This is about a girl wanting a love of a boy but haves to wait for it she most go though may stages to finally have he’s love it would be hard but she will try to accomplish it no matter what even if it takes may Recreations and even if he is with someone else . The girls name is aiko and the boy name is ray The other girl name is Emma This is probably based on The promised Neverland but have of it is not so yea enjoy
I walk round in the Forest look for ray and Emma since it was time to go inside for dinner and mama asked to got get them .
I walk an l walk and then l hear whispering so l followed it and what l seen was disturbing it made my stomach turn .
Ray my boyfriend my one and only was with Emma my best friend and they where making out . Emma's back was push up a tree and ray was on top of her . I couldn't believe what l am seeing .
"R-ray what are you d-doing" my voice was shaking because l was crying . They both look at me in shock quickly getting off each other . "Aiko please this is not what it looks like ...
l-let me explain" ray was fully aware of what he did and he was guilty about it Emma was just there with her head down in shame .
I wipe my tears off my face and claimed my breathing and said "ray , Emma it's time to go home mother is wanting for us" my face was emotionless no trace of emotion was on my face.
"Aiko - " "l wish to not speak of what just happened here let's go mother is waiting remember" l sill had no emotion on my face , he nod and so did Emma .
We walk back to the house in deadly silence .
———————time skip ⏭
"Everyone please gather around I have important news to say" l heard mother say
"Aiko had been chosen by a lovely family to be taken in, she will be leaving tomorrow in the night " ( just to let you all know ray , Norman , Emma , and Aiko all know the Secret of the monsters ) everyone was shock and some where crying , what you didn't know was that ray and they other older ones where in feared and sadness that you were going to be killed , but you sill had an emotionless face on and walk up stairs to the Library to at least read one more book before you died/killed ... whatever
"Aiko please we need to get you out of here before they take you and kill you " Norman yelled worried and scared 'l feel bad for you Norman you don't even know what have Emma done to you' "let's make a pay before any-" "No" l cut off ray before he can even finished " what do you mean No, aiko we can lose you ,.. l can't lose you l love you " that got my blood boiling l then yelled out in a cold and seriously tone " you weren't thinking that when l found you and Emma making out in the Forest , or did you for get that. You are a liar and you betrayed me the both of you and l might forgive the both of you but l will never forget " l said in the most coldest tone l ever did , my words surprising Norman and the other to "Emma you kissed r-ray " Norman was devastated and in tears of what he just have heard " l-l lm sorry Norman lm really am " that's all Emma could say and now it was rays turn to speak "aiko , Norman lm sorry but please aiko we need to get you out so you want get killed by those monsters" l look at them and then turned away say "good night" before leaving and going to bed
"n-Norman " Emma stuttered "lm sorry Emma but l hope your happy with yourself but l say this for me and aiko ....." Norman started while walking to door before leaving for bad also he saying in and cold tone with a sweet smile "it's over" and he left .
In the next day in the night:
By aiko we will miss you, one kid would say and the next would say please write to us . You give them and small smile and was leave but was stoped bye Emma yelling for you to stay or run , you just with up to her and whispered in her ear " Tell ray that l will always love him in this left and the next and also tell Norman that l will miss him dearly" l back up form her ear "please aiko you can sill run and go " "their nothing for me to run for you and ray toke that l can see that he no longer loved me in he's eyes and that he loved you so l give you my last wish pleasant keep making him happy the way l could not " after that l left with mama .
"Your suitcase is empty aiko" mother said
"It's not like l can take any of what l have with me where lm going " l replay sill with that small smile on " mom can l ask you something " she hum in response " have you ever been in love and suddenly they hurt you by
leaving " she stops and thinks . She didn't respond and kept walking so l asked her something else " hey mom can you tell ray that even tho he hurt he that l sill loved him forever " that when she turns and looks at me " yes l will tell him " And then we continue to walk .
A old looking woman and a discussing disturbing monster was their waiting for me ,
The woman asked that l had to choices one l can die and be come food or that l can be come the next mom for this place she told me to choose so l did ...
"I pick Death "
And before l know it l was pick up by the monster and he or she .. it was holding something coming close to me we're my heart was and then l Felt pain and then l seen darkness . All l can think was
What ray had done to me
' l Shall love you forever and forever even
If it