
Son of Gaia (#1)

Eric cursed: "Shit shit shit shit"

Gunshots were heard as he dashed and hid behind a building, on his arms a small black-haired boy with light blue eyes and a scared expression. "Don't worry little guy, I'll protect you." Eric tries to convince both himself and the kid as his legs started to burn badly. Why did he have the worst luck ever? He left his work half an hour ago, he walked the same way he walked every single night, weapon in hand to protect himself if necessary... This city is extremely outlaw, and when I say outlaw I mean it!

Crime is normal here and police is useless. That's why Eric gave up on his dream of becoming a judge and opted for being a simple bar owner, most of the time he closed at least after midnight because it is the time it has to close, why? A new law has been created by someone and if he doesn't follow it, he will be charged a lot of money and possibly half his organs too, he doesn't know why this law has been created but it says that bars, cafes, and all other stores should be opened from midday and only closed after midnight on weekdays and freely at weekend days. Sometimes he thinks it was made by the Undead Division, Vampires, Ghosts, Ghouls, Banshees, Skeletons, and every single Undead entity came together and made that law and the country approved it...

The gunshots echoed from behind him reminded him that he should not overthink random things now and he could do nothing but hide and run, the streets were empty because it was close to midnight, and in this city, everyone knew you had to stay out of the streets by midnight unless you wanted to die. It was a shame that Eric had to leave his work by midnight, every single day. He was not an intimidating individual but he could fight, most of the time he just ran because he doesn't like conflict that much... Also, he had a little secret.

He did not want to use that, but to survive now he needed to, he just hopes she won't notice it. Oh, who is he kidding? Of course, she will notice it... His mother was the reason he ran from home, came to this country, and opened a bar! And now he has to deal with the consequences of saving this little boy's life and probably entering a gang war! His eyes looked for something he could use right now and all he could find was a single tree and grass, that was enough for him! As he ran towards the tree, he could hear the shouting: "He went that way!" He was lucky this city had so many alleyways that he could run to, and that he had an eye for the ground if you know what I mean.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, he felt danger and reacted by raising his hand, the dirt and stone around him raised and formed a wall around him and the boy, whose eyes started to sparkle with wonder. If he could see in this dark, then it means he has Darkvision and is a nocturnal supernatural being. Probably a Werewolf... Eric shook his head as the dirt and stone began to block the bullets, he had to get rid of the enemy or else the attacks won't stop! He moved towards the tree and sighed deeply, saying: "In the name of Gaia, Arise and defend me." The boy in his arms, that could not be older than 5 years old, looked in wonder as the tree began to twist, the roots began to move and leave the dirt forming feet, two thick branches grew on the side of the tree that moved like arms with smaller branches for fingers, a face grew on the tree and Its new eyes stared down at Eric with wonder. "I name you Treevor. Now, can you please take care of those gangsters right there?"

The new Treant could not speak, after all, it hasn't been taught yet, all it could do was protect its creator. The tree angrily walked, no. ran towards the gangsters that panicked and began to shoot at the treat furiously with shouts and sometimes hisses, it was obvious there were some supernaturals there too. Probably Shifters, like Werewolves, Weretigers, Weresnakes, Werebears, and other Were-creatures too. All Eric could hear was the sound of bark hitting flesh as the gangsters were defeated by his new... son? Technically correct, his new son is named Treevor. He took the hand of the boy and quickly ran to his house, he took a long way, dodging through alleyways, almost having an encounter with Vampires and a few Ghouls, but he was able to enter his home.

He looked at the boy who was tired of running alongside him, he knew that even if the kid was a supernatural being, he would be tired after running that much alongside Eric. Eric sighed as he had a terrible headache, he will have a lot of things to deal with from now on... He probably just made an enemy with that gang, he created a Treant and probably caught the attention of his mother, and now the kid... He needs to give the kid back to his parents or else they will think he kidnapped him!

As he thought of that, he finally realized that he needed, really needed to move his house to the bar... He just needs enough money for the reforms, but now his mother will probably try to get him married again... He hates bing her only son and has to marry someone because of a promise she made to her old friend! As he relaxed a little more, he noticed that the boy had his eyes closed and looked tired, slowly sinking into a deep sleep, he had yet to hear the boy say anything and he looked extremely adorable right now so maybe he should let the boy sleep. He also feels a little groggy and wants to sleep, he picked the boy up and carried him to his bed, letting him sleep there as he went for the couch. His residence was not big, it was small and crappy, but comfortable for him because he lived alone.

His fingers touched the scar on his left cheek and he sighed, using that power always brought memories of that day to him.


It was a normal morning once again in Katastrocity, a city controlled by crime and outlaws.

