
Wolf (#2)

Thalia gasped.

"Stilinski...? Are you- are you Claudia's son?" Her voice was barely a whisper, but Stiles could hear the name of his mother like it was screamed, his body stopped for a second as he eyed the Alpha Thalia Hale who had a hopeful yet scared look on her face, and said in his cold, unfeeling, dead voice: "And how do you- Alpha Thalia Hale- knows my mother?" The confirmation was all that she needed, she tried to get up and move forward to try and touch him, she blamed herself, when she found out that her best friend was murdered aling with her husband and her son was taken away, she freaked out. She searched and searched, she considered herself a failure for letting it happen, she wanted forgiveness from her best friend, so every single day on the same say and month she found her best friend dead (Day 7 Month 8), she goes to visit her grave and leave Forget-me-nots.

Stiles, however, noticed the blood. He was making sure to ignore the blood, he hated the blood, every time he saw blood he would be reminded of that day- No, he can't think about it, he needs to ignore it, or else he will start the trigger and once the trigger is pulled the bullet cannot go back. He took a step back and that seemed to physically hurt the Alpha Thalia as she flinched, and if even he noticed it, it also means all 21 (now including Laura Hale) werewolves present could easily see it, there were whines and growls, but Stiles ignored them as his eyes met with the Alpha for a second, just because one of his eyes was completely blind, it didn't mean he couldn't see with it! He could see an etheral illusion, a thread connecting her and a massive black wolf together, it was her wolf that is connected to her soul. He could also see every single wolf connected to every single Werewolf here, he could always see it, along with everything that is etheral or invisible! This was the necessary sacrifice to get the [True Sight] ability.

This ability albeit rare, its relatively easy to get, all you gotta do is mutilate yourself, taking out your eyeband trading it with the Goddess of Vision and Truth, Empheris, and she'll grant you a new eye that grows on the place of the sacrificed eye as well as you need to activate it, and to activate it you need energy, which Stiles used electricity to activate it, and once activated it cannot be unactivated. He also saw the way the wolf connected to Derek Hale, the hottie Stiles kissed (Because he wanted to and it felt like the right thing to do) his wolf was, surprisingly enough, white! Strange isn't? While hus mother's and sister's wolves are completely black, his is completely white with no patches or marks of any other colors... Just like Stiles' left eye. "Fuuhh..." Sighing, Stiles moved towards Derek, whose body went stiff when Stiles touched his arm with his slander fingers and whispered: "Our little contract still up... You'll be kissing me, forever."

Derek blushed, he was so red a tomato would be jealous of how red he was, no, scratch that! Even fire, magma, blood would be jealous of how red Derek's face was. His wolf was purring under the attention of his Mate, being touched by his Mate brought joy to the wolf and Stiles could see it as the wolf had his eyes closed and was slowly lying down to beg for belly scratches when Derek snapped out of it to see Stiles' white eye moving independently out of his socket and crawling over on his cheek with spider-like appendages that made its crawling way easier. Derek should have thought it was disgusting, but no, all he felt was wonder as the eye moved over to his left eye and suddenly fused together with it. He could see everything, small glowing orbs that had several colors, from red, blue, yellow, to green, purple, black, and even brown and white! He could also see little stone creatures crawling around, little leaf creatures walking on the trees, and little winged horses made out of clouds moving too close to trees...

"What...?" Was all he could muster to say as the world around him was so... Alive.

"Fascinating, isn't?" He turned his head to see Stiles with his left eye closed while his right one was open, Derek could see a dark aura around Stiles, but the aura was a mark, it felt like a mark, it was faint, but there. He then noticed, Stiles right eye was glowing white as well, he could see what he was seeing, and for some reason he felt a little giddy and excited, like this was- "A date?" Stiles'voice startled him as he looked at him, he didn't know that but his face was a little pink, his heartbeat was rapid, and he smelled of embarrassment and a little bit of lust. They were in their own little world, ignoring everyone around, until Laura's voice broke through the pink bubbles and romantic atmosphere around them:

"I'm sorry for interrupting the two lovebirds, but who the F is he!?" Cursing without cursing, Laura aggressively pointed her finger towards Stile, who frowned and pointed at himself nefore smirking confidently: "Little ol' me? I'm just, you know, a little man with a 'spark' and talent for magic." Laura tilted her head, confused, and Derek snickered when he saw her wolf do the same... Saw her wolf... "What the fuck!?" Derek was more than surprised, he was stupefied, he was amazed, he was mesmerized! "It's that her wolf?" Ignoring his mother's 'Language' from behind him, Derek's white eye just looked at Laura's full black wold that now had red eyes. "You can even see your own wolf, big boy." It was true, he could, he was so impressed he tried to touch it, but his hands went through as if the wolf was a mere mirage.

