

The Divine Realm, an ethereal abode consisting of deities and supreme existences, stands at a risk of destruction at the hands of one of its creators. Under such a perilous situation, the emergence of a prophecy attracts the attention of many. The prophetic child, unlike the expectations of many, is a half-breed? Watch as the Son of Chaos breaks through his shackles, shocking the world with his antics. Watch as Noah Numen shatters expectations, and either rescues or destroys the Divine Realm, in which Gods reside. "Prophetic Numen: Void and Chaos" is a gripping tale of ascendance, one that features the journey of the prophesized savior of the world of Gods. --------------- If you like PNCV, don't forget to give "The Horatius Era" a try. If you enjoy this novel, don't forget to leave a powerstone and add it to your collection. Premium will be available soon. Sincerely, AceAmbrosia.

AceAmbrosia · 奇幻
19 Chs

Othrys's Prophetic Child

(Prometheus POV)

With a calm gaze, I observed the entirety of Othrys, the greatest country in the Divine Realm. Although less prosperous than Olympus, Othrys was one of the most beautiful countries in the entire realm.

I scratched my bushy beard, peeking from the window of my personal residence. A castle, to be specific.

As one of the main Gods of Othrys, I was provided with a residence that had been my home for trillions of years. Although, I should consider moving, now.

The chilly breeze brushed my head as if caressing my thick, black hair that parted in the middle before falling to the sides. I revealed a gentle smile while observing the prosperity of our country.

As the creator of humanity, I loved spectating the joy of my creations.

Suddenly, I heard a click. The doorknob to my door opened slowly, revealing a muscular man in a tuxedo. The man revealed a smile, which I reciprocated.

"Your majesty," my servant who'd just entered, also named Jacque, greeted as he placed a tray on my table. Atop the tray was a cup of tea and a few cookies to go along with it.

"Thank you, Jacque," I slowly walked to my table before plopping down on the chair. "Sit, Jacque."

Without hesitance, Jacque pulled a chair before lowering his butt on it. He sat on the chair before revealing an expression of comfort.

"I need these cushions in my room," commented Jacque. "May I ask, your majesty, where did you acquire these delightful items?"

I let out a chuckle. Although one would expect politeness from a servant, I didn't mind such petty things. Jacque had been my servant for over 10 trillion years, and we were best of friends.

"I acquired these from Olympus during my ten trillionth birthday," I announced. "You were there, too."

"They're gifts from Morpheus!" Jacque exclaimed. "The ones wrapped in a sleeping spell."

"Correct," I praised. "You're perceptive."

"I wonder where I acquired such a quality."

"You praise me too much, Jacque," I admitted, sipping on my tea, which released a special aroma in the surrounding air while providing me with an irreplaceable taste.

"How is it, your majesty?" Jacque asked expectantly, resting his jaw atop his palms like a child.

I chuckled. "You ask the same question every day and have been doing so for the past 3 trillion years. Why, Jacque? You're aware of your legendary tea-making skills. Are you fishing for compliments?"

"I wouldn't dare, your majesty," Jacque waved his hand in dismissal. "It's simply that I cannot stand displeasing your majesty."

I nodded, understanding his intentions.

"Is that the prophetic magic circle?" Jacque inquired. His gaze fell atop a complex magic circle engraved into the ground in the distance.

My eyes narrowed, but I soon let out a sigh before nodding. "I was entrusted by Olympus and Othrys to summon the prophetic child. They wanted it done in a secluded place where the other countries wouldn't suspect."

"Do the other countries wish to harm the prophetic child?" Jacque asked incredulously.

"Yes," I responded. "They wish to summon their own puppet instead of relying on a prophetic child controlled by their enemies."

"But there is only one prophetic child," Jacque protested. "The child of Chaos."

"Indeed," I said. "However, the one who manages to summon the child controls the child."

Jacque nodded in understanding, but traces of concern were vivid in his expression. I chuckled softly. My servant had become like me. I had corrupted him.

"When will the prophetic child be summoned?"

"Any day," I said. "When the time is ripe, the prophetic child will abandon his life and delve into the Divine Realm to become its savior. We have to prevent other countries from stealing the magic circle until then."

Jacque nodded before standing up. "I shall take my leave for now, your majesty."

I nodded and dismissed him, watching his back as he left my quarters. I knew where he was headed. Every single day, after serving me tea and conversing with me, Jacque headed to the courtyard.

