
Chapter 31 So what?

"My name is Hyuuga Neji, I have come here as the guard of Hinata-sama and Hanabi-sama."

The Hyuuga boy introduced himself and told Naruto why he was here.

Naruto didn't show any expression and said.

"Is that so? But so what? I still remember that we haven't invited you or anyone in the Hyuuga clan. You should not come here as you please. Except for Hanabi-chan. She is like a sister to me, so she could come here anytime she wants."

Hearing him, Hinata wanted to say something but she couldn't bring herself to speak.


Hinata felt bad for Neji but it was the opposite for her little sister. 

Hanabi felt satisfied with his action. She was also very happy that she was accepted by him and could come here any time she wanted.

'Otou-sama said that I have to do whatever it takes for Naruto-Onii-sama to accept me and let me come with Onee-sama. But I didn't have to do anything!'

She could avoid being trained harshly by the elders who wanted her to replace her big sister.

Naruto looked at Hinata. He knew that his action might make her feel bad and she might start to think of him badly.

However, there was nothing that could change his mind right now.

He wasn't such a narrow minded person to do this but because he was so sensitive to the negativity.

He could feel a heavy hostile intention from Neji toward Hinata.

He would never let someone like him around Hinata, no matter what.

Neji's facial expression became cold when he heard that.

"I have come here by the order of Hiashi-sama. You can't interfere with his decision."

Naruto shrugged and then said.

"My house, my rules. I don't have to bow to his will, right? I am Uzumaki Senju Naruto. Does my name consist of anything related to your family?"

Naruto was quite ruthless to someone who had bad intentions toward those he considered close to him.

And Neji was those who might harm Hinata. So he became his enemy from this point on.

"Are you trying to damage the friendship between the Senju clan and the Hyuuga clan?"

"Damaging the friendship between clans? What are you talking about? Are you that important for them to go to war for you? Last night I remember that they were basically begging Tsunade-shishou to help them."

Neji felt angry but he had to control his expression. He didn't know why Naruto was like this.

But he knew that he was onto something.

'He seemed to be able to see through me. I have to be more careful from now on.'

Neji was smart so he could tell that Naruto might know something about him.

"I will wait for you outside. Hinata-sama, Hanabi-sama."

He chose to retreat rather than facing Naruto head on.


Hinata felt really bad as she looked at Neji and walked away. She looked at Naruto. She wanted to ask him why he acted like that toward her cousin."

"I will tell you about it, Hinata-chan. Please come inside first."

Daji praised Neji for being cunning. The little guy knew that he would never win so he chose to retreat.

'He might come again and mess with you, Naruto-chan. You should prepare for his counter attack.'

'I understand, Daji-kaa-chan. I will be careful.'

He was stronger than him but that didn't mean that Neji would fight him physically. He might do something bad to him with other means.

Tsunade came back from the Uchiha clan with a satisfied expression on her face. The negotiation was successful.

She got their support in dealing the heavy blow to the councilors.

Fugaku was very cunning and knew many weaknesses of the councilors. 

He couldn't do anything before because he lacked the political power to stand against them.

But now that Tsunade gave him a helping hand. He won't let this opportunity go to waste.

"The next time we meet in the meeting is when you are all going to lose everything!"

Tsunade would make them all bankrupt and take over all of the things they took from her and Naruto.

While she was thinking about making them feel the pain. She reached near the entrance of her clan.

She then saw Hyuuga Neji walking out from the front gate.

'That must be Hizashi's son. Why is he here?'

Tsunade heard about the tragedy of the Hyuuga clan before. 

Neji became fatherless because of the decision of the elders and the councilors.

He must be full of hatred toward the main house and the village now.

'Hiashi, what the hell are you thinking? Sending him with your daughters like this.'

Tsunade didn't know what was inside the man's head but Naruto must have prevented him from entering the clan compound. 

He must have felt his hostility toward Hinata and Hanabi.

Naruto explained everything to Hinata as to why he did what he did to Neji. 

And she understood.

She believed what Naruto said to her to be the truth. He didn't have any reason to lie to her.

And even Hanabi confirmed that Neji did indeed dislike her very much.

