
Have you ever heard of the system that killed almost a million hosts? [Deposit at least one billion dollars to activate the System. Please save up your money.] "But what will I use to buy food?" The beggar died because of hunger. [Deposit at least one billion dollars to activate the System. Please save up your money.] "But how will I pay for my hospital bills?" The young man died because of cancer. A million hosts later, the system had finally had someone with over one hundred billion dollars. [Please deposit everything you have.] The system could not hide his greed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Schedule for Updates 1 chapter per day - 12:00 AM GMT+8

Zieve1 · 都市
18 Chs

Discovering Xavier's Talent

"Young master, the master is calling you for dinner." The butler said through the door as he waited outside.

"Tell him I will be coming in a bit." Xavier replied in a soft and polite voice. The butler left and informed his father.

Xavier looked at the time and it surely flew fast, he thought. He washed his face and hands as he usually did. This was already a routine for him when he was young and even until he was the CEO that had his own house, it had already become his standard habit.

Walking towards the dining room, his father stared at him until he sat down. Xavier became confused as he tried to search his mind of any events.

It was currently May 21, 2013 and he could not recall any significant event with his father or even the corporation.

While they were waiting, Xavier waited for any words that would come out of his father because he was acting strangely excited while looking at him. 'Was there something on my face?'

Placing both of his hands on the table, Charles moved his body to the direction where Xavier is seated. "I have heard from one of our butlers that you played basketball earlier. Is that correct?"

Xavier heaved a sigh of relief. He was overthinking his father's actions even though he was always this supportive whenever he heard of anything Xavier does. He had already thought that the transactions in his computer were detected by his father. Who knew it was only about this!

"Yes, that's correct." Right after Xavier replied, the food arrived and the maids gently placed the steaks in front of their masters. These steaks were cooked according to the different preferences of the family. His father liked his steak to be medium rare while Xavier liked medium steaks.

His father cut the steak and his steak was warm with a pink and reddish center. "Let us play basketball together tomorrow morning."

Xavier nodded as he also began to cut his steak and ate a slice. He savored it with his eyes closed as it melted in his mouth. When he opened his eyes, he saw his little sister giggling and laughing. "Is it your first time to eat steak brother?

"I am just happy to have a family like ours." Xavier chuckled as he continued eating his food.

He didn't notice that his mother and father had looked at each other with eyes of shock. Did their son change? He wasn't as open as before. Though he would casually tell them he loves them, he would not be so open about what he feels about the family.

Perhaps it was because their son would soon become a high school student. The class would start on June 3. As such, they accepted this change as part of his puberty. How would they react if they found out that his mind was actually that of their 36-year old son?

They consumed the steaks without leaving a single meat on their plates except with his little sister that had so little tummy. Her steak was already downsized but she still left a bit of food before running to their mother. "Mom, you have to read me a story!"

As Xavier looked at his mother and his little sister, he didn't notice tears dropping from his eyes. His mother saw this as she began to worry. "Darling, are you okay?"

She had already sensed Xavier was acting weird today. He began to hug her when he saw her in the morning. He played basketball though they were aware of his weak and frail body. His parents were unsure of what's happening but maybe it was a period for Xavier that they have to understand.

"I am okay, Mom. Just some dust got in my eyes."

Xavier turned around and wiped his tears that unknowingly fell. His emotions were unstable currently as memories of the hardships they would experience in the future resurfaced in his mind. 'I will do my best to protect you.'

There were a lot of changes that will happen in the future. A lot of scheming within the Zero Family that would make his little sister's heart cold.

This was one of the key events that Xavier had completely written down in the notebook. A pandemic that would affect all businesses and it had even made some really greedy to sell the Zero Group. One of those greedy people was their uncle and his son.

However, with his help, the Zero Group flourished until his accident in the year 2037. It would become one of the leading corporations.

Xavier assured his mother that everything was okay and he went to his bedroom. He wasn't really the emotional type. Seeing the difference in emotions from his little sister had caused him to remember the sufferings that are bound to come.

Though he would never eliminate all of it as some were necessary to one's growth, he promised himself that he will do his best not to let them suffer.

Xavier turned off the light and switched on the lamp. There was no rush as he had already written all of the events that he could remember. For now, what he needed was a complete sleep. He had also agreed to the game of basketball with his father.

The night passed quickly and morning arrived.

Xavier was still deeply asleep when his father walked to his room's door and knocked consecutively. "Wake up. Let's play."

A few more rounds of knocking and shouting had been done before Xavier's eyes opened.

He squinted his eyes to look at the time. It was only five o'clock in the morning. He stood up from his bed and opened the lights as well as the door when his father suddenly pushed a jersey shirt and shorts to his chest. "Here change to this and go to the court. Don't sleep again!"

In all honesty, Xavier was still sleepy but his father was also busy and he understood that he wanted to play with his son. This would be the very first time they would play basketball together. Though, they were still able to bond through some occasional games of chess.

Xavier went to the washroom and gurgled a mouthwash. He then washed his whole face before wiping it dry with a face towel. He then went to the walk-in closet and changed into this new jersey and basketball shorts.

It was only last night that his father knew he played basketball and he was still able to buy him a set of basketball clothes. His father was really his best support now and in the future.

He went to the basketball court and saw his father doing some practice shooting. When it bounced toward Xavier, his father turned around and smiled when he saw his son. "The clothes look good on you. Later tonight, I will buy fifty sets for you."

Although Xavier felt that his father was recklessly wasteful, he understood his support and thanked him. His father could be misunderstood at times when he spoils his family. However, what other people didn't know was that he was a great father and mentor.

Charles let his son do some practice shooting and he was amazed with how accurate his shots are. "Let us play a game."

Xavier stopped and caught the bouncing ball as he nodded. He had yet to practice his ball handling and rebounding but he was still familiar with the rules. He would usually watch an NBA game whenever there was a chance in his previous life.

"You take a shot in the free throw line." Charles pointed his index finger to the line and Xavier understood what to do. This was a common rule in street basketball, a deciding factor of who will get the ball first.

With no sweat, Xavier made the shot and his father threw him the ball. Charles was relaxed as he watched his son's moves.

Xavier was only doing a simple dribble when he took a shot. It went in and his father's face became all serious. He noticed that his father was guarding him intensely now.

Although Xavier could keep up and run towards him, it was impossible to win against his father's height. He was only around five foot tall currently and Charles was a few inches away from being a six footer.

The score was currently 1-0 in favor of Xavier. First one to reach 21 would be the winner. However, his father stole the ball from him. Charles had easily taken a shot without contest from his son.

This went on until the score became 7-1 in favor of Charles. Though, he could feel that his son was able to keep up. It was getting harder and harder to leave Xavier behind as his defense had evolved at a fast rate.

Sweat drenched the clothes of the father and son duo. Xavier's face became serious and he felt that he was improving tremendously. His father was a lot stronger and taller while he was just a kid.

This was the reason why Charles kept getting shocked. Although he wanted to play easy with him, he could not do so as Xavier kept on defending against him.

After trying to leave Xavier behind through his handles, Charles attempted to take a shot.

However, Xavier blocked his shot entirely. He didn't know his son was talented in basketball.