
[PAUSED] Crown of Ivy

Ivy had always loved playing games with her brother and friends and was actually really good at it. She finally gets the opportunity to go pro with her friend and a group of unknown talent. She does her best to succeed, but one day, she hears a voice and the whole known world changes before her eyes. She only hears one thing throughout it all. "First Veil removed on order of federal government."

erii_eesu · 科幻言情
2 Chs

Chapter 2

"Really?!" Jess practically screamed into my ear.

"Stop screeching into the mic dude!" I yell at her. "When's the first practice?" I sigh and ask my question. "I'm kind of available whenever."

"It's tomorrow. We were going to have someone audition or something, but now that we have you, we will win for sure!"

"What're everyone's positions?" I fire my questions at her.

"We have two tanks, one OD*, and one healer," She responds quickly, used to me questioning her and her sketchy decisions on a daily basis. "We were hoping you would join as the other OD."

"Sure," I respond quickly. I just want to go to bed so that we can start practice tomorrow. In my opinion, my best area of expertise is in Offensive Dealer.

"Great!" Jess exclaimed. "Log in around ten in the morning. Is that good for you?"

"Yup, I let you know when I'm on. Invite me to your party."

"Great! Thank you again, Ivy!" Jess yelled. She immediately logged off the chat and the game. I was alone again. I logged out and turned off my gaming setup. I turn off all the remaining lights and hop into bed for a wonderful few hours of sleep. Falling asleep is always hard for me. I have weird, vivid dreams that I'm a player in a virtual reality PvP game and it hurts when you get wounded or killed. A lot. It hurts as if you're dying in real life.

Not fun.

I do my best not to dwell on it too much and try to fall asleep.


I jump awake, sweat layering my body as I woke up from the same nightmare that I have every night. I opened my phone to check the time. It was 5 AM.

Oh well.

I get up and go to take a shower. I let the hot water drip down my back, relaxing the small amount of muscles I have. I step out of the shower and quickly dress myself to get ready for practice. I look over at the time. 6:24 AM.

Finding myself with nothing to do besides some solo PvP, I log onto Golden Temple Online and wait for it to load. I join the PvP Realm instead of the Capture the Crystal game that I had played the night before with Jess. Overall, I'm a Champion rank, which makes PvP easier with the goo gear and weapons that I own.

After a couple of minutes, I have ten kills. I plan on playing for a few more hours, getting a few more XP points closer to Legend. There weren't many Legends on the game. It was difficult to reach that level in a short amount of time because some people actually had social lives.

Welp, I thought, as I got to twenty kills in seven minutes.

Let's get this party started.