


A few weeks ago, when Emery was offered the Khaos champion position, he found himself in a dilemma.

Accepting the mantle of the champion would make him a beacon, easily detectable by the other champion, thereby endangering not only his intricate plan but also the lives of those who depended on him. He chose to wait until everyone was safe, and the time was right to rise to the title.

However, every decision bore consequences, and Emery soon found that his choice was no different. By positioning himself as bait, a confrontation with the other champion seemed inevitable. The stakes were high, and the options before Emery were stark in their simplicity: to fight or to flee.

The power of Khaos offered him possibilities, a myriad of paths that stretched beyond the mundane. He could create waypoints, doorways through space that allowed him to teleport away to other known waypoints, escaping the grasp of the other champion. But such power was not his alone. The other champion, skilled in the ways of Khaos, could detect the traces of Emery's waypoints and use the same arcane energies to chase him, a relentless pursuit through the fabric of reality.

Emery had considered this and found ways to minimize the problem. But the risk was significant. A single mistake, and he might lead the other champion to the existence of the other Gate. A Gate he had been keeping in secret, hidden away to protect his home, Earth.

Fighting, then, became not just an option but a necessity. Yet even in battle, uncertainty lingered. The Guardian, a being linked to the mysteries of Khaos, had warned him about a peculiar phenomenon. When the two Khaos champions met, when the two gates, entwined with the fabric of space and shadow, were in close proximity, something profound would occur. Khaos itself, the Master of space and darkness, would act.

As Emery stood there, the weight of these thoughts heavy on his mind, the warning became reality. Before him, the air seemed to quiver, and a message resonated within his being:

<The time has come. Prepare yourself.>

The energy between Emery and Ezzekiel was palpable. The raw, unbridled power of Khaos that emanated from Ezzekiel found a responsive chord in Emery, and as the two forces met, the world around them reacted.

Space itself seemed to ripple and contort. The vast citadels and the sprawling landscapes stretching for miles around them were swallowed by an endless abyss. This void was thick, with Khaos energy, a foreboding expanse where the usual rules of reality no longer seemed to apply.

In the midst of this chaotic whirlpool of power stood Ezekiel, transformed. His aura, always formidable, was now amplified, radiating a dominance that seemed to push against the very boundaries of this new reality. When he spoke, his voice was laden with disdain and curiosity.

"It baffles me how you've resisted becoming the Khaos champion. By the time our duel ends, you'll wish you had."

Emery, ever attuned to the shifts in energy around him, felt a sudden surge. It was Ezekiel, channeling his power, summoning something from the very depths of Khaos. From behind the enigmatic dark elf, a dark wisp began to form. Initially, it was a mere specter, a faint shadowy outline. But with each passing moment, it gained substance, its form solidifying, its details becoming more pronounced.

Its defining features were two mammoth horns, jutting out menacingly from its forehead. Every inch of its body screamed raw, untamed power, a primal force that seemed to defy containment. Towering over both Emery and Ezekiel, its sheer size was a testament to its might. An aura of dread emanated from it, making the bravest of hearts quiver.

Ezekiel, a smirk playing on his lips and pride evident in his voice, introduced the beast. "Meet the embodiment of my Khaos power, my guardian, the mighty Tarrasque."

Emery could discern its features more clearly now. It resembled an Earth dragon, standing majestically on two massive feet. Its body, covered with a thick, protective carapace, sported a sinewy tail. Numerous spikes, looking as deadly as they were ornate, adorned its frame. Its maw, filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth. And when it roared, the very fabric of space seemed to quake. Emery could sense a potent gravitational force emanating from it, making the ground beneath them shudder and heave.

The atmosphere was thick with tension, every ounce of it magnified by the Tarrasque's dominating presence. With a predatory gleam in his eyes, Ezekiel's voice was icy, the finality of his words echoing through the void. "Now you die!!" With a battle cry that seemed to channel the spirit of the mighty creature itself, Ezekiel lunged towards Emery, the shadow of the Tarrasque, a dark and menacing specter, trailing behind him, augmenting his already formidable strength.