One of the most powerful gangs, also known as a pack by the members of the said gang, had just entered in a full-blown search for the leader's little son. The boy simply vanished from his bedroom one night, the wards were not broken so there was the possibility of a traitor within the ranks of the gang... The leader, a 28 years old werewolf man named Freyir sighed as he placed his hands on his forehead as he resisted the headache that was trying to split his head in half. It was reported that a fight had happened in the south region of his lands, near the border of the enemy of his gang... The Nightwalkers. His gang, the Moonhowlers, has been in a war against the Nightwalkers for years now and they just did the worst thing they could have done! They kidnapped a werewolf's cub.

This was a war, and they would not lose

-Scene Cuts-

Meanwhile, Eric just woke up from his deep slumber to see that in his arms laid a small puppy, the same boy he rescued. He did not know the boy's name but he knew the fact that he was a Werewolf and the proof was lying on top of him right now! The puppy's adorable appearance was enough to stun him, but if it wasn't enough, then the fact that the puppy had silver fur and light blue-silver eyes woukd, as he looked at him.

"Ah, good morning." Eric smiled as he patted the puppy and scratched behind the puppy's ear, smiling as the puppy's leg reacted and began to kick. "Thinking about it, I can't just call you boy all the time, won't you tell me your name?" The little silver cub just shook its head, it seems it doesn't want to say his name, Eric could only sigh a little disappointed and smiled at the cub, saying: "Well, my name's Eric, I'll call you puppy from now on if you don't want to tell me your name." It seemed the boy was not against it, so Eric smiled and patted the cub's fluffy silver fur. He looked at the clock on the left wall and sighed when he saw that it was 10 AM, so he would leave and go to his bar, open it, and hope for clientele.

He couldn't just simply not open it because it was yet to be weekend.

He slowly stretched and got up, leaving the silver puppy on the couch as he slept a little bit more. Now there was the deal, he couldn't leave the pup alone for 12 hours, so he would bring the boy with him, he just needs to be careful and not catch people's attention! He took a quick bath and brushed his teeth after eating bread, he gave some food to Puppy who ate a fruit he had, he had to make the boy wear the clothes he wore yesterday, although they were a little dirty... He decided to be lazy and used a simple spell from Wizard Magic: Clean, to clean the boy's clothes, and to make the boy not recognizable by his kidnappers that would possibly be searching for him right now, he placed a simple Sorcerer Illusion spell: Glamour that would make the boy almost impossible to recognize for everyone who knows him, unless they know him deeply enough...

So hopefully a family member or a family friend.

Eric stretched his arms and legs and took the boy, and placed him on his shoulders, he took his magical bag he enchanted himself with an Enchanter magic spell to make the bag magically able to create small items that would disappear after some time, he gave the boy a lollipop produced from the bag, it actually couldn't feed him but it would make him taste the thing and keep him occupied too. He also decided to play safe and placed an illusion on himself too using the Warlock Spell: Unrecognizable to make himself completely strange to everyone who looks at him for 10 minutes, and no one would remember his face after those 10 minutes. He could choose people to be unaffected by this spell, so he chose the little boy on his arm that could easily see his real face.

Eric was a 5'7 tall man, with green eyes and light-grey hair, he had a small scar on his left cheek and used long-sleeved clothing most of the time to hide his arms, he was not bothered by heat because his clothes were enchanted by him to make them completely comfortable. Magical Items were very good and useful, and most of them are sold in big cities, the City he lives in is called Katastrocity and it was named after the founder of the city, the God of Disasters Katastrophe. He was sure to make this city part of the Fantasia Continent, a continent artificially created to accommodate supernatural beings and other humans too!

The continent was separated into 36 countries and Katastrocity was in the Chaos Country... Not very original, but the God of Disasters has a very bad naming sense.

The way to the bar was fast and he was sure no one was following him, the Druid Spell: Seismic Senses was able to feel the vibrations on the ground and he used it to feel if someone was following him. He entered the bar and turned the lights on, he had 1 hour to clean things, and then he could open the bar at noon. He gave the boy a few more lollipops, the best thing about it is that even though they tasted good, they vanished, so the boy had no risk of getting any diabetes.

He just hopes today is uneventful, but he also needs to find this kid's father. He finished cleaning everything a sat down with the kid and played a little, trying to get the boy to speak with him: "C'mon, let's try this again, if you speak I'll give you a lollipop. Eric, E-R-I-C, okay?" He was trying to teach the boy to say his name, which was not easy, the boy refused to speak so all he could do was sigh in defeat and smile at the boy, giving him a lollipop even though he spoke nothing at all. "We can always try again." He patted the boy's hair, it was still dark hair even though his wolf form was silver... Strange.

