
[Under Revised]

Have you seen a mana warrior with just an average talent but Super op? __ Kai Scazer is a notorious member of the feared Mercenary Group. He did not expect that one day his luck would run out and he would also be defeated by his enemies. "Am I dead? Where will I go, to heaven or hell? Heh, naturally to the burning fire. With the number of people I've killed." But when he opened his eyes, he was not in the place he expected. In the sky, two large moons could be seen. This is the world of Hestia, the world of the Mana Warriors. ____

Yasuchio · 奇幻
35 Chs


After several hours...

Asroth decided to conduct an experiment and attempted to bring Asrah inside the Time Stone.

But it didn't work.

He also tried it with Frost, but it still didn't work.

However, when Asroth tried bringing other objects like wood, leaves, and magic beast bones inside the Time Stone, he was able to do so.

Now, Asroth realized that except for him, anyone with a Mana Core couldn't enter the Time Stone.

He now knew what he could bring inside. Asroth then tested how long the time difference was inside the Time Stone compared to the real world.

Asroth thought of planting Mana Grass inside the Time Stone to see how fast it would grow there.


The next day...

Asroth was now facing the bedridden White Phantom Magic Beast. It was very weak, but the Magic Beast's Mana was still strong.

Asroth wrapped his hand with Mana and swiftly punched the Magic Beast's head.

It immediately created an airblast around, and upon Asroth's hand hitting the Magic Beast.

It instantly died, and its exploded head spread blood around.

Asroth was still amazed by his current strength. This was the power of a 2nd Level Mana Force!

The strength of a 2nd Level Mana Force was almost 50 times stronger than the 1st level Gathering Mana.

Beside him, Asrah was shocked and astonished at Asroth's current strength, and she was very happy for him.

After killing the Magic Beast, Asroth approached Asrah.

"I'm going inside the Time Stone, Asrah, I'll check on the Mana Grass I planted last night," Asroth said with a smile to Asrah.

"Okay," replied Asrah.

As Asroth entered his Time Stone, he immediately felt the strong Mana around.

Comparing it to the Mana of Feather Village was like comparing clean water to mud.

Asroth looked at the Mana Grass he planted and was surprised to see how big they had grown!

He quickly approached his planted Mana Grass and inspected them closely.

Four months!

The Mana Grass he planted last night was now four months old!

Only eight hours had passed in the real world since he planted it, but four months had passed inside the Time Stone!

If that's the case, then 2 hours is equivalent to one month inside the Time Stone.

And one day in the real world is an entire year inside the Time Stone!

Asroth laughed loudly out of sheer joy.

He could now train inside the Time Stone for an entire year, and only one day would pass in the real world!

Asroth gradually calmed himself and quickly harvested the Magic Grass he planted. There were 50 pieces, and he planned to give them all to Asrah.

He didn't need these Magic Grasses because he had the Time Stone.

And the Mana here inside the Time Stone was 1000 times stronger!

After harvesting all the Mana Grass he planted, Asroth planted another 500 Mana Grass inside the Time Stone in one day.