
Human (?) [#4]

SOG - Sword of Glory.

Heavenly Haze.

These are the etymology of both their names: Mieczislaw and Mahealani! The surprise in Danny's face as he heard his nickname leaving Stiles mouth and realizig just who he was was- Amazing to see! "Holy shit, holt shit! You're SOG!?" Stiles chuckled and answered in a riddle-like manner that confused the rest of the table: "Does the swordfish fight with swords or fishes?" Danny's eyes wetted with tears as he was basically crying happy tears: "Does the Atheist say hail God?" Stiles smirked and gave an answer: "They praise their beliefs in the end of the sentence." This confusing conversation was actually a code they used- Stiles Stilinski, or Mieczislaw Genim Stilinski spent most of his life from 7 to 12 years old in the face of a screen typing and hacking away to spend his time, this was before he met Scott! He worked in a group of hackers callled Swordfish Atheists, their quote was actually made by Stiles - They praise their beliefs in the end of the sentence, the beliefs of the Swordfish Atheists was that the people have the rights to know what the governent doesn't want then to know, and ironically enough, this group hid information even from themselves.

There was a member of this five hacker group called Zu, Zu was a Supernatural Being, and they were the information gatherers of the group while Stiles and Danny were the firewall keepers, they protected the information the group collected- they had this game they would set firewalls and attack each other's firewalls so they could improve on both breaking through firewalls and making them, Stiles even developped viruses that corrupted firewalls by disgusing itself as part of said firewall, it took Danny months to figure out how to counter it! But after they failed keeping their information safe from other hackers, Stiles had to change the location and IPs of everyone, making so the government couldn't find them- He managed to hide them, but they actually found him and charges were pressed on him until he just- Gave up Hacking.

He was a kid so he just pretended to not know what they were talking about, he deleted all information he had, even breaking the external information he had, which sucks now because he doesn't know if he'll ever find out about the others and if they're okay. He only learned about Danny being Hazy because of his last name and the criminal history he had, which thankfully Stiles doesn't have, he had to just buy his freedom with blackmailing the right people before he decided to quit hacking- That same day he met Scott and started a new life, until he went back to hacking because it was more interesting.

He's a hypocrite when you think about it, right?

They praise their beliefs in the end of the sentence- This phrase was created because Stiles managed to convince another member of their group, Vivi, to leave a little note in the end of their letters saying [Praise be, the concept of freedom] which was one of their beliefs. Knowing now the things he knows, he realizes that it was a little bit dumb, but he loved it, since he had something to fight for when he was young... "Code 777?" Danny's smirk grew when Stiles sighed, this was another one of their little games they played to keep their hacking sharp: "Code 657." There were 1000 codes they could use, 500 for attack, 500 to defend, each did a small little thing that could set the battlefield- From 500 below the codes were from attack (imagine a battlefield, it went from creating a small little soldier to gathering troops in one spot) and from 500 above it was defense or construction, from building homes to accomodate their little troops to creating walls.

Code 777: I build a community center.

Code 657: I build a single wooden house.

This was basically a really advanced game of chess with words and imagination, it was overly complicated but fun because they actually programmed a game like that that acted as their battlefield, full of tiny little pixels- "Well, Code 1 then." Code 1: I create one mayor, which was the one who would take oversight of the city Danny plans on building: "I don't think we can play this now Danny boy-" Danny sighed, noticing the looks from the others in the table, who were confused as fuck: "- and besides, I've been dropping hints all the time. Do gay guys find me attractive?

"Wait, Gay guys finding you attractive !? How's that a hint you dork?" Danny was all smiles, just as was Stiles, who could clearly see the jealousy in both Jackson and Scott as he whispered: "Remember what i said to Vivi? Effervescent." This earned him a 'Oooh, now i remember' from him- Context: Vivi was a member of their Swordfish Atheists group that loved to brag but was a very hardcore lesbian (As far as Stiles knew) who Stiles made fun of by saying: [Vivi'd be like: Does gay guys find me attractive? Effervescent.] Because, Vivi told them the story of how a gay guy hit on her thinking she was a boy, which was hilarious at the time, she even finished the sentence with the word Effervescent for some dumb reason, she said she wanted to write Essence and somehow had a stroke: "Why didn't you try other internal jokes then?"

"I did!" Stiles threw his hands to the air before sighing and raising his fingers: "The Battlefish joke, the 'Where's my little pussy?' joke, even the fucking Edward Scissorhands Effervescent little cunt joke!" Danny was face-palming then and there, but Stiles pointed at Jackson and said: "But douche there kept threatening me if i got closer to you, Danny boy. i wasn't even sure anymore if it were you, i missed you man, we really need to gave another match- I still have the game." Danny nodded and for the next minutes they kept talking- Apparently Danny knew where Vivi lived, or where she said she'd be, Los Angeles... Or was it Long Island? He couldn't remember then and there but it was fun to have their internal jokes that no one else but them understood, they'd say something stupid to each other like: "Bugs rug?" "Rugs bug." and snort and laugh away at their own jokes, which quickly made the others at the table feel like they were intruding in a conversation, or being third wheels.

"So, when did you find out? About your bisexuality?"

"Saw Derek Hale and almost wet my pants then and there-" Scott coughed hard against his hand, a shocked expression on his face: "The guy's a sin." Danny only nodded sagely, at the end of the day they gave their phone numbers to each other and went their way- Scott pulled Stiles away and tried to talk to him, which Stiles talked with him, yes, reminding him of the time now that he had to spend with another friend while Scott goes out with Allison! He tried to tell him he couldn't like Derek, but Stiles ingnored him.