As a Mid-Rank God of Flames, he ought to teach his juniors how to harness divinity, which he did after serving me tea.

Gripping my cup of tea, I headed to the balcony, where I possessed a clear view of him lecturing his juniors on the proper use of mana and divinity.

A few hours passed in an instant, and I simply observed Jacque's lesson.

Sometimes I laughed, frowned, smiled, and revealed all sorts of emotions in response to Jacque's teaching. His students carefully followed his training regimen, but most failed due to its harshness.

He was teaching humans and demigods complex spells, so that was a given.

'I should teach some juniors about flames myself,' I commented inwardly. As a Supreme-Rank God of Fire and Foresight, I needed to pass on my teachings.

Alas, everyone in Othrys strayed away from me due to my outburst 3 billion years ago when I accidentally shouted at the King of Titans, Kronos.

Since then, all humans and most deities were careful to not offend me. My relationship with Kronos hadn't soured and was still strong, but the spectators back then were unbeknownst of that fact.

As I calmly observed Jacque's teaching, a faint noise caught my attention. I turned to the origin of the noise, which, surprisingly, was the magic circle responsible for summoning the prophetic child.

In a panic, I allowed my cup of tea to drop to the floor, spilling brown liquid and fragments of the pristine, white teacup. Then, I shouted at Jacque to return.

Jacque, although surprised, nodded before disappearing into the palace. His juniors went home.

At that moment, my quarters turned dark as the only illuminating factor was the glowing, purple magic circle that emanated a tremendous amount of mana, even by my standards.

Soon, traces of divinity appeared within the magic circle as the engravings circled.

Jacque burst into my room to witness the scene.

A purple pillar adorned with shimmering sparkles burst from the magic circle, piercing the wall above. I watched with my mouth agape as a shadow manifested within the circle.

The shadow resembled the "normal" image of a young teenager.

"The prophetic child," Jacque's voice entered my ear. The pillar that emerged from the magic circle dimmed, leaving behind the figure of the individual.

The prophetic child opened his eyes, and his gaze fell upon me.

My expression crumpled as I expected the features of the prophetic child. Disappointment washed over me.

Chaos's child was a half-breed? A demigod? The Primordial Goddess Chaos married a mere human?

Jacque seemed just as perplexed. His gaze scrutinized the prophetic child, but only disappointment remained.

"The Divine Realm is fucked," he let out a bitter chuckle.

The room reverted to its original state, and the prophetic child staggered forward, stepping atop the floor of my quarters.

I approached him and held up his shoulders. His blank gaze inspected my face as if wondering who I was.

"I am Prometheus, the Creator of Humanity and the God of Fire and Foresight," I introduced myself, but quickly realized the prophetic was not from the Divine Realm. "I apologize for the confusing introduction."

Jacque's exasperated sigh rang in my ear, but I didn't react.

Surprisingly, the prophetic child quickly introduced himself. "I am Noah Numen. Nice to meet you. Are you a cosplayer?"

A sharp pain arose from my heart as I heard his words. A cosplayer? What even was that? And why did the word offend me?

"No, child," I said. "You are in the Divine Realm. You have transmigrated… I think that is how it is referred to. You are the son of Chaos and the prophetic child of the Divine Realm, the one who will bring peace."

"Am I in a set?" Noah inquired, looking around. "Where are the cameras?"

"I do not know what cameras are," I admitted, scouring my memories for any mentions of such an item. "And what is a set?"

"Gramps, stop it," the child spoke in an exasperated tone as if fed up. He walked to the balcony as if he owned the place.

A pretentious and arrogant child. Chaos, this is one thing you did correctly.

Well, who am I to demean the Primordial God of Chaos and Void for her choices?

Noah gazed out from the balcony, and that's when he realized the gravity of the situation. His face paled, and he backed away from the balcony in an instant. He grabbed his throat as coughs escaped his lips.

A smile crept up on my face. Jacque raised an eyebrow.

Noah's eyes turned bloodshot as he desperately searched for a "camera." He truly believed this transmigration was fake.

It was an amusing sight but also sad to see. The child kept screaming something about his father, Magnus Numen.

Jacque grimaced, and so did I when the child banged his forehead on the cold, hard floor of my quarters.

It seemed the transmigration had affected him greatly and cost him dearly.

However, he soon calmed down.

Finally, I had the chance to converse with the Prophetic Child of the Numen Lineage.