"Sorry but you can't touch it, big boy. I can." Stiles reached out and touched the wolf's ear, making both the wolf and Derek flinch when the contact was made because Derek could feel it as well! Then came the rubbing behind the ear, it made Derek close his eyes as the hands of his Mate touched his ears, neck, nose, and finally jaw... Before Derek could react, Stiles was already on his arms, touching the real him, and not the wolf anymore. "I-" Derek gulped, but he could hear his Uncle: "Can you two stop this? Some of us don't want to see this clear and public display of lust, we can all smell you, Derek!" The chuckles followed after, everyone was relieved no one died, well, no one permanently died.

"My name is Thalia Hale, and i sincerely hope we can talk, Mr. Stilinski." This was like a stab, last time he heard someone say 'Mr. Stilinski' it was referred to his father, and not him. "I officially invite you to our pack house, so we may discuss all or this even through tea and hopefully understand what happened here better." Stiles had to give it to her, Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak taught him etiquette as well as magic, fighting skills, brewing of potions, alchemy, runes, languages of every single plane of existence and every single race, as well as every single special magical language like [Druidic], the language studied and spoken only by druids due to their connection to nature that permits them to communicate without the use of words, only magical vibrations and the occasional buzz or sprout of a plant. "I Avi'Barish Morclebuk-Norvectum gladly accept your invitation, i shall bring to the reunion myself alongside a delicious bottle of wine." This was the proper way to accept an invitation, you say your full name (unless you're on the Feywild or dealing with a Fey, since they can take your full mame if you say it), you then accept the invitation, and then you say what you'll bring to the meeting! Be it information, food, drinks, or even just yourself.

"Huh. Very well." Thalia felt a little surprised by the manners the man presented to her when the invitation was formally given like the Alpha Laws are written, but she gave it notl thought other than him being polite and not refusing a meeting, since you know, its rude to deny a meeting with an Alpha when the Alpha themselves ask for the meeting. "Shall we go now?" She politely asked the man, who simply nodded but did not let go of the hand that was holding her son's hand, she smiled happy to see her son blushing at the touch of his Mate, Thalia could easily discern that yes, Stiles Stilinski was her son's Mate. This day, it was a blessing in disguise, even though she died, her children (Derek and Laura) became Alphas while she continued to be an Alpha herself... 'I need to train Derek as well now, he will, in the future, have his own pack.' She thought, a little sad her son would have to separate from her pack due to the fact that there cannot be more than one Alpha in a Pack.

That is unnatural, at least according to the laws of Nature, as says Deaton.

After a few minutes walking, 20 minutes to be exact, they arrived at the pack house. Most if the non-mated wolves were annoyed at how Stiles kept holding Derek's hand and whispering things to him, they couldn't hear it because they could only see his lips moving, but no sound coming out. How did they know it was for Derek? Because they could smell in the air the lust, they could hear his hearbeat flutter, and they could see the shy smile as well as the little anxious fiddling of his fingers when Stiles would smirk, they were talking- No, Stiles was talking to Derek and and Derek was listening... But it came to a moment where Derek blushed hard and whispered: "Shut up, Stiles." While Stiles giggled so hard tears were coming out of the corner of his eyes.

This exchange made it obvious to every wolf, Stiles and Derek were Mates.

"We've arrived." Thalia announced and Stiles turned to look at the Hale pack house and instantly raised his eyebrow in surprise. There were a lot of Fire Protection Wards here, some were Fire Annulation Wards, and others were even Fire Absorption Wards... The children came running, some were crying while others had worry and fear in their faces, some were curious about Derek who was holding hands with another guy, but these questions can be answered later. "Children, please restraint yourselves, we have an important guest right now. I know you all are preoccupied and anxious about your parents, they're all fine, no one was permanently hurt... Parents, please take care of your young pups while i take our guest to my office. Miranda, can you make us some tea, if you wouldn't mind?" Miranda, an older woman with a grey long hair, wearing a green-purple casual long floral dress, her kind facial features brings thks grandmother vibe around her, making anyone relax in her presence.

"Of course my dear, I'll prepare some cookies as well." She left to the kitchen before anyone could comment, Thalia smiled softly and invited Stiles inside, he entered while dragging Derek with him. This did not escape the pack's eyes, many of the older members smiled while the teens had smirks at Derek's clear embarrassment, some were even surprised by how cool Stiles looked with his clothes and scar on his left eye that was now back to its socket. As they arrived at the 4th floor by taking the ladders and entered Thalia's officer, was when Stiles relaxed a little and turned to tease Derek more... He was truly enjoying teasing Derek so much right now, he looked extremely adorable how he would blush and even lose balance when he used [Message], a simple cantrip that makes so that only one person can hear him, but he modified a little so Derek couldn't answer back so his answer could be heard by everyone around, so he could be even more flustered.

