
DC Craft [#3]

[Jason Todd Image]

Steve looked up at the pale ceiling of his private bedroom as he tried to hide his face, which was completely pink as he was embarrassed. There was this trail of smoke as the man beside him in the bed smoked, a look of sheer satisfaction on his face as he let out more smoke from his mouth with a cheeky and prideful grin. Jason gripped Steve's thigh with that same smugness every Wayne seems to have. "So, good yeah? You were crying a bit there but that was adorable, and damn, I really need to teach you about this shit, huh? Don't worry, cutie, you're in good hands now." His hand reached out and gripped the big thing between Steve's legs, making the big man shriek in surprise and a bit of pain at how sore his dick was. "Heh, not many people seem to keep up with me- Being kinda undead does give you a lot of stamina, I guess." 

So, uhm, yeah. 

Steve felt embarrassed but very excited about the entire situation. On one side, Jason and him just… did things together. On the other side, his lower body and back were sore with scratches all over his back that were slowly healing over due to how hard Jason scratched his back after Steve just shoved him down, pressing him down until he couldn't anymore as Jason begged him to continue. 

…He's pretty sure Jason has claimed him now.


It happened about a day ago. It is a bit hard to keep up with Earth's time when you're not on the planet itself! Thankfully Steve has a bunch of clocks that can easily tell Earth's time in various different dimensions, telling the hour, day, month, year, and century. This was actually one of the many time traveling protections! It recorded a time that ceased to exist, information that shouldn't exist is safely kept within the confines of his Preservation Room within the Core of the base. There he could preserve a lot of things; Information, food, magic, extremely dangerous and volatile items, and so much more. So, it happened during the 5th rotation of the earth ever since Jason was taken by him. So, five days after he kidnapped him from Gotham, Jason started to… poke him? 

Well, after Steve showed him his weapons collection, he half expected Jason to live in the Armory, but the man was stubborn and quite pushy- he wanted to try a few of Steve's weapons, so he gave him his least dangerous weapons and took him to Aether. They passed through a blue portal surrounded by a still water veil right into an entire dimension made of floating islands! There, Steve had built an entire sky coliseum that was suspended by clouds. Within the coliseum, Steve gave Jason 15 different weapons he could play around with as well as monsters to fight against. And although Jason had a taste for hot weaponry, his skills with cold weapons were not to be doubted! He used swords and daggers with a deadly edge to his impressive skills (although Steve knew he could beat him by speed and strength, Jason's skills were better than his own), his skills with the bow and crossbow were quite interesting. 

He did not have much formal teaching about trick shots, but his aim was impeccable! Steve was happy to show him what the [Infinity] enchantment could do and Jason was clearly considering getting on his knees to beg him to enchant his own guns with that, so Steve (hoping he wouldn't regret this) gave Jason one of his less powerful guns that he enchanted. It was a normal golden eagle pistol that he had enchanted with [Infinity], [Unbreaking 3] that he upgraded to [Unbreaking 10], and the [Mending] enchantment. This was one of his first guns, after all, and he said so to Jason- the guy took it like Steve had just given him his firstborn, but Steve did not comment on it -before he explained what each enchantment did. 

"So, uhm, [Infinity] makes so you can never run out of ammo-" He aimed the golden pistol towards a hoard of approaching zombies while Jason stood beside him, watching the gun closely: "-so, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen-" With each pull of the trigger, a golden bullet would shoot out of the gun and hit a zombie in the head, killing it instantly. The moment the zombie died, it would dissipate into white smoke, leaving pieces of rotten flesh behind, and these green globules of experience points floating there. Occasionally, something other than rotten flesh would be left behind: "-you get the drill. Next is [Unbreaking] and it simply makes the durability of the item reduce at a slower rate, making it more durable. Rust can't take hold that easily and even if the gun literally explodes, it won't break. [Mending] acts as a form of repairing it in case it does break, by absorbing those floating green orbs, the item can repair itself from most damage short of instantaneous removal from existence." 

"And what's the weird glimmer from the bullets?" Jason asked, pointing forward as a bullet flew right past through the head of a zombie and into the body of another and through that one into the ground where it sank through the hardened sand ground a few inches at the very least: "Lemme guess, some sort of piercing effect? How much can it pierce and how deep does it go?" He turned to look back at Steve- he does remember the guy, but back then he was a scrawny, scaredy cat of a kid who was really paranoid about the world. He spent 3 months coming and going from his house in the sewers to Wayne Manor after another fight with Bruce or because he wanted some fresh air. The fact that that short kid grew up to be the biggest guy Jason has seen and not immediately tried to fight was a bit mind-blowing! He still is very paranoid about almost everything, he has clearly seen it on how this paradise of a base was created, that he would go as far as to say that Steve Break was more paranoid than the Batman. 

