
『 God of Shinobi 』

Reborn in the world of Naruto with the One Click System..."Now the world is in my hands"

InfinityKing · 漫画同人
2 Chs


In the middle of nowhere there was a red spirit orb that was floating amidst the void. Although it couldn't talk or move it could still think and the only thing on its mind was 'Where am I' which was the normal reaction for all spirits within the void. Unlike other spirits which were white, this spirit was bright red which represents how much + Karma or - Karma a soul has. Even though having + Karma would be everyone's goal, do not be fooled by the two faced god who preaches good but his actions are evil. The universe's indomitable power ran off of the sins of mortals which empowers the universe. + Karma spirits are given 3 wishes but - Karma spirits are given 1 less wish but their wishes are infinitely more powerful compared to + Karma.

The red spirit was suddenly transported into a room with multiple universes shown on the walls and unknown symbols painted on the floor. There was a figure who floated in front of him which seemed to be at least 7 feet tall and its body was a galaxy. The figure floated with its back turned and hands behind its back, never turning around once it still spoke to our red spirit.

'Welcome to the Room of Reincarnation...Your - Karma is immensely powerful..it seems you were a warlord in your star system...one whom managed to slaughter 5.7 billion...plunge your world into an apocalypse...cause nuclear warfare among all the countries...and eventually led to the destruction of your planet...no wonder you shine so brightly. The requirement for one extra wish is save/slaughter 3 billion people...300,000 more and you could have had 2 extra...we will start the reincarnation process now...state your wishes?'

The red spirit took in all of this information and dared not to interrupt this being, not because of fear but as a sign of great respect for the opportunity and also the power this being presented. He thought about how much power he could have right at his fingertips with this opportunity and he thought hard about it. 'Would a wish be used if I chose a world ?'

'Excellent question...No. You are free to go wherever you want...only under one condition...You must conquer that world...Remember my name...you will make all worship me...as for I am Chaos King Amon...there are many gods whom are both above me in power and divinity...through years of hard work I have managed to gain enough divine power to establish my own reincarnation chain system and through deception I have gained my power by making the righteous believe in my power of absolute 'cause and justice' and by proving to evil spirits such as you that I can grant them enormous power...enough where they can conquer and rule their own lands...In exchange for making a world devote themselves to me, you will be granted tiny fractions...pieces of divinity that will ascend you a step higher into godhood...that is all that I ask for...'

Red spirit didn't even have to ponder long about this as this was a win-win deal in his eyes and he didn't read any hints of deception or loopholes in this speech that would somehow make him a slave to this person in the future.

'Well since I was going to conquer my said world regardless, I think its only fair that I receive this fraction of divinity now...as for the world I wish to be born in, I choose Naruto. I loved that manga so much...I remember kidnapping the creator and forcing him to rewrite the manga and make Madara win the war hahaha. For my first wish I want the One Click System so I can instantly master anything I learn...that will be my first step to conquering their world. For my second wish I want to be born a direct descendant of the Otsutsuki God...I am not to sure what will come from this but I am certain that Dojutsu such as Jougan and even Rinnegan will all come natrually to me...my chakra reserves will also be on godly levels and will also have more divine power within me than Kaguya herself,all chakra natures and many more useful benefits. For my final wish I want the ability to remove any restrictions/limitations that would prevent me from using my power at all times...such as if I wanted to learn another clans jutsu, death seal without sacrificing my soul, eight gates whenever I want without dying, etc'

Listening to these requests, the god approved of what Red spirit would ask for while also laughing at his offer for early divinity. There was nothing more to be said as the wishes were already made and Amon started the reincarnation process and using his power to grant Red Spirit these already divine abilities and everything flashed bright white like a flash grenade had gone off. Suddenly Red Spirit now know as 'Madara Uchiha' woke up in the middle of the night in the uchiha clan compound. As he gained the memories of this child, he was now 7 years old in the body of a child who was named after the famed Madara Uchiha. He also remembers hearing news of the prodigy 6 year old who had recently been promoted to Chunin and instinctively said to himself

"War is coming..."

Prepare for the entire shinobi land to be conqeured. Will everyone sit Idle and watch as this new threat appears on the planet or will the 4th Great Ninja War be started early?

InfinityKingcreators' thoughts