position of each lord.

They all took their seats in the designated sections.

The Lords paramount were seated in the front while the importance of lords descended as you reached the end of the room.

Various anointed Knights stood at the very rear of the room once all the lords were seated.

After everyone was in position the Name Cryer called out The names of the Royal Family. They all elegantly walked in while surrounded by their Kingsguard.

Aerys and his family all sat In a separate section further in front from the rest of the Nobles. This was also the first time anyone had seen The small gray Dragon that was perched on Rhaenys' shoulder.

There were murmurings all throughout the people present but considering that they all passed near The absolutely monstrous Ancalagon on the way in they didn't cause too much commotion.

I did hear some murmurings that 'Good thing it didn't bond with the king.' and 'do you think it will die early like the last targeryen dragons?'.

All the murmurings came from various lords, they believed no one could hear them but my senses missed nothing.....

After a moment everyone Quieted down and trumpets began to play. . .the large doors of the hall opened to reveal a Stunning Rhaella walking in. In an instant everyone's attention was drawn to her.

Rhaella was absolutely captivating with her long straight silver hair and nearly florescent purple eyes.

She wore a Valyrian Steel Jeweled circlet and a thin veil over her face that did nothing to hide her beauty.

Her Long pure white embroidered wedding dress showed her perfect proportions and clung to her wide hips and busty chest without ever showing an inch of skin.

The Jeweled Enchanted necklace I had given her had even morphed into a different design which complemented her in the wedding dress.

Rhaella elegantly walked towards the platform at the end of the room with slow steps.

I couldn't take my eyes off of this magnificent creature that was approaching me as I felt my Vampiric heart skip a beat.

I never married in my past life since I never saw a need for it because it would affect my depraved actions... but here I was, about to marry a wonderful woman who did not mind the things I did for enjoyment.

Lily and Her long time friend Joanna who arrived with Kevan were holding large bouquets of white flowers add they accompanied Rhaella down the aisle.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her ass she walked up to the ceremony platform and stood beside me.

I could hear her heartbeat speeding up as she looked back at my with eyes full of love through her white veil.

After a moment of looking into Rhaellas big beautiful purple eyes the high septon began to give a speech.

"On this auspicious day we gather to join in sacred and holy matrimony two noble born souls.... Alucard Of House Cathicus....and Rhaella Of House Targeryen.The Gods Watch over us today.... before I the sacred rights of matrimony are performed of there any man of women who wishes to object to the joining between these two people....." The septon spoke aloud for everyone to hear.

as soon as he finished speaking those words Ancalagon who was stationed just outside in the courtyard let out an angry roar which made the entire Sept Of Baelor shake and tremble.

None spoke in opposition and the Septon nodded and continued the ceremony.

He chanted I'm the name of the gods for a few minutes before turning to us and asking

"Alucard of House Cathicus do you take Rhaella Of House Targeryen as your Wife both on earth and in heaven and promise to keep her in your heart for all time." The septon asked

"I Do." I spoke as my voice reverberated throughout the temple.

Then the septon turned towards Rhaella and asked. "Rhaella of House Targeryen do you take Alucard of House Cathicus as your Husband both on earth and in heaven and promise to keep him in your heart for all time." He asked aloud.

"I Do" She responded with a happy voice as she smiled under her veil.

"Then turn to eachother and say the words...after that you may kiss the bride." Spoke the septon

We both turned to eachother as I took her hands into mine. ""We proclaim ourselves one in flesh and in spirit, and pledge it from this day until the end of our days. I Am Yours And You Are Mine."" We both pleged then I brought her a bit closer to me and lifted her white veil to reveal her gorgeous kind face. Her big Watery Purple eyes seemed to look directly into my soul as I brought her in for a long deep kiss." After I had kissed her the Septon spoke once again.

"Let it be know that these two souls are now connected In this world and I'm the next, Let no man seek to bring this union asunder.....You may now cloak the bride."

I removed my cloak and placed it over Rhaellas' shoulders before clasping it together, this signified me taking her into my household and under my protection.

The Nobles all clapped so I turned to them and spoke.

"I am grateful to everyone present for attending and witnessing our sacred union, there is a feast present in Red Keeps Private Courtyard, I hope to see everyone there."

Then I held Rhaellas' hand as I guided her outside and towards Ancalagon.

I'd be damned if I had to take a carriage to the Red Keep all the way from the Sept.

On the way to my Dragon I instructed Willem to see everyone from my household safely to the Red Keep and ordered shadowmare to aid him.

As I reached Ancalagon he gurgled happily at Rhaella as if congratulating us on the marriage.

I took Rhaella into my arms and helped her mount Ancalagon as we headed for the Red Keep. . . We had a Feast and a Bedding to prepare for after all.