-Later That Night-

[Danny: So, when did you find out?]

[Stiles: The moment i learned about my own supernatural crap- Like, apparently I'm not a 100% human! Plus, Scott's a werewolf dating the daught of a hunter family... He's an idiot.]

[Danny: Damn, same! I found out later from my grandmother on my 15th birthday that i was a Witch, she had me dance with her before a fireplace as she explained to me what she knew of the supernatural.]

[Stiles: I got Wolfsbane Spray and Mistletoe Spray if you want? Keep the dogs away, i can trade you if you have Mountain ash?]

[Danny: Really? But only if you include that lavander extract you promised]

[Stiles: Sure, I'll add a few flower extract perfumes and maybe a potion too so you can tell me some things... Maybe teach me a spell? Cause I'll have you know, the only thing i have figured out are a few incredible things that you'll love to know.]

[Danny: You also make potions? Are you a drug dealer too? If yes, please marry me.]

[Stiles: Pffft, you idiot- Goodnight, Swordfish.]

[Danny: Goodnight, Swordfish.]

Stiles sighed, finally reunited with one of his friends of a long time ago, one he thought he had lost, but thanks to his abilities found out about- He used his [Observe] on Danny and received the information about him, and even his title [Ex Member of the Swordfish Atheists], which was enough of a confirmation for him than anything else! "I missed him." He whistled as he prepared a box for Danny, a box he'd put two spraycans, he filled them each with different liquids, one with purple wolfsbane and the other with a mixture of mistletoe, pepper, a weak dosage of wolfsbane, and lavander to make this strong spray that would disorient and poison a werewolf, or so he hopes.



Name: Mieczislaw Genim Stilinski

Age: 17

Race: Human (?)

Titles: [Gamer], [Undead Hunter]

Lvl: 12

Class: [☆☆☆☆☆ Cleric lvl 1] (Lvl Max +10 per ☆)

[Clerics are Wisdom casters]

Traits: [Observant], [Clumsy], [Genius]

[Observant: Any Observation-type skill receives 50% more experience when training]

[Clumsy: Decreases ballance and Dexterity by 20%, can be overcome]

[Genius: Doubles Intelligence gain, +50% experience for Intelligence related skills]

HP: 140/140 (×10 Vit)

MP: 430/430 [+50 from Ring of Magic Amplification] (×10 Int)

SP: 200/200 (×10 End)


Strength: 12

Endurance: 20

Vitality: 14

Dexterity: 18

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 50

Wisdom: 18

Willpower: 30

Charisma: 8

Luck: 2

Extra Stat Points: 118 (+ 8 on Willpower) = 110 (++10 on Endurance)

Skill List:

Unique Skills: [Gamer], [Dungeon Generation lvl 10], [Cold Blood]

Class Skills:

Cleric: [Lesser Heal lvl 1], [Lesser Cure lvl 1], [Lessrr Bless Weapon lvl 5]

Passive Skills: [Lying lvl 35], [Deduction lvl 24],[Chemistry lvl 30], [Biology lvl 30], [Mathematics lvl 25], [Linguistic lvl 25], [Physics lvl 23], [Fast Reading lvl 28], [Art lvl 18], [Focus lvl 13], [Taunt lvl 36], [Sense Danger lvl 18], [Persuasion lvl 23], [Acting lvl 10], [Blunt Weapon Mastery lvl 30], [Hacking lvl 35], [Crafting lvl 10], [Potion Brewing lvl 11], [Medicine Making lvl 5]

Resistance Skills: [Pain Resistance lvl 10], [Bleeding Resistance lvl 3], [Electricity Resistance lvl 5], [Physical Damage Resistance lvl 4], [Fear Resistance lvl 9], [Poison Resistance lvl 2]

Active Skills: [Observe lvl 15], [Shock lvl 10], [Throwing lvl 1]

Inventory: [Zombie Teeth (×45)], [Rotten Flesh (×33)], [Class Scroll: Undead Hunter], [Flower Perfume (×20)], [Poison Antidote (×12)], [Mistletoe Powder Bag (×3)], [Lavander Perfume Bomb (×2)], [Wolfsbane Flower Extract (×12)]

Money: 560$]


Stiles managed to get a scroll after defeating the zombie boss today that would unlock him a new class, but he could only use it once his Cleric class was level max! He got three active skills from this class and a huge boost on his [Blunt Weapon Mastery] passive skill, because clerics use blunt weapons! What he also did today was tell Danny that he knew about the supernatural, because not only Danny knew about it, but he was also part of it, so he came clean with the other boy so he wouldn't feel like he'd need to hide things from him- As for Scott? Stiles gave him more time, he wants Scott to ask for his help, because like that he could also ask for his help too, but Scott kept ignoring him when he asked if he was okay or if there was something wrong with him.

He didn't want to put himself on the spot and tell him that yes, he knew of the supernatural, because according to Danny he'd tell him eventually! He was his best friend, right? He just needed time to get used to it first, he remembers telling Danny how he suspected that there was a werewolf running around and killing others, Danny taught him the right term to use and explained what he knew of werewolf hierarchy, which made Stiles confused because real life wolves don't go by Alpha Beta Omega shit! "Well... I think i can make it..." He opened his laptop and looked through the memory board and found what he had hidden years ago- A little game named Battlefield of Codes! He already said goodbye to Danny because they spent the whole night catching up by texting, which was really fun.

Next thing he wants to do is going to sleep- He turned around to go to bed, but from the Darkness he saw a man step up.

Derek Hale.