

After a long torturous day of being trapped in the dark, our protagonist finally got the chance of getting away from her nightmare. That is by becoming the host of too much of a "reliable system" that always gives her weird roles which almost got her failed in every world she goes. Viollete: "System... what is my main mission?" System : [Save The Villainess] Viollete: "Then why can't you give me better roles so I can help the Villainess, better!!??" ------- System: [Hey, Do you remember your main mission?] Viollete: "Save The Villainess" System: [Then why are you acting like a matchmaker and make other people do your works!!!???] This is the story of Violette, as she is working hard to save the villainess in each mission worlds, meeting new friends, and somehow making changes in the systemic worlds. This story has GL or Shoujo ai. It's pretty light so no R-18 or R-16. Also, the Main character has no love interest. [WE DON'T TALK ABOUT FIRST WORLD. THAT WAS TWO YEARS AGO] Also!!!! I draw the cover myself!!!!!! I did my best for a whole night!!! praise me!!

Carciphones_02 · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

The Villainess

"Are you saying that there is no news about her sudden disappearance?" A woman is standing in front of a throne, facing it with no expression.

Her long fiery red hair is let loose behind her while a small diamond crown is on top of her head. She is paired with a red dress, showing her beautiful figure.

Overall, she's a beauty, but this beauty is not someone easy to be messed with. The air around her is filled with domineering energies so much that no servants or soldiers with a bigger body than her can compete.

Her back is facing three soldiers. Yet, the soldiers can only kneel with trembling bodies as they are pressed with the woman's stronger mental suppression.

"It's been three days..." Her voice is deep, with a little hint of suppressed fury. Her red eyes glance at the soldiers under her with no expression. "Not even a clue..." Her voice gets lower as she finished her words.

She turns her body to look at the soldiers who last time when she saw them, look proud and boasted that this was an easy job.

"Who was the one that says they can look for her with eyes closed?" She asked.

One of the soldiers flinched.

The woman asked again. "Who was it that says they can search for her in half a day?"

Another soldier flinched.

"WHO IS THE ONE WHO TAKES THE MISSION I GAVE SO LIGHTLY!!?" This time, the woman raised her voice. Much to everyone's shock, her energy suppressed everyone here, even the special, specially hired soldiers who worked for the royalties.

Everyone who stands inside the throne room is forced to kneel without exception. No one realizes the woman's eyes that change from fiery red to all black for a few seconds before it returns to normal.

She retracts her mental suppression so the air inside the throne room is no longer filled with suffocating energies.

Suddenly, when everyone doesn't know what to say in this situation, the door of the throne room is knocked by someone.

Everyone glance at the door, in hope that a person can save them from this torture. Except for the woman, she doesn't care about the extra person coming. She looks at the door with no chance of expression.

Despite that, everyone feels happy as the new messenger has brought a new clue. They all hope that this is good news as they have been searching for three days and still no sign of her royal highness, Rei.

"Your Highness!!" The man who appears looks young. He walks quickly towards the woman who was called "your highness" and kneels beside the three soldiers who are still kneeling.

With the woman's permission, the man continues to speak.

"We found two corpses which turn out to be Her Royal Highness Rei's bodyguards."

When the information was conveyed, everyone's face inside the throne room turns ugly.

They don't need to look at the woman near the throne to know how scary her expression is.

The man who conveyed the message shuddered, but he continue to speak. "There's a trace of chasing and fight near the area where those two guards were found dead." He speaks with a shaky but still firm voice. "They both has sign of being killed by silver. We can conclude that it's something close to a silver dagger or short sword."

"When we check one of the bodies of the corpses, we found that they possessed Silverthorn poison!!" This time, everyone is shocked when hearing this shocking news.

Silverthorn poison is the most poisonous substance that was created illegally. The usage, production and illegal possession of this poison are considered one of the highest crimes. The effect of the poison is quick and deathly.

A normal werewolf who was affected by this poison will lose its healing ability and will slowly die. There is no cure for this poison.

But, if this poison affects a royalty, even if they got timely help, no royalty in history was able to suppress the side effects of becoming mentally handicapped.

In addition, any weapon made of silver was agreed upon by the wolf pact association between 12 kingdoms to be declared illegal. No one is allowed to possess any weapon made of silver.

"There are traces of blood, which we believe came from her royal highness." The man continues to speak not realizing the nervous expression of the soldiers and servants inside the throne room.

"We try to follow her royal highness' trace, but sadly, it's mysteriously disappeared." He paused when he feels suppressing energy around him. "-an... and the only thing left of her royal highness is her mask!" He uses all of his energy to finally tell all of his founding.

Everyone now feels suffocated. Not only from the woman's high mental suppression but also because the news has very little, in fact, no good news at all.

It's common knowledge that the princess of Snow Moon Kingdom always wears a mask and never takes it off. No one has ever seen her real face. The only striking and well-known trait about her is her wolf form and the fact that she's an albino.

"Is that all...?" The woman doesn't have any changes in her tone. Despite that, her mental suppression keeps leaking.

The man stammered as he answer the woman's question.

"We...we believe that those two bodyguards probably betrayed her Royal Highness. But, there seems to be another unknown person. We don't know if that person is an enemy or ally!"

Everyone with a brain will know that their royal highness is furious. Very furious.

Much to everyone's shock, the woman's next words are to let them continue their searching.

"Keep searching. I don't want to hear any excuse. Keep your eyes on any suspicious people. Catch them! If they don't want to spill anything, bring them to me. I, myself will deal with them directly."

Everyone looks at each other. They know that this time they can't take this lightly like before.

Their Royal Highness want to deal with things directly.

Everyone salutes the woman before walking out of the throne room in a hurry.

The woman stares coldly at all of their disappearances back. Until no soldier and servant inside the room, the woman turns her body to look at the throne.

She closed her eyes while taking a deep breath to calm down the turmoil in her heart. When she opens her eyes again, no one is here can see that her black pupils keep growing and shrinking.

"I... need you..." She whispers under her breath. "Without you, I can't control this monster inside me."

She looked at the outside of the castle through the big windows. "I'll find you!" She swears in her heart.




MC introduced herself to Rei as Viollete but, to Akari as the original owner's name. The original owner's name is Ruby.]



"Rei!! Stop this is mine!!!" Viollete leaps a few times to avoid Rei as she is chasing after her.

More accurately, Rei is chasing the cooked hare's meat inside Viollete's bowl.

"I already gave you Deer's meat!! It's enough for you!!!" Viollete avoids Rei's relentless pursuit to eat from her bowl.

At the same time, Akari stares at them in shock despite not showing it on her face. She coughs a few times as she looks away before continuing to eat her portion.

She has been staring at both Viollete and Rei and it's hard to get used to both of them.

To Akari, Rei is a werewolf royalty, although thanks to her blood, she probably won't become their slave, she's still nervous around her.

As a spy, she knew some information about Rei being next in line for the throne of Snow Moon Kingdom. A Kingdom of snow. That's why they always wear thick fur coats.

Akari knew that Rei was normally always serious, domineering, and disciplined. Seeing Rei like this is weirdly uncomfortable.

Akari then looks at Ruby. This person is full of mystery. At one moment, she is violent, but suddenly, she is caring. Akari can't understand Ruby at all.

Akari watch as Ruby finally gives up running from Rei and hand-feed the meat to Rei.

Akari shuddered at the thought that Ruby's recent action when dealing with her. Akari's conclusion to Rei is that she has a complicated temper. She vows to never get on Ruby's bad side.

So sleepy

Carciphones_02creators' thoughts