
Chapter 6

Today was the day.

It was September 1st.

The day I'd been losing sleep over for the last few days out of sheer excitement, when that day finally made it's appearance, the meaning of what it indicated set in.

I was going to Hogwarts.

The school I'd fell in love in my previous life, the only time I'd ever associated positive emotions with something as evil as a school, I was going to be in that building as an student, and a bloody brilliant one at that.

"Okay, Matthew, you can do this," I said, slapping myself in front of the mirror, psyching myself up. I had of course, wore a three piece suit, the muggle kind, mainly because I always wanted to wear one. All my necessities and belongings were in the chain I was wearing around my neck, which was actually my trunk in shrinked form. I had booked a limo to go to station, because a) I had the money and wanted to spend it, b) if you want to go somewhere, why not go in style?

The driver that came with the limo was certainly as professional as advertised, and the journey was undertaken in a pleasant silence, enough to calm myself down and assess critically everything I'd done so far.

On the muggle side of the world, I was quickly becoming known as a genius author, which is a title I really adored to be honest, and had acquired a decent amount of capital, which hopefully will keep on increasing. My Compelling Charms were doing their work, as the banker I'd hired indirectly was being highly efficient without being nosy and had absolutely no greedy thoughts and the people I'd interacted with would only remember a bright and brilliant kid, no messing with the Statue of Secrecy by this young wizard, no sir. Funnily enough, the trace actually worked conjointly with the wands, meaning wandless magic wouldn't really count, as that is a skill thought to possessed by people who aren't needed to be kept an eye on, and this was one big advantage that I'd gained. I'd also taken a few mind-numbingly boring etiquette lessons shortly before McGonagall's much awaited arrival to try to not embarass myself in front of the purebloods, though I am sure the Weasleys would be ahead of myself in that particular race, especially if Ronald Weasley was like the fanfics. I was a muggleborn though, I had undertaken the heritage test at Gringotts, so I suppose I had no need to mingle with those folks. Anyways, I didn't want to maintain much contact with the muggle world, except of course for the occasional visits with the publishers and my banker.

On my side of the world though, I think I had it equally good or even better. I had the knowledge equivalent to a proper fourth year and few topics beyond that. I'd kept myself physically fit, learned hand to hand combat, and had never stopped mana channeling, meaning I would be approaching superhuman levels of strength and speed in a couple of years, 2 or 3 at the max. My magical control was as precise as it could possibly be, and my amount was still increasing, though the exhaustion training was getting harder and harder. My wand had increased my magic sensitivity dramatically and my detection radar had increased so much that I had no idea how big it was, I was never really a keen judger of distances. My repertoire of spells had increased dramatically with that visit in Diagon Alley, and I had created a few of my own too, chief among which where the book reading spell and a spell that I called "Integrator", which would be theoretically be able to consume the essence of the individual I was targeting, i.e. an equal amount of mind, soul and body and integrate those with my own, efficiently. It seemed rather stupid, reckless and horrific even, but if there's one thing I had realised, it was that magic was extremely influenced by intent, emotions and will and I valued my life too much to die by a spell of my own creation or live as a hideous, mutated monster. My first target would be the troll (if the canonical events actually occured, that is) and my main intention of casting the spell would be to acquire the favourable attributes, i.e. increased regeneration and strength, only. Of course, by that point I would have memorized and try to at least partially understand books on self-tranfiguration and healing. Speaking of books, the few occlumency books I had found weren't really helpful but they were enough for my current purposes. It was not as hard as I had initially thought, as perhaps I was a natural occlumens, but that didn't help much with the fact that I had very little time to practice it, so for defense instead of trying to put up a few half-assed shields, I had improvised and instead had turned my mind into a maze and turned a few imaginations into feeling like memories, and as a precaution I had taken to thinking lots of random thoughts at the speed of light whenever I was in a place where I could be facing a legilimens. I had also picked up emotions-controlling fairly easily though I think that was because I had always wanted to be a purely rational, logical person and had above average self-control, which seemed empty boasts now that I think about the Integrator spell but anyways..I had a knack for emotion based occlumency and for now didn't need any efficiency based occlumency. Legilimency was a whole another ballpark but one that I had found to be trivially easy. Perhaps trying to read the mind of an actual wizard would be harder than a random muggle's, but that didn't change the fact that as ridiculous as it sounded, I was apparently a natural legilimens as well. Talk about talent, huh. Tom Riddle got nothing on me.

My limo had arrived at the station at the perfect time, letting me come out of my thoughts on my own, and now it was time to finally take a step towards a world of magic come true.

The rest of the chapters I will upload soon.

WiseOldFoolcreators' thoughts