"So." Thalia's voice, once again, broke through the bubble of affection and love that Stiles so carefully built around them, almost aggressively snapping in an explosive matter, sending pink aura all around .. Not that any of them could see it anyway. "You already know my name, and we already know yours, can you tell us some things about yourself?" Stiles smiled and pushed his hand forward, a small hole appeared in front od his fingers, on the other side the hole were countless stars in a purple veil that moved sharply, soon his hand was inside the hole and he pulled out of it a light green crystal bottle with golden embroidery designs that formed a word: [Eilfermil]. "Well, we can play 20 questions? It's been a while since I've been to Earth... 16 years specifically." He smiled as Derek fiddled with the fingers of his hand, hesitantly touching the scars he had, Derek himself had scars from Wolfsbane coated weapons that did not properly heal as well as magical wounds that would sometimes throb when the magic acted once again, making him feel pain.

Such time had to be now, right?

Derek clenched his teeth when a sudden pain hit his body, it was located on his abdomen, where the magic black lightning had hit him, it would send waves of electricity through his body and it hurts a lot. "Are you okay, Derek?" Stiles asked a little confused at the action Derek took of clenching his teeth tightly, he sent a wave of magic to locate whatever was making his Mate doing this and he found a foul, black mark of lightning, this was a mark of someone who had bern hurt by black magic... There were several through Derek's body. Fire, Lightning, Ice, Air, and even Nightmares... he would feel the pain every time, as if he was just recently affected by the magic. Stiles felt furious, its so simple to remove these marks, why hasn't the magic user of this pack removed it!? "[Puratis]" He muttered, his hand glowed a deep gold before this energy spreaded into Derek's body, eliminating every single mark as if they were bugs being squatted, there was still the mark that the bug was once there, so he had to get rid of that mark as well!

He focused, his hand glowed a deep shade of blue before he whispered in a language no ine in the room could understand: "[Jeqpu Buverivaris, Buverivaris Marnq, Buverivaris Jenelus]" (Remove this Mark, Remove this Stain, Remove this Mess) and soon enough, Derek felt way better. He sighed and relaxed under Stiles' touch, nuzzling his scruffy face on Stiles' cheeks, scent marking him just to make sure everyone knew he was his Mate... It also showed affection, which was great. "*Cough* Sorry..." Derek coughed when he noticed the amused eyes of his sister, mother, and uncle, his father wasn't here at the moment because he was out on town, working. "Well... I agree, we shall play this game of 20 questions." Thalia quickly agreed to the game, making Peter smirk as he asked before any of them could: "So, you're Stiles, right? What you think about Derek~?" The teasing tone of his voice was clear, everyone could hear it as he asked the question, making Thalia's eyebrows (as well as Derek's) to twitch annoyed.

"Well, i think he is adorable." Stiles smiled as the bottle of wine floatsd above, soon five golden chalices with silver embroidery and cut gems, he filled each chalice about half the entirety of the chalice before spreading it, the one with red rubies went to Thalia, the one with blue sapphires went to Peter, the one with green emeralds went to Laura, the one with white diamonds went to Derek while he took the one with black onyx. Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak has taight him etiquette about gems as well, he gave the Rubies to Thalia because rubies represent respect, which means he respects her position as Alpha of the Hale Pack, to Peter he gave the Sapphires because they represent cautiousness, meaning he was cautious about Peter, to Laura he gave her the Emerald which represents courtesy and acknowledgement, to Derek he gave the White Diamond because it represents love and devotion, and is also one of the most important gems when learning about gem etiquette, which means Derek in his eyes are more important to him than the other three in this room.

And at last but not least, the Black Onyx represents danger and strength, which means he is someone to be taken seriously due to his power.

Gem Etiquette are used mostly by the Dwarves, Earth Genasis, and Earth Fey Royalty, but its great to learn. Stiles knows at least 50 other etiquette techniques... Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak was very demanding.

"Now it's my turn to ask the question." Stiles smiled as he looked over at Derek, who tilted his head sideways, seriously, why is this man so adorable!? Stiles visibly relaxed and as he brought forward one of the rings he was given by Brhu'Vïsh Klevadiak, he will give it to Derek. Seeing the ring, Derek's first thought was 'Marriage? I meam, sure!' but he heard Stiles' question and felt silly for thinking that: "Can you wear this for me? I promise it won't hurt you, on the contraryz it'll help you." Derek did not hesitate to wear it, before Thalia could even say anything, which made her frown. Derek almost melted when Stiles smiled so brightly that it out the modday sun to shame!

Thalia sighed loudly but the two lovebirds were looking at each other and could not bother, so she just shakes her head as she asks: "Well, now's my turn to ask the question... Why are you here?"

A sudden tension appeared... Stiles opened his mouth and the words that left his lips would haunt Thalia's dreams: "The universe called for me... The universe called for Void."

She didn't know that at that moment, the fate of the whole world was shifted