He sighed and decided to take the boy behind the balcony, not leaving him at the tables. As soon as he let the boy there, he heard the door open and someone enters, a client, huh. He just hopes this one won't try to cause trouble like the last one, he ended up breaking that guy's bones with his fists. He turned back just to see a young girl, barely 6-year-old, with golden hair looking at him: "Have you seen my brother?" She asked and suddenly, Eric heard the boy shout: "Skalir!" The girl screamed back: "Halir!"

Welp, it looks like he found a parent. They looked nothing alike, maybe the girl took her mother's side and the boy the father? Not unusual.

Looking at the two children on his bar, Eric could only sigh in relief as the boy seemed to know the girl... Wait, the girl was alone, where are these children's parents!? And also in this city!? "Hey, little girl." Eric crouched next to her, she seemed to take her brother's hand and pulled him behind her, suddenly with her guard up as if she didn't just walk into a bar where her brother was. "Oh, my name's Eric, I helped your brother, do you know where your parents are?" The question seemed to make the child sad because her eyes began to water a little bit as she shook her head in denial, she didn't know where her parents were. She got here because of her connection with her brother, a supernatural connection that they shared and permitted them to know each other's location almost every time.

Seeing the little blond girl shake her head, all Eric could do was sigh, he was still worried about how the little girl got to his bar alone but he decided to ask her later when she had calmed down. Eric looked over at the Boy, Hatir was his name? Oh, the girl should be named Skalir too, are they of Nordic descent? That would explain the names! "Well, as I said, my name's Eric, I saved your brother from bad guys yesterday and brought him here because I can't leave him alone at my home, I also don't know who his parents are... I just hope to find some information about them from any of you or if someone's kid just vanished from the night too, a Werewolf's kid, twins..."

The girl looked at the boy with a shocked expression when she heard Eric mention Werewolf, the boy smiled at her and all she could do was sigh. Hatir shouldn't have shown his wolf form to Eric, he shouldn't have..."Can you tell me your dad's name?" Eric asked carefully, he got a cup of orange juice in each hand, placed it on the balcony, and got a jar of cookies too. This bar also had food, because Eric liked to take some bites here and there, or when he is on his little break too... Seeing the temptation of cookies, the boy Hatir couldn't resist and sat down on the stool, taking one of the cookies right out of the jar and taking a bite out of it with delight. Skalir couldn't help but giggle at her little brother's actions, what? Oh, she is the older sister, by a few seconds but that still counts right?

Oh well.

"Ergh..." She awkwardly stood there beside her brother, biting down the cookies as well, but when they finished she realized that she didn't know if she could tell him about who their father was. She only got here because of her dad's wife, a Sorcerer.

Well, Witches are magic users related to Medicine and the body.

Wizards are magic users related to the Mind and research.

Druids are magic users related to nature and balance.

Enchanters are magic users related to creating and giving items magical effects.

Alchemists are magic users related to potions and chemicals.

Warlocks are magic users related to magical contracts and elemental magic.

Necromancers are magic users related to the dead and the Soul.

And at last but not least, Sorcerers are magic users related to dimensions and defensive spells.

Supernaturals of the Magic Division are born in one of these classes, which makes them specialized in the types of magic related to their "category" of magic-user. There is even some racism between Warlocks and Necromancers because of their specialization and some human stereotypes too, the most hurtful type of stereotype!

Essentially, what her father's wife did was open a portal that would bring her to her brother, which brought her far away from her father's territory, in another gang's territory where she could easily be captured and die... However, she found her brother's scent and felt their connection, so she just followed it till she knocked on the front door of the bar. Because she was a Werewolf, she could smell danger from far away, so she used that to escape from some dangers, like Vampires and Ghouls that roamed the streets and alleyways. "Freyir." When she was about to say her dad's name, her brother was faster than her and said she knew her brother was not a very talkative person and did not speak with anyone who he didn't trust, just like their stepmother.

Neither of them liked her, she was not nice to them and their father didn't seem to notice at all what was happening to them. Sometimes they wonder if their father doesn't love them anymore...

Eric tilted his head to the side, he didn't know who that was. He lived in this city for 2 years now and he didn't know the name of the gang leaders because he didn't want to be involved with anything regarding crime like that, its good enough what he already did before. "So, is he like, a big shot or something?" Eric asked as his green eyes stared at the door, where he could tell there was someone just about to enter, he quickly moved his hands and used a [Wizard Spell: Confusing Image] to make those who look at the twins confused and not able to remember anything about them, it was a more powerful version of his previous illusion spell. Eric didn't want to use magic because his mother would be able to detect him, but after what he did yesterday, he didn't care anymore because he was sure his mother would find him.

Hell, he is sure she at the front door of his bar right now! The door opened and walking forward was an ethereal beauty, a chocolate-skinned woman, with smooth red hair and flourishing green eyes that stared deeply into one's soul. "And speak of the devil... Think in this case." Eric sighed a little as he looked at his mother, Gaia, or Gaea, the Primordial Goddess of Nature and the planet Earth! "Hello... Mother."

