

After a long torturous day of being trapped in the dark, our protagonist finally got the chance of getting away from her nightmare. That is by becoming the host of too much of a "reliable system" that always gives her weird roles which almost got her failed in every world she goes. Viollete: "System... what is my main mission?" System : [Save The Villainess] Viollete: "Then why can't you give me better roles so I can help the Villainess, better!!??" ------- System: [Hey, Do you remember your main mission?] Viollete: "Save The Villainess" System: [Then why are you acting like a matchmaker and make other people do your works!!!???] This is the story of Violette, as she is working hard to save the villainess in each mission worlds, meeting new friends, and somehow making changes in the systemic worlds. This story has GL or Shoujo ai. It's pretty light so no R-18 or R-16. Also, the Main character has no love interest. [WE DON'T TALK ABOUT FIRST WORLD. THAT WAS TWO YEARS AGO] Also!!!! I draw the cover myself!!!!!! I did my best for a whole night!!! praise me!!

Carciphones_02 · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

All is here

[Yes. It's obvious.]

'Alex is dumb.' I said again.


[And a top] Alex's system adds.

'A what?'


"…" Seems like Alex's system is a closeted pervert.

Anyway, I hold Alice's hand gently. "Don't worry, she's fine. I saved her early so, she's not injured." I pat her hand a few times before pulling it from my hand slowly.

"Save her from what? Is she sick or something? Why don't I know? Why didn't she told me?" She looks at me as she begs for an answer.

I know that Alice is not acting. She genuinely feels worried for Alex. Why doesn't she know about what happened to Alex? "Alex was attacked by a group of a gangster."


I realized that Alice's face is getting paler and, her breath quickens.

[She is hyperventilating.] The ball notifies me.

'I know.' I quickly walk towards her side.

"Hey! don't worry! Come on, breath in, breath out," I tell her what to do, and luckily, she listens to me well. " That's right, hold your breath in, then breath out. That's it!" I smile at her as her breathing starts becoming normal.

"Don't worry, she's okay. She's only unconscious for a few hours before waking up." I explain to the pale-looking Alice. "I've called the police on the gangster too." I guide her to sit on the chairs. 'I wonder why Alice doesn't know about the gangster but knows about Alex stays in my house?'

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN FRONT OF THE DOOR!? ARE YOU EAVESDROPPING?'' Suddenly, a shout comes from outside the door.

Even if the door is not soundproof, people can't listen if they put their ear really close to the door unless someone screams really loud. No one is crazy enough to do that inside the library. I frown when I hear the shout. 'Caroline?'

"WAIT! WAIT! IT'S A MISUNDERSTANDING!" Another shout comes from outside the door. Both me and Alice stare at the door because the voice is also familiar.

"Alex?" Alice mutters the name as she runs towards the door. She pushes me away as I am standing in front of her. I staggered back a step as it was unexpected. 'Luckily, I don't fall.'

Alice quickly runs towards the door and opens it. When the door was opened, both Caroline and Alex look in our direction with eyes wide. Especially Alex when she sees Alice in front of her.

"Hey, Ali- Huh!" Alex's voice was cut short when Alice hugs her.

"ALEX!!" Alice shouts before burying her face in the curve of Alex's neck. This action shocked all of us because Alice's sobs can be heard clearly. Alice hugs Alex tightly and, her shoulder is shaking while Alex is looking very confused. After a moment of not knowing what to do, Alex rubs Alice's back gently.

Alex caresses Alice's head in silence a not even looking away. She's looking at Alice intensely, not even batting me an eye.

'Maybe Alex also has feelings for Alice?' I asked her system opinion.

[Yes. But, Alex and Alice don't know that they both have the same feeling.]

'…' Let's ignore this matter for now. I want to calm the situation before things get out of control. That was is until,


"Eh?" I was shocked when Caroline looks at me with her eyes wide. She tremblingly takes a step back as the books in her hand fall to the floor. Both her hands covered her mouth as she shakes her head while staring at me.


I roll my eyes after hearing the ball's annoying remarks. 'What world did you brought me into again?' I let out a heavy sigh before looking at Caroline's again. "It's a misunderstanding." I smile at her.

Caroline seems to be smarter since I first met her. Caroline takes a deep breath before asking me calmly. "What did you do to her."

'… Never mind. She's still the same little dumb, dumb. At least she's a lot calmer now.

"What happened!?" Alex asked Alice in her arms with soft tones. She holds Alice's face and looks at her with her brows down. "Where did it hurt?" Alex didn't take Caroline's misunderstanding seriously. She nods at me secretly, which is a relief. At least, Alex is still reliable when it comes to things like this. At the same time, another male's voice can be heard outside.

"Carol? What happened."

'Cole Ryder!?' He suddenly appears and stands near Caroline before looking at Alice in Alex's arms curiously. At least he's calm enough and, I can explain to him clearly if he ever misunderstands.' I let out a relieved sigh and was about to explain when I heard another familiar voice.

"What's going on?"

'The male lead is also here?' I sigh again while scratching the back of my head. 'It's fine…' As long Alice is calm and I tell them clearly, he won't misunderstand. Alex is also on my side and, she can help to calm Alice before explaining the situation.

"Ava?'' It's Becca's voice.

"Becca?" Why is she here? Becca looks shocked when she sees Alice is crying. She looks at everyone only to realize that they are as confused as her. Only then, she looks at Alex and me again.

"It's nothing serious, don't worry." I try to ease the situation. I see they all nodded in understanding. Only Caroline is a little bit dumb but, Cole is just laughing before bonking her head. This action makes Caroline look at him while pouting.

[Damian Ford is also on his way here. He's 15 meters away.] Alex's system warned.

I frown after hearing the reminder. 'Why the fuck all the important ones in the mission are here?' I unblock the connection between Alex and me right away. 'Alice doesn't know about what happened between you and the gangsters. I think it has something to do with Damian. But, she knew that your stays in my house.' I explain quickly.

Surprisingly, instead of sounding annoyed and angry, Alex sound relieved by the news. 'Thank goodness… Alice is not involved.' Alex smiles widely and, she hugs Alice more securely in her arms.

'…. I feel stupid for thinking she hates Alice." I blocked my conversation with Alex again.

[Because of the misunderstanding, Alex is feeling a little heartbroken. That's why she's being cranky.] Alex's system explains.

'Tsk… A lover quarrel.' No wonder I feel sour since before.

"What's going on here?" It was a voice that sounds silvery but, I can feel the annoyance in my body is building up. Especially when I see his face. He looks like a guy who can hide evilness and cruelness under the mask of an angel.

I have to do my assignment. But, I am lazy. 2 chapters more, and I will rest for a few days. Sorry guys.

Carciphones_02creators' thoughts