
[Hiatus] I'm a turtlemaster~ all turtle beasts I shall tame!

Truck-kun you might of killed me, but me and my turtle gang will come back to get you! Turtle power, turtle attack and turtle defend! We are turtle and we are the progenitor of turtles! Hope you enjoy~♡ _______/\_______/\______ Disclaimer! cover dosent belong to me, if the creature if it wishes I'll remove it.

TurtleMaster6319 · 奇幻
6 Chs

Chapter 1: truck-kun killed me and I became a turtle-beast!

Okay okay okay, so we're do I begin, well currently I'm in the void because hell couldn't contain me muhahaha...humph....I wanna cry...

Okay forget about me, so I was just casually going to school like I usually did, I go to ocean avenue and I'm a freshman in high-school. . .or I was atleast.

Well let's see, I'm a introvert with I have one friend, he's my turtle, I love that man, he's a good man...well technically it's a she, but don't worry about that part~

Okay back to my nemesis, I mean how I died.

I was heading to school like usual and as I was casually just walking across the street, truck-kun appeared like a wild Pokémon.

Ay look buddy I'm sorry for peeing on you last week, it was your fault you were there not mine,

But he appeared and he was enraged or aomthibg like that, he probably be hearing all that junk twards him and he was rolling all of it onto me, becuase why not he's truck-kun everyone's mortal enemy.

I was just casually going about my business when truck-kun pulled up faster than my mom's belt and hit me,

I'm pretty sure my head fell off or somthing too, you know the usual.

Now I'm here...inside the void...I wonder if mom would he proud I'm not in hell.

Actually she's probably enraged that I'm not anywhere, and if hell doesn't want me that means even heaven dosen't want me either.

Here I thought I was a good person, actually now that I think about it, i don't belive in good or evil, just grow up in the end were all just people, but I'm not tho atheist, mom would of beaten my ass ten folds if I even thought of abandoning God.

Also I'm pretty sure god is truck-kun and I just got smited.

But never mind that "hello!" there's no in here I can't even hear my own voice.

It's just black, there's nothing here wait was the a red glow!

Another red glow appeared and with it a figure appeared too.

"Ahh, so you finally came aizen" the blood red eyes appeared before him and they were huge and far, the figure of whatever it was.

it was a motherfucking dragon!

"Oh no I'm so dead, I'm so dead! I'm dead again, what happens after death twice!"

"Shut up!" his voice roared

Aizen sat on his feet

"Yes sir"

He complied to this majestic creature.

"Good, now listen here aizen, normally people who come to the void after death go into eternal sleep"

But then as he said that aizen broke out with bullets of sweat as he didn't get it at all.

"Usually the worst of the worst come to the void after death" as he said that his exception became empty.

Did the dragon basically call him the worst of the worst.

"Also people who are mentally broken and damaged"

His words hit aizen

"Whatchya trying to say you red eyed black dragon scarry...scarry bastard!!!"

"Back to the topic, I've looked at your entire 17 years of what you call a life and you were born of a nun and a priest, who's love child was never supposed to be born,


Your mother left the church to raise you, she for pregnant again and had a daughter shortly after, who you ended up looking out for most your life,


You were abused mostly physically but also emotionally and mentally by her and the people around you always took advantage of you becuase you never fought back,


But you always kept a smile on your face for you little sister, at the age of ten you got a job to help take care of her as your mother was too busy getting drunk or at the church helping out as she felt she needed to be closer to God"

As he said that Aizen just laughed "and your point is?"

"Don't you feel...upset for everything"

"Haha so what, everything's in the past, just let go and go with the flow is what I always say~ hehe"

"Intresting, because from what I've seen, you've killed before"

"I didn't what I had to" he's expression turned cold.

"Ah yes, for that girl you call your sister right? was it truly worth it?"

"She's worth it all, no one hurts my little sister. . .no. . .one" his eyes looked crazed and the dragon smiled.

"You haven't lost your touch old and ancient one meligazus, but no matter how many times you reincarnate death always follows, but I'm surprised you suppressed you urges to kill for so long" the dragon laughed confusing him.

As the dragon went on a sort of a rant to himself, aizen crossed his legs and looked up "hey dragon, you think you can make sure Suzy finds a better owner" he asked

The dragon looked at him,

"Your turtle?" aizen nodded his head.

"It will be done meligazus, oh and your time is almost up" he said looking at him serious.

"What time? and who's meligazus?" he asked but the dragon wasn't going to answer the last part.

"You're 10th recarnation, if you have a request, this evil dragon God who once served you will grant it as a gift to his old master" the dragon roared and his eyes lit up.

"Okay no time to think, recarnate me as a Turtle! and give me a turtlemaster system!" he said and the dragons eyes lit up even more and his full body became visibly frightening him even more.

But then aizen smiled "thank you old friend, Damakos" he said as his body became that of a younge man which ancient God attire.

"Master!" the dragon reached out as he smiled and then fadded away in an black and merky darkness.

"Master aremembered my name before reincarnation. . ."

He suddenly smiffled as if he was crying on the inside.

"Farwell and shall we meet again, but this time, I hope you live to the day we can meet and join forces once more, bit as the turtlemaster"

He then softly laughed "I used a all of my remaining power to ensure your past lives slowly come with back to you"

"Till we meet again"

join forces with me and have turtle course throught your vains!

I thank you all for even reading this and I'm open to all and any suggestions, I really hope this comes out good and I hope you all enjoy, peace out my lovely readers~♡

TurtleMaster6319creators' thoughts