And even more anti-social too! 

"Oh yeah, it is the [Piercing] enchantment- It helps the projectile go through the target, but there are other enchantments that-" As he started to speak, Jason started to stare. To ogle at the way that throat moved when he spoke, the way the big guy's eyes seemed to almost glow as he spoke about something he clearly enjoyed- it was, honestly, kinda cute -and loved, he saw the way his big muscular body would move around whenever a zombie got too close and he'd just grab them by the head and throw them away. Jason watched the way the man's big, big hands held tight unto the gun that looked quite small in his hands, he saw the way the man's aim although good was still crude and bad compared to his own or even Dick's aim… And yet, it was kinda hot to watch- 'Okay, Jason. It's been a while, clearly.' It's not a secret that Jason is pretty much Bisexual. He has had his clear and rather rough experiences with men, and he must say that he quite likes the way Steve looks.

And he is also grateful for him showing off his guns (firearms and those fucking huge muscular arms), thankful for him… kidnapping him? Teleporting him? Yeah, teleporting sounds way better and less dubiously consensual than it actually was! Jason wants to leave after what Batman did, but he didn't want to lose the Joker and not kill or torture him. And he is grateful for the kind things he has done for him too- Including his new, favorite toy: The tablet that gives him access to all the torture devices to fuck with the Joker in ways he never thought possible! At the moment, the crazy guy was actually sane and was crying like a little bitch while his skin was peeled off and he was crucified to a rusty nail covered cross that pierced through his body, tied to it by red hot chains while it rained this pink-ish liquid alongside a clear liquid with green leaves. Regeneration Potions alongside salt and vinegar while his favorite, the Gippy-Gippy plant, rained from above. 

Seriously, best gift ever! And now he is giving him a gun? Is this guy trying to marry him? That's how you marry Jason Todd. 

"-and at last, we got the [Explosive Shots] option here-" Oh fuck, he hasn't been paying attention to the lecture! "-that does basically this!" Jason watched in wide eyes as the madman pointed the gun forward and a blast of energy originated from where the bullet hit. It was an explosion equivalent to a large amount of gunpowder- it was harsh and wild, batting away pieces of the coliseum and the ground. It caused such a large cloud of dust that it partially hid every single zombie! Then came the fire and the scent of burning rotten flesh that permeated from the cloud of ash and dust. It quickly dissipated, showing that all the zombies were now completely dead and burning. "And that's basically what the gun does." 

"Uuuhhh…" Jason felt this was awkward- instead of learning how to use a highly dangerous weapon, he instead focused on ogling a hot guy! Seriously, he needs to get laid- oh, look, there's a hot guy here who would be an awesome lay. "Does it come with instructions?" He asked that question as a joke, but Steve seemed to take it seriously, because his eyes widened and it seemed like he had thought of something. He immediately pulled out a booklet and began writing fervently about something, and Jason could see only the blur of his hand. "I was kiddi-" He couldn't even finish his sentence as the booklet was given to him. Jason just looked at it, looked up at Steve (he was 6'2, Steve is taller than him) and nodded a bit awkwardly: "-Thanks." 

"You're welcome!" And there was a big dumb smile- Jason sighed. Damn, he really has a type, doesn't he? The dumb idiots who show so much emotion in one single smile, the ones with clear eyes and open hearts, who seem to wear their hearts on their sleeves from how clearly you can read their mood just by looking at them. "There are a few other weapons if you wanna see them? It's not every day I can show off what I make- So, magic swords, plasma weaponry, radioactive blast guns, or black hole blades? We can also take a drive around the galaxy with a few of my hyperspace FTL drives I made. We'd just need to, you know, keep the anti-Green Lantern technology activated through the whole ride. They got nasty detectors in those rings, I'd know." 

"Oh, it's a date then- I just don't have anything to wear besides what I'm wearing right now." Which was a black shirt that was literally made out of wool and baggy red pants also made out of wool. He was given a variety of underwear to choose from so he wouldn't be uncomfortable- in fact, his entire stay in this place was awesome! There was so fucking much to do, so much to see, and so much to play around with. Jason has done things others would be terribly jealous of, like riding a T-Rex for fucks sake! He got to walk around this enormous Jurassic Park and touch the dinosaurs before he even got to eat extinct animals to see what they tasted like. He was having fun, and that was dangerous… He had Crime Alley to go back to, Bruce to annoy, criminals to kill with his new guns, and so much shit to do. But after what happened, what choice Bruce made- he needs to stay away from him. In here, the Pit didn't seem to be angry as much as it was in Gotham. Wherever they are, this place makes the Pit almost completely mute, with only occasional whispers of sheer violence and anger. 

