
Have you ever heard of the system that killed almost a million hosts? [Deposit at least one billion dollars to activate the System. Please save up your money.] "But what will I use to buy food?" The beggar died because of hunger. [Deposit at least one billion dollars to activate the System. Please save up your money.] "But how will I pay for my hospital bills?" The young man died because of cancer. A million hosts later, the system had finally had someone with over one hundred billion dollars. [Please deposit everything you have.] The system could not hide his greed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Schedule for Updates 1 chapter per day - 12:00 AM GMT+8

Zieve1 · 都市
18 Chs

Grandview's Prediction

Xavier stood there panting heavily as he could not believe his eyes. He broke this monster's terrifying defense.

Christopher was seated on the floor because of the ankle-breaker. He didn't need to turn around to know that Xavier's shot went in. He could see the faces of his teammates who were watching from afar.

He tilted his head and placed his right arm on his eyes. He chuckled. Then his chuckles turned to boisterous laughter. He stood up from the floor with a smile on his face. "Marcus, did you see that?"

Marcus could only put a smile on his face while he nodded. The reason they were happy was because Xavier entered the zone.

The zone or commonly known as hot hand was a state of one's mind and body. It was a feeling of full immersion and focus on what needs to be done. In this case, they saw how Xavier was immensely focused on playing the game.

Marcus and his teammates discovered a way to forcibly enter the zone when they practiced a year ago. However, they never had the opportunity to use it anywhere. In fact, the only reason Xavier was able to score was because of the fact that Christopher underestimated him.

Though, there was no assurance as to who will win when Christopher did go all out but if Christopher also entered the zone, Xavier had no chance to ever score. That was the opinion of Marcus.

What he didn't know was Xavier possessed a terrifying growth rate. This was the crucial information that he didn't have.

Still, they were happy to see the interesting performance of Xavier.

Although these five prodigies were back to back champions, it didn't mean they stopped looking for the thrill. Anyone interesting that could pose a threat to them would make them happy. They were open to challenges and to discover people with the same abilities as them.

If not for their age, they would have already considered finding ways to join the NBA.

Christopher approached Xavier with a smile and stretched out his hand. "You won, kid."

Xavier's eyes twitched when he was called a 'kid' as he was already thirty six years old trapped in this child's body. Other than that, the gap was only around two years. However, he only put on an awkward smile.

He realized that these monsters are really in a different league. It took him a while to score because of the intense defense of Christopher. For the shot he just made, he felt really different as his whole attention and mind was in scoring the basket. His body and mind synchronized for that goal and purpose.

However, this took a lot of his stamina as he could sense that his body was at its limit.

Xavier stretched out his hand and they shook each other's hand. "You are really amazing just like the rumors."

Christopher scratched the back of his head because of the praise he received. "I get that a lot."

At this moment, Marcus approached them as he also offered Xavier a handshake. "It was a great game. Sadly, we need to go."

The coach and the players of the Lincoln Star Basketball Team were amused by this scene.

These five people would normally be snobbish and ignore people who approach them. However, there was always an exemption. If they acknowledged the player's strength, they would be nice to them but there were only a couple of players that happened to get their recognition.

Marcus and his teammates prepared to leave the basketball gym. Suddenly, Christopher turned around to look at Xavier. "If your team reaches the finals, I will introduce you to my sister."

Xavier could not help but chuckle about this challenge and nodded. His mind and heart belonged only to Cayetana. However, it wasn't bad to just get along with what this guy was saying. He remembered the maniacal laughter of Christopher and he didn't want to associate himself to this weird guy.

Outside the basketball gym, the five monsters were walking side by side as they were about to leave the academy.

"He can be on par with Christopher if he trains well." Marcus spoke while they walked as the other four teammates nodded.

These monsters were aware that the ability to enter the zone is related to one's talent in a certain area. In this case, basketball.

"If Christopher didn't play around, he could never score." A low voice came from Jude as he raised his eyeglasses with his middle finger.

"Christopher did get serious when the freshman entered the zone." Paul, who was burly and tall, added to the conversation.

Daniel listened to them as he tried to recall the moves that Xavier made for that last shot. "That guy's moves during that shot don't have any flaws."

Daniel possessed the ability to recall another player's moves and improve it for him to use. However, when he watched the dribble made by Xavier, he could only shake his head as he could not find any fatal flaws.

They continued their conversation and it could be seen with the details and technical terms they were using that they were really interested in playing basketball. The conversation steered to a debate whether Lincoln Star Academy will reach the league finals or not with Xavier.

Christopher had been quiet with their conversation but he gave his opinion on this matter. "There is a high chance that he can bring their team to the finals if the coach will give him more play time."

He witnessed with his own eyes how fast Xavier was able to cope up with his ability. He had been playing since he was a child and he acknowledged that Xavier's growth rate was monstrous. However, these five students could also grow at an undeniably terrifying rate.

"If the player that ran out quits, there will be an opening for the starters." Marcus said with a straight face.

They all nodded as they were all excited to see how Xavier will help his team who is currently in the lowest ranking in the league.


Xavier was in the locker room, changing back to the school's uniform. He made sure not to forget his smartphone again and put it inside his pocket.

Though, he was also thankful to this smartphone as it gave him the opportunity to play with one of the greatest NBA players of the future. He made sure to practice more as Christopher and his team will grow more in the future. He needed to catch up with them and he accepted the challenge in his heart.

He would do his best to help the team reach the finals and meet those monsters head on.

The coach approached him as he gave him a bottle of water. "You did great today."

Coach Michael was amazed as he watched Xavier play the game. He was at a disadvantage at first. Although he trained the basics and was above average, he was lacking in front of a true genius. His flaws and weaknesses were evident during the 1v1 with Christopher.

However, the words Xavier said before the match resonated in his mind. 'I am not scared of defeat.'

When Xavier was playing, it was evident that he was enjoying how Christopher would steal the ball or block his shot attempts. His face became energized whenever the monster showed him an absurd move, leaving him behind and scoring afterwards.

Xavier accepted the water bottle as he put on a smile. "If it was a real game, I would have lost."

Truthfully, even though the condition for him to win was to make a basket, he still acknowledged that he lost the game. He needed to improve more and he wanted to improve his height as well. He realized that fighting that monster makes him see what he lacks.

This was the reason why he wanted to play with more strong opponents.

Coach Michael sat down on the long chair in the locking room. "Terrence quit the basketball team."

Terrence was the power forward that shouted and burst into tears earlier. He was a really good player but his growth had been stagnant for the past three years. He felt that basketball was not for him.

"If you want the position, I can give it to you." The Five Gates of Hell already acknowledge the existence of Xavier. Coach Michael had already been a coach for many years and with his eyes alone, he knew that Xavier was capable. It was a force of habit but he recorded the good points and bad points of his player during the match.

Xavier was delighted with this decision of Coach Michael. However, he felt that it was a waste to not let Terrence back into the team. He also wanted to go to the normal procedure to be in the starter team.

An information only Xavier possessed was that Terrence's spark will reignite during his second year in high school. He would dominate the high school league and join the NBA.

Christopher would openly joke about Terrence in an interview with the NBA press that he cried and quit in middle school when they happened to have a friendly match.

The question would be...

How would he convince Terrence to go back?