Emery could feel the weight of that charge, the sheer force of Ezekiel combined with the overwhelming might of the Tarrasque bearing down on him. The ground beneath him seemed to liquefy, making every movement a Herculean task. As Ezekiel drew closer, a palpable aura of dread enveloped Emery, sapping his strength, making it nearly impossible to prepare any form of defense.

In his desperate moment, Emery's instincts took over. Reaching into his inventory, he pulled out several vials labeled 'Tier 6 [Chthulhu Bomb].' With a swift motion, he hurled them at the oncoming Ezekiel, a last-ditch attempt to fend off the inevitable.


The ensuing explosion was cataclysmic. A shockwave of energy radiated outwards, its force pushing Emery back, slamming him into the citadel walls. The debris, the thick cloud of dust, and the overpowering sound of the blast temporarily clouded his senses. Pain shot through every fiber of his being; he could feel the sting of the impact, the bruises forming on his skin.

As the dust began to settle and Emery's vision started to clear, a silhouette emerged through the smoke. To his disbelief, Ezzekiel stood there, unscathed, an aura of invulnerability around him. The mere fact that such a potent explosive didn't leave a mark spoke volumes about the protective measures surrounding the dark elf.

Was it the guardian's doing, or was it the very essence of Khaos shielding him?

From the shadows, the deep, foreboding voice of the guardian Cthulhu resonated, its message clear and ominous. <Accept the title now, or you will die.>

Emery's heart weighed heavy. The realization that Khaos had seemingly favored his adversary, arming him with powers while he was not yet a champion, left a bitter taste in his mouth.

But amid this turmoil, the truth remained. Without the powers of Khaos, he was outmatched. And even if he survived this encounter, he needed its strength to leave this world.

Taking a deep breath, resignation in his eyes but determination in his heart, Emery whispered, "I accept."

The very fabric of reality seemed to stretch and contort around Emery as he felt the space around him come to a standstill. The void, previously a formless abyss, gave way to an ethereal doorway that beckoned him with its enigmatic allure. While no words were spoken, Emery felt an unmistakable pull, an unspoken invitation drawing him towards the threshold.

As he crossed into this new realm, a sensation of weightlessness washed over him. The inky expanse of space sprawled out before him, stars shimmering like distant lanterns in an endless night. The awe of the universe's vastness was overwhelming, a sea of darkness punctuated by specks of light.

Yet, as breathtaking as the sight was, it was the formidable presence in front of him that truly demanded Emery's attention. An entity made of vast, billowing clouds of gray, with a single beam of pure light piercing through the darkness, focusing intently on Emery. It was a gaze that seemed to penetrate the depths of his soul.

In the presence of this being, words seemed almost redundant. A clear, profound message transmitted directly into Emery's consciousness, "Master of Space, ruler of darkness, The universe within grasp, seek what you desire."

A recollection of Morgana's tales flooded his mind. The similarities were uncanny; this entity, with its awe-inspiring presence, bore a striking resemblance to the Light wisp from the planet of Andora. This confirmed what Emery had always suspected - that there was an undeniable link between Khaos and the primordial wisps.

The lure of home, with its familiar comforts, was strong, but he was acutely aware of the peril he faced. Shaking off the temptation, Emery squared his shoulders, meeting the entity's gaze with newfound resolve.

"Let me be a champion of Khaos," he proclaimed.

A tangible shift occurred. Emery felt his very being resonating with an unseen force. The space vibrated, stars sped past in a frenetic dance, and the cosmos itself seemed to acknowledge Emery's transformation. Within moments, he found himself back in the heart of the elven citadel, his core pulsating with newfound energy.

A voice, both ancient and familiar, resonated within him.

<Now, I can freely help your battle,>

Almost instantly, a formidable shadow rose behind Emery. The guardian Cthulhu, channels its formidable power into Emery, equipping him with the means to finally face Ezekiel on equal ground.

To be continued