"Oh, uhm, you need new clothes?" Steve looked him up and down in an innocent way- Jason was very familiar with the way people would look at you if they're interested. Steve? He was adorably nervous: "I mean, I don't know if it'll fit…" He pulled out this black leather jacket, pristine and shiny with a glimmer of soft energy that all enchanted items he has made seem to emanate softly: "Here, this jacket has [Mending], [Unbreaking], [Thorns], and [Protection], all at max level." Jason understood only a few descriptions of the enchantments that Steve explained to him- this guy was really forthcoming with his information! Jason knew he was paranoid and probably had a bunch of mental health issues but he seemed to trust him.

Must be because they were kinda best friends, maybe with some benefits here and there- what? A hot guy that is just your type takes you out of a bad situation, show you his cool as fuck house, gives you super special magical weapons, and you don't consider sleeping with him? Jason could never. He likes the guy enough and these past 5 days have been great, so what's wrong with a bit of wild sex to break the pelvis? 

"Thanks, cutie." 

Steve, this 6'7 feet 300 pound muscular beast of a man smiled shyly and blushed so fucking adorably that Jason felt a ping in his heart. 

That's it. He's riding this guy until he is crying. 


So, Jason managed to take Steve's virginity. 

He was absolutely mind blown. He stared at the ceiling, eyes wide and still a bit red from his rather emotional crying when Jason rode him missionary and hugged him- it felt like something inside him broke at being hugged, and he did not let go even after doing the deed a few more times due to Jason's rather insatiable appetite. The first step that happened was that Jason asked him upfront: "Hey, wanna fuck?" And Steve didn't know how to respond to that. He just tagged along when he nodded, too afraid to speak and say something embarrassing! The second step was easier, with Jason taking him to the Inner Ring (he has learned his way around) before they entered a hotel that looked like it was made of crystals and sturdy black glass, rented a room, and got to business.

He had just turned his back to the bed when Jason pushed him on it- Steve just went with it, nervous and amazed as Jason crawled after him. And they kissed… It was Steve's first kiss too, which was wet, heavy, and wild. Jason was pretty brutal! "Open your damn mouth." And very demanding too! "Lemme see your tongue, love- ooh, that's a big tongue you got there." And he was pushing his fingers into his mouth, and because Steve had never done this before, he kinda gagged when they pushed against the back of his throat. "Cute." Then Jason was on his knees by the foot of the bed, licking his dick- "Holy fuck! I thought you would be big, but not this big! Fuck…♡" -and making cute noises whenever he swallowed him whole with some help… yeah, Steve pushed Jason's head down because he was having a hard time push it all in, and he wanted it all in at least once! 

And then Jason was fingering himself with his own fingers and Steve was not allowed to touch him or himself, only watch. 

Oh, and watch he did

It was hot and beautiful to see Jason push five fingers before pushing in his whole hand and pulling it out- "I'm preparing myself for your monster- now, on your back, hands to the sides… You know what? Sure, you can touch me now." -and like a desperate drowning man who breached the surface of the water, he pursued Jason's command like he had said was the word of God itself. And they were fucking. It was raw and rough. Just the way Jason liked it- Steve had been controlling himself until Jason wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him… It broke something inside him and he lost control, pushing Jason down hard enough to get a yell out of him as only his hips were moving. It was so fast and hard that the bed broke beneath them. And even then, Steve did not stop- he was crying, his eyes were red with tears, and he was muttering words he can't remember but Jason kept insisting it was gibberish. 

But to Steve's vague memory, it sounded like a chant, a prayer of some sort. 

And then Jason was pushing back, taking control back- he pulled his hair and dug his nails into his skin, but it only made him go harder… He was kind of a masochist like that. They only stopped once he stopped crying, holding Jason with his face buried on his chest, refusing to pull away. And then Jason was pulling himself off of his lap and there was a bath of white down Jason's legs that were jittery like sticks in the wind. 

Safe to say, they slept for a while and now we're back to the beginning! 

Jason had a cigarette in his mouth and looked satisfied while Steve didn't know what to do… Until, of course, Jason said: "Well, this was fun, but I do need to go back to Gotham, y'know?" And all the flame of hope of him not being alone in this vast, vast place simply fizzled out like a candle being blown by cold wind: "Can you get me back?" 

"Sure." Steve smiled and nodded, even though his heart broke a little bit: "Just, uh, as a precaution… Can you throw this weird pearl down this column of water bubbles? Also, take this totally unrelated button, just in case." Jason decided to humor him- later, he threw the weird pearl down a column of bubbling water and got this weird pen with a red button on it with the instructions to "Press When In Danger". And then he was back in Gotham. Back? Blown! Stomach? Full! Problems? A lot of them. First he decided to start his day with a positive attitude, so he pressed a button of a certain tablet and sighed as he heard the screams of sheer pain coming out of it. 

"Ahh…" With a sigh, Jason- no, Red Hood was back in Gotham.