

Hearing his words, Alwin reluctantly stepped down the stage. Ernest took his position and stood before the guest inside the restaurant.

Below him are a bunch of people discussing who to blame for their misery. Their piercing gaze made him release a bead of sweat. After all, they are the people who want answers.

Now that he is standing before them waiting for him to speak, Ernest had a little bit of a problem.

'What should I say to these people? I don't have any idea at all. I just got carried away by the mission and subconsciously decided to make a speech.'

A chime sound rang inside him as a computer interface appeared in front of him.

[Creating speech...processing...100% Successful. Speech is now created based on the earlier discussion. Current probability of success...63%]

And then, a text appeared. It seems that this is the speech articulated by the system.

Ernest made up his mind. He will just read it right? His eyes sparkled in anticipation, and the edges of his mouth were curled in a confident smile.

"Greetings everyone...Most of you don't know me or almost everyone here doesn't know me so before I make my speech, let me introduce myself." Ernest started. "My name is Ernest Gonzales, your fellow citizen of the Kingdom Crentis."

He shifted on a high tone. "Everyone we are all experiencing the worst and yet here we are, blaming each other. Instead of helping each other, we destroy each other's reputation and dignity we built together ever since the founding of our nation. We laughed together, we cried together, we fought together, all of that became an aspect of our lives, and here we are, depressed, dejected, looking for someone to blame. Looking for someone who destroyed the tranquility and peace our founding fathers created because they believe that humans and other races can live together.

Now, here we are, destroyed inside and outside. So who's responsible? Is it because of the Elves? Dwarves? Beastman? Human ideology? No. That's not the reason why. The reason for our suffering is caused by those outside our border who think they are mighty, right, and divine that we should follow their ideals and exterminate the very one aspect that created our country. Which is to coexist with other races."

Ernest paused, keenly hearing at the people's muttering below. They seemed to realize what their situation was.

"Let me ask you, my people. Why do you think the Empire didn't invade and exterminate demi-humans? Is it because they can't? They are the top military in the world, I'm sure invading us would be easy along with the help of their allies. But why not? Why did they force our country to surrender and not uphold their ideals? Which is to exterminate the inferior race? Let me tell you the answer to that easy question. It's because it's part of their plan!"


"What are you insinuating?"

Questioned the confused crowd.

"Yes, my people! It's part of their plan! They want us to create a civil war between humans and demi-humans and destroy each other from within. And once we do that the Empire will siege in and uphold their very ideals. This is in fact happening now! Look at us! Blaming each other to the point it almost turned into a fight. This is what they want! The Empire wants us to kill our fellow countrymen! People! Your judgment has been clouded! Elves are not the ones who caused our misery! Neither the other races nor the humans. It's because of the Empire! And I'm fucking sure that this is happening to any other cities. People you need to wake up!"

Ernest panted as he became out of breath. Saying that fluidly sure takes a lot of oxygen. However, it was worth it. The people below him are in their realization. Like something sparked inside them.

The system chimed.

[Probability of success: 89% Continue persuading!]


"My comrades! My fellow people! It's the Empire's fault! It's the Empire's fault that many of our citizens die from exploitation, slavery, and unjustified killings! Do you think it's our fault that our country is in ruins?"

"No!" Shouted Alwin, "It's the fucking Empire!"

"That's right! It's the Empire." Another gang chimed in.

"Let me ask you again, people. Who's at fault here?"

"IT'S THE EMPIRE!!" shouted everyone.

"And what should we do to the Empire!"


"Make them pay!"

He puffed out his chest proudly and loudly offered a question to the band of people.

"Brothers and sisters—now that we know the cause of our suffering—what should we call them?"

"Swine!" replied everyone.

"Should we allow them to continue their atrocious works?"

"No!" Yelled the demi-humans.

"What if they have a change of heart? Promise never to bother us again?" Asked Ernest, with a coy smile creeping across the corners of his mouth.

"That'd be lying!" yelled the scruffy old man from the human side.

"They can't be trusted!" Said the beastman's representative.

"Then what is to be done with them?" Asked Ernest.

"They must die!" Shouted Alwin, his hatred beyond his years.

