
Wizard [#1]

"Avada Kedavra!" An angry, elderly voice screamed in anger as a beam of pure sickening green energy left the old man's dark wand, it looked to be made out of a dark wood, making the wand completely black in color. The green beam of green energy flew towards his target, a small kid. His eyes had malice in them as he watched the strange kid he found on the streets and has done experiments on several times, he had no use for the kid anymore since his reasearch has been successful! With this, he'll be truly immortal! Well, the kid would've died anyway, since his body was falling appart from inside out due to the experiments he did on the boy.

Suddenly, a huge explosion happened and the locked and enchamted door behind him was destroyed and came flying towards him with a great force! The corpse of the boy was probably destroyed by the door, but the old man just moved his wand to the side and quickly the door was thrown by an invisible force to the other aide of the room. "Who dares enter the Lestrange residence!?" His anger exploded outwards, in a wave of pure magic, the dust settled down and walking forward could be seen a man wearing dark robes and with a visible scowl in his face that turned into pure rage when he saw the corpse of the boy who looked to be not older than 5 years. The corpse had several scars and even lacked one of the fingers on the left hand... "Alastor!" The old man looked at the young man in front of him, his dark eyes glinted in an a hateful expression as he pointed his wand forward and a single blade of magic flew forward, a [Difindo].

Alastor only moved to the side a little and narrowly dodged the blade as he said: "You are getting old... Lexius." Lexius Lestrange, one of the things oldest alive members of the Lestrange family, probably in his late 180 early 190, wizards naturally live a long life, going as far as 120 years of life if the wizard was strong, but Lexius Lestrange used several dark rituals and sacrifices to extend his life for a few decades, searching for immortality! He tried to get the Phylosopher Stone, but the old man Nicolas Flamel was way stronger than he thought and he had to leave and didn't want to try again. Alastor has been a stone in Lexius' shoe 'cause he has been investigating the Lestrange family for a long time, brining some of their darkest cases yo light and bringing justice... And they weren't the only one.

Alastor hss been messing with dark wizards and their families, he has a lot of enemies as well...

"Finally i can get rid of you!" Lexius shouted angrily, this was one of the secret underground buildings that the Lestrange family owned, he could successfully kill Alastor and make like he simply vanished and no one could say he killed him because there would be no proof of his acts. "Avada Kedavra!" His voice echoed in the chamber, the green beam once again apperead going straight towards Alastor, who dodged by jumping to the side. Soon he moved his wand and the ground below Lexius turned into sinking sand, Lexius stopped his Avada Kedavra and curaed as he pointed his was and easily reversed the process and the grouns returned to be the stone he was stepping on, his wand moved around and soon several sharp stones flew towards Alastor who waved his wand downward and a blue barrier of energy appeared in front of him, protecting him against the stones.

But it didn't end there as "Avada Kedrava!" Another beam of green energy went towards him, Alastor ducked and dodged the rest of the sharp stones as he moved his wand upwards, a wall of stone amd dirt raising between the green beam and him, an Avada Kedrava cannot be blocked by any magic and it can destroy physical barriers msde by magic easily as well, so when the green beam hit the dirt and stone wall, it was no surprise for neither wizards that the wall was taken dLexi the spell. Dust scattered around and Alastor was already far away from where the beam would hit!

"Avada Kedavra!" This time it was Alastor's turn to use that spell, the same beam of green energy left his wand and quickly approached the old man Lexius, who surprisingly dodged the spell while shouting another: "Incendiares!" A large stream of green flames bursted out of his wand, that was a fire spell that was designed to cause destruction in a large area, it's only effect was to spread fire all around! "Aguamiares!" Alastor used the counterspell, a spell that naturally negated another spell, and soon a large amount of water left his wand and collided with the green flames, raising a large amount of steam that Alastor knew Lexis wanted him to do and he did because it would've been worse if he didn't... That spell was hard to deal with without proper clothing or isolators spell to remove the flames, but he didn't had time to use a spell that needs a lot of attention and focus in the middle of a fight! So he decided to be vigilant and prepare for any sneak attack due to the lack of visibility from the steam around, so he acted.

Silently casting magic on himself, Alastor dove down to the ground just as a large stone table flew past him, the damn old man was making large and heavy things to throw at him. While the steam hides his exact position, it also hides his enemy positon and that's not good at all! "Ventus Maxima." Waving his wand, Alastor casted the spell and a strong wind blew all the steam away while he dodged another stone tablet, and an Avada Kedavra too. Alastor moved his head just in time to see the old man holding his chest as an ice spike impaled from behind.

The same boy that was on the ground seconds ago was up, a large scar on his bare chest showing that he survived an Avada Kedavra!? Just like Harry Potter, 3 years ago.

-The moment the boy was hit by the Avada Kedavra-

[Rebirth from Ice has been used. Entering cooldown.]

[Ice Phoenix integration process completed.]

[Received the [Ice Affinity] Skill, Received the [Rebirth from Ice] Skill, Received the [Blizzard] Skill]

[Nundu integration process completed.]

[Received the [Magic Resistance] Skill, Received the [Poison Affinity] Skill.]

[Kelpie integration process completed.]

[Received the [Underwater Breathing] Skill, Received the [Water Affinity] Skill]

[Ochammy integration process completed.]

[Received the [Size (Self) Manipulation] Skill, Received the [Wind Affinity] Skill]

[Titan (Magma) integration process completed.]

[Received the [Titan's Might] Skill, Received the [Fire Affinity] Skill, Received the [Earth Affinity] Skill.]

[Unicorn integration completed.]

[Received the [Miracle Healing] Skill, Received the [Healing Affinity] Skill]

[Space Dragon integration completed]

[Received the [Space Rift] Skill, Received the [Demiplane] Skill, Receive the [Space Affinity] Skill]
