
Chapter 86 – Doctor in Dawn city.

"Are you sure about this?!" – asked the guard who was running through the streets alongside few other guards.

"Yea! Somebody had broken into the Evilin workshop and people even saw the unknown person just killing the guards before then entering the smith!" – said the panicking guard.

"Shit! They are after Evilin again?!"

"We need to hurry!"

The guards of the city had been alarmed by the unknown assailant who murdered people near the back entrance, alongside the workshop guards, straight up in broad daylight, as if the culprit did not cared if somebody saw him or not.

The guards began rushing straight towards the workshop and as soon as some of them arrived near the workshop, they realized something was wrong.

The guards working for the Evilin workshop were nowhere to be seen and that alarmed the guards extremely, considering the fact that the Evilin himself had boosted up his own workshop defenses.