"Eric Dásos Green." Eric flinched when his mother used his full name, she must be angry, and rightfully so! He ran away from home 2 years ago and just now she found him... One of the reasons he didn't use powerful magic for the 2 years he had been in this city (Well, some minor spells) was because of the seal he placed upon himself to seal his magical aura away, it was strong enough even to fool his mother, the literal physical manifestation of the planet earth! She walked towards him, he noticed her green long dress, her red gloves, and her red high heels that stomped on the wooden floor of his bar. She sharply walked towards him and he prepared for impact, expecting for her to slap him, or hit him, or do something...

And she did. She placed her hand on his left cheek, touching his scar and smiling, saying: "Happy birthday?" It was then that he noticed that today was his birthday, he knew he had forgotten something important today! Well, it was not like he would party or something like that, maybe bake a small cake for himself... "Urgh..." He awkwardly looked at her as she smiled at him, her smile turned into an evil smirk as she bonked him in the head with her knuckle, making him hiss in pain and place both hands on his head in a defensive position. "That is for leaving home without saying goodbye." She used her long red nails to pinch his cheeks, saying: "That is for not contacting me." And at last, she kissed his forehead, saying: "And that is for staying well."

Both kids awkwardly had to watch this exchange, it was then that they were noticed by Gaia, whose eyes turned star-shaped as she found both extremely adorable. "Eric." She turned towards him, with a predatory smile on her face: "You didn't tell me you had children!" Eric looked at her confused, it was only then that he realized that his Illusion spell made them look exactly like him but in miniature versions! He quickly dispelled the spell, making the illusion disappear and his mother frown as she saw that clearly, they weren't her grandchildren.

"Aw, they're still adorable though!" She scooped them up in her arms, sat down on one of the stools by the bar, and sat them on her lap with a smile and tickling them with her fingers. "Where did you kidnapped them from?" Eric, who was drinking a glass of water by now, spilled it all out in a burst as he began to cough. Slamming his fist on his chest to get the water out of his lungs, Eric coughed a bit more till his eyes began to water a little bit, he sighed and looked at his mother and said: "I didn't kidnap them. I saved the boy from being kidnapped and then the girl appeared outside the bar a few hours ago! I was about to ask her where she lived so I could take her back to her parents, but you came in and kinda ruined my plans..."

His voice grew weaker and more silent as he kept talking, he finished his sentence with a deep, tired, looooooong sigh. "I know why you came here for, mother," Gaia smiled sadly, she then began to say: "You know what I will say, you shouldn't have run, you know I do this all for you and your good and... Well, now he is going to spend some time with you." Eric's eyes widened as he took a step back, he shook his head and said: "Absolutely fu-" he was ready to curse, but saw the children there and took a step back, sighing and saying with a firm voice: "No. He won't." Gaia shook her head and added with a slight smirk on her face: "No. It's decided, and Chaos already accepted my proposal, not only her but also her son, he will come here, to this bar, on the next week."

Eric was ready to discuss with his mother but before he could, she stopped him saying: "Well, I just came here to tell you that I will have to rest again, and I'm going to sleep for another month or so... Well, I have to leave now~" She walked out, completely ignoring the shouts of her son, calling her, telling her to wait, and completely ignored the pleading of his voice. When her feet touched the outside of the bar, the earth opened and her body vanished from the crater that formed below, a second later it closed completely... As if it was never there!

"FUCKING BITCH!" Eric's tired, sad, angry wail echoed through the empty bar... Well, the kids aren't being counted as customers anyways. He shed a few tears of anger, his eyes were red as his body began to shake and black fur began to spread through his whole body before it returned to his body, he gasped for air and slowly sank to the floor. He panted as his adrenaline began to die down, he shook his head and his eyelashes fluttered. His hair had grown a few inches because of his anger, sometimes when he is in emotional turmoil, random things happen to magic around him! He once made a 1-kilometer radius grow fungi and plants, almost single-handedly brought back an almost extinct fungi species...

As he was there, kneels on the wooden floor of his bar, the [Forest Sip], his body began to shiver as he angrily sobbed. He was angry at his mother for being the bitch she was... She had him, left him with an abusive father, he suffered for years, then he was free just to be captured again by his mother who soon arranged a marriage for him.

To be locked and taste freedom is like making someone addicted to drugs, you can't easily make them forget both when they lived so long without it. He hates her, she simply neglected him his entire life and only cared about him because he was her leverage for an agreement between her and her friend... He can run away again, but this time he won't be able to hide because his mother would find him, even if he places the same previous limitations on his magic and body his mother would find him. He couldn't escape his fate, no matter what he did, so he will just accept it and make the most of it.

He will make sure to make the other person's life hell.

Maybe... If they're nice, then he'll be nice too.