
the fall of Toronto part 1: Ice Barron

Waking up deeper underground, he found himself on a mattress and he had marks on his body from where he was probably tortured and cuffed/and tied up.

The door opened and coming into the room was a little girl with silver hair and a slim silver tail simular to Asmodeus's.

"Ahh, your awake!"

walking over to him he was already bandaged and then she kneeled down and started uniting him, freeing him.

"So... What's your name?"

"I'm asm-" he paused as something didn't feel right, but then he shook his head "I'm Asmodeus Hiragi," he said looking down at her bad bandaging skills.

He looked over at her and then she opened the black kit and pulled out a tall container that said "tomato juice".

She held it out and smiled,

"This is blood"


She then looked at the container and opened it, handing it to him.

"There's a strict no flesh policy, but for creatures like us, we have this one exception which is a good substitute to flesh"

"Flesh is tasty and nutritional, but the blood here is mixed in with a drop of life energy, so each sip is equivalent to having a chunk of flesh~!"

Are these people cannibals or something, because God damnnnnnn!

"No thanks, I'm-"

But he was cut off.

"You're an incubus correct? Brenton already told us about you, after all, he's the only other incubus around, so he could sniff you out from a mile away, haha" she laughed but then he glared at her more intensely.

"I'm not a Incubus? I'm human"

He said NORMALLY, but she tilted her head in confusion as his [Demon form] was visible "no your not, your a Demon like me and you're type is called an incubus" she stated.

But as she said that it was as if little swirls came around his eyes.

"I'm...human..." why does he sound slightly sociopathic?

"You're Demon kin, not human?"

"Master said I'm human, therefore I'm human"

Those crazy eyes started scaring her, her hand got numb and she gulped as her throat got dry.

Looking away "I guess you're a human Demon than" she tried compromising and...oh fuck how stupid can he be...it worked.

"So where are we?"

"Were in Fort tanumun, it's the main base for the gamma gachi group, oh yea, there the group that rescued you" she said but then grabbed his shoulder.

"Now drink up, that should last you until tomorrow"

He was hesitant on drinking it, but she treated him kindly...so what the hell, he chugged it and it was surprisingly, good~

As he finished she grabbed his hand and she pulled him out of the room "follow me, let me show you around department D-4!".

It was a kid floor, he saw no one tho, and it was all mostly hallyways and rooms with the occasional side stuff, she also mentioned a few things and all the occupantd if D-F are somewhat of a handful.

But forget about them, kick the kids because this was mostly a bad situation he was locked into.

He had his differences with other Demons.


As she showed him around, they walked through a white hallways and then she opened a door leading into a humongous area called the play feild...were all the other Demons spent most their time.




As she walked in pulling him along, she had a faint but rosy blush as she occasionally glaired at asmodeus,

Looking over to the other kids "hey eveyone I brought the new one big brother Brenton rescued!" she yelled out to them gathering all their attention.

She let go of his hand running down to the others, but as she did one of the older kids came up to her.

"Before we accept him into the gamma, what race/species is he" the leader of the kids named Hagani said.

"He's like onii-chan, an incubus"

She said in a pleasant tone, but his face turned sour before he looked away.

'I don't understand why that fool saves another one of his kind, first this succubus and now another incubus, it's as if he's trying to corrupt or group with these savages'

Looking at her he sighed "just don't over do anything, the last thing we need is you 2 animals more trouble for me"

"Got it boss!" she said completely bypassing his criticism.

But as she said that,


They all looked over to asmodeus and his tail suddenly thrashed around and he slammed It against the ground, she immediately knew that look, expression, and meaning of his tail lash, but what got her the mostwas that... murderous intent.




With a strange scent so strong that it was dedicating, he stood their looking at everyone before him, his nails sharpened, and the white in his eyes slowly getting tainted with darkness.

Gritting his teeth he moved into a rush/dash stance and as she reacted it was too late.

He kicked the ground dashing forward and as his tail suddenly shifted into a armored tail she jumped to the side flaping her wings a single time to boost her speed and she found her way onto his path.

He threw a attack at her but she reacted faster, dodging and using his attacks force against him by grabbing his hand and then fliping him over her sholder, slamming him down onto the ground.

"The Devil's aren't are enemy anymore!!!"

She yelled as the others were shocked and scared, meanwhile the older ones jumped forward to protect the younger and frightened.

"See! This is why I told the Master you vile savages shouldn't be allowed to be let in"

But as he said that she looked at her baring her teeth and showing almost the same hostility in her expression as asmodeus had.

He recoiled in shock and she then looked down to asmodeus and grabbed the incoming tail that aimed for her head, she stomped on him one good time making him cough out a handful of saliva.

Her eyes shined red as her eyes met with his [Demon eyes]

"Calm yourself!"


As her words came to ear, his heavy and heated breathing started lesssing and his tail stoped struggling to kill her.

"Good job Bella, now kill that vile Demon!" older Devil kid 1 yelled out.

"Death to the savage race!" older Devil kid 2 yelled.

"Die monster!" older Devil kid 3 yelled.

"Wild beast like him don't deserve to even be in the same room as us" older Devil back 4 mumbled to herself

Throw him back into the wild!" older Devil kid 5 yelled.




'It's getting colder, it's getting darker, what was I doing again? why did I feel all that hatred? why did I need to kill them, wait? no shouldn't it be I wanted to?. . .no, they need to die, they all need to die!

The tint black in his eyes started spreading at a slowly slow pace.

'I know that scent, Devil, Devil's, there everywhere, the war isn't over yet, I need to fight or my race will be nothing but the past'

"Gods... Devils... It dosen't matter who are what you are!"


She said looked at him under her foot.

But then,

Grabbing her foot that layed on his stomach, his eyes completely turned demonic and his olivy skin started turning white, like that of snow.


He roared and hit her angle making her shift of him, but as she was cought off balance, she twisted his bodyband kicked her making her stumble back.

But as she almost fell, the devil known as "boss" helped her, he also has a large rock in hand ready to put up a fight, and it was just him, so was 13 other older Demon kids.




He pushed himself up, but as he did who let subzero in here, because small ice shards started forming on his arms and you could litterally see the cryogenic frost radiating off of him, or it could of been steam(your choice).

[Ice Barron]

His irises turned blue and the only thought he had in mind was...power.

'More! More! More! More! Let the Demon rage!'

("boss" imma call him jeff)

Jeff's widened eyes gazed apon such monster and all he could say was,

"So this is a Demon"

He had already knew of their supreme and unnatural power thanks to Bella over there, but seeing a Demon that wasn't from the gamma gachi group or even this region, it was...well, terrifying.

The same went for Bella, she's never met any other Demon other than the incubus she refers to as onii-chan, so she thought she was the hot stuff around here, all powerful and respectful omong the rest.

But she forgot something important due to her lack of realizm.

Demon's were never the good guys in history and they were never frowned apon either because everyone knows.

No one crosses paths with a Demon and simply walks away.

* * * * *

It's been 3 days since he's been missing and they still have that incubus guy...but due to an uncertain action and alot of planning, they called...


I got drunk last night and...that gave me a few ideas I wanted to try out, so excuse my imbecileness in the next few chaps, don't worry these current ones are all...storyline and story-wise

TurtleMaster6319creators' thoughts