Seeing her being sad. Naruto couldn't help but comfort her.

"Don't pay any attention to that kind of man because it was a waste of time. You should pay more attention to yourself instead, Hinata-chan."

Hinata nodded her head. She would listen to Naruto. He was the only one who could understand her anyway.

'Only Naruto-kun understand me…'

The way that Hinata looked at him changed a little bit. Naruto couldn't feel negativity from her so he just brushed it off.

However, Daji who was inside him couldn't help but laugh to herself.

'Oh, my, Oh, my. My kit is going to have a headache with this one but he need to know how to manage his back one day'

Tsunade had returned and she came to check on them first.

Shizune wasn't inside the clan at this time because she had applied for a job inside the academy alongside Kakashi.

"I am back, Let me check on your martial art real quick and then you can play with Naruto after this."

Tsunade checked on Hinata's martial art and when she saw Hanabi. She thought why not and began to check Hanabi's martial art as well. 

Even though their martial art was different from hers. The principles behind them were the same.

"You two have to practice it like this from now on and your progress over your martial art would become a lot more stronger."

Because she had to teach Naruto who was a monster among the geniuses she had ever seen.

She had to improve herself over and over again so she could catched up to him.

Hinata and Hanabi were shocked. To think that someone knew the gentle fist even more than the patriarch himself.

'Father is really weak…'

They both thought the same. Maybe they should stop trying to learn only martial arts and start to learn something to complement it.

The councilors were now having a hard time hiding themselves.

They didn't know how the authority got the wind of them doing something they shouldn't.

"It must be because of that b*tch!" 

Their many bad deeds came to light and Hiruzen did what he had promised them.

He started the purge with the help of the Uchiha clan!

"Danzo-sama! You are the only one we could ask for help! Hokage-sama has gone insane!"

They didn't have anyone they could rely on anymore. Orochimaru had gone rough and the only one who seemed to hate Hiruzen was Danzo.

Danzo looked at them with emotionless eyes. Today was supposed to be his day off. He was just watching snow falling and reminiscing about the past.

They had to come here and break his quiet and relaxing moment of life.

"Roots took them to Hiruzen. I don't want to see them here again."


They thought that Danzo would help them but they got arrested instead. The roots work as fast as the Anbu. They quickly sent them to Hiruzen's office for him to judge them.

Danzo then went back to chilling again. Worldly matters don't concern him anymore.

The purge was successful and the councilors who did something dirty to the village got exiled from the village or executed.

Tsunade felt relieved that the village was much safer for Naruto than before. 

He could come and go anywhere in the village without having to look back again.

"I did everything that I could for him. I hope Kushina and Minato don't blame me too much in the afterlife when we meet."

Minato and Kushina already forgave her a long time ago but because she couldn't see them she didn't know about it.

And about her dying. She should forget about as Naruto would not let something like that happened to her at all.

It had been weeks since Naruto came back to the village. Everything became so peaceful for the ten years old Naruto.

Those who used to bully him when he was a kid got punished severely. They were those who were backed by the exiled councilors anyway.

Naruto didn't have any mercy for those who had done wrong to him so he just watched them get exiled or executed.

"Life is good."

Naruto smiled as he watched the leafless trees begin to have some greens in them again.

He then looked at his lap to see two cute young girls.

Hinata and Hanabi came to play with him again like usual. 

They were both laying their heads on Naruto's lap.

They became incredibly close to Naruto after he saved them from the life of the Hyuuga.

"Hinata-chan, Hanabi-chan. I have something to tell you. I might have to go somewhere far away for two or three years."

Naruto dropped a bomb on them. The siblings stood up immediately and looked at him in shock.

"Please don't go, Onii-chan!"

Hanabi jumped on him and hugged his head. She didn't want him to go. If he were to go away. Who would take care of them and play with them!

Hinata showed a very distressed expression. She didn't want him to go away as well.

"Don't go, Naruto-kun."

Hinata hugged him from behind. The two of them looked like monkeys who didn't want their mother to go away.

Daji laughed happily when she saw this. Her kit was getting to become more and more of the alpha male fox.

www.p@treon.com/dizzme for more chapters!