Others yelled out in agreement until the phrase echoed across the restaurant: "Swine must die!" "The Empire must fall!"

Ernest nodded, as if he were slowly being persuaded by their words.

"So it must be."

Ernest descended from the stage.

"People before we do that, we need to liberate our people who are still under your old mindset. We must show that the Empire is the enemy and not our countrymen!"

"That's right! Liberate our people!"

"Ernest! Ernest! Ernest! Ernest!"

Cheers rang loudly as if it was thunder. Passersby from the street who heard their constant praise inside were attracted and decided to join the cause.

Hearing their cheers, Ernest can't help but laugh inwardly. 'I can't believe it worked.'

[Probability of Success...100%]

He looked to his side, where Sophia was. She was also joining the hype of the people, which makes him somehow happy.

He returned to the stage once more and spoke one last time.

"Everyone...No, my fellow comrades. It makes me happy that we are now united…"

"Yes! Sorry, Alwin for shouting at you earlier. I was stupid back then." Said Wayne.

"Don't be Wayne, I should be the one to say sorry to you...After the war, I've developed a prejudice towards humans. But the humans that I'm referring to you now are outside our border."

"Yes...we should forgive each other."

Each party reconciled to one another after being liberated by Ernest. He waited for them to end.

Several minutes later, it finally stopped. Ernest continued speaking.

"My fellow comrades. I promise you that I will fix this. I will return the glory of the Kingdom of Centris and make the Empire bow before us."

"Ernest! Ernest! Ernest! Ernest!"

They shot their arms up proudly as they chanted his name proudly together.

After his speech, Ernest was approached by many people, thanking him for showing them the way. Ernest happily engaged and interacted with those people. It lasted for about three hours until the leaders of each race decided to have a meeting tomorrow for his next speech to another district of the city.

"Phew." Ernest wiped off the sweat on his forehead with the back of his arm. "It took longer than I expected."

The night had already descended, making the street partially dark. Partially because the streets were lit by a pole similar to an electric pole which is the main source of light. It was powered by a magic stone that illuminates when amped by magic. He was not surprised that this world doesn't have electricity yet.

"Ernest...Who are you?" Asked Sophia who's pearl-like blue eyes gazing at him.

"I'm Ernest…"

"No, I mean where are you from? I don't think you're a traveler. There's no way that you can know the internal issues of the country by just listening to them."

"Huh? What do you mean? They already highlighted it in their argument earlier. I just took advantage of it." Ernest said calmly.

"What do you mean by that? Sorry, if I ask a lot of questions."

'No, it's okay. I'll tell you." Ernest faced Sophia. "Sophia, the trick here is understanding the nature of the resentment that already exists and presenting yourself as the means to overcome that as the means to get even with the people that you resent. For example, earlier. I used their resentment and I redirected them to the Empire which is the one who's clearly at fault and it worked perfectly. The reason? Common grievances bring people together and it makes them feel very good because you have solidarity for having a strong leader leading them against the threat from the outside."

Sophia gasped in amazement. So that's how he unified the people back there huh? Using their rage and frustration. What a scary man.

"Sophia, can you read?"


"Can you write?"

"Yes? Why?"

"Can you do basic arithmetic like addition or subtraction?"

"Yes. Why are you asking me that suddenly?"

"Hmm, that's weird. Aren't you supposed to be a commoner? I thought commoners here don't have access to education."

Sophia puffed out her ample chest. "Hmph! I studied by myself. Knowledge is power because I have a dream. I want to become a teacher someday."

"Teacher? You have a good aspiration." Ernest said. Which makes Sophia blushed at his genuine words.


"Yes, but for now, care to become my secretary?"

"Secretary?" Sophia tilted her head to the side.

"Yes. It seems as though I will be the leader of the party. They showed their support for me earlier. A leader needs a trusted servant. And I can't think of anyone other than you."

"Uhm…" Sophia lowered her head.

"It will be a tough job but are you in?" Ernest asked as he leaned close to her face.

"Ngh…." Sophia startled cutely, "O-Okay…I will do my best…" Sophia stammered out her decision.

"Good." Ernest extended his hand, offering a handshake. "Shall we seal it with a traditional handshake?"


They both shook their hands, sealing the deal.