
[GL] Quick Transmigration: Change of Fate

Sarah owned her own company, learned how to use a sword, knows how to cook, knows how to fight, but after saving a little girl from a truck and a thief, she died protecting the little girl. She was dying on the concrete, bleeding out, while the little girl cried. Then she got connected to a system to help females change their fate in different worlds. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first book and my first time writing so please don't judge it too harshly. Thanks. *Warning* If you didn't check the tags or read the title carefully, this is R18 and GL. *If You Don't Like It, Don't Read It.* Thank You for reading if you did.

rainbowbow_beautys · LGBT+
20 Chs

The Queen

*Leo's POV*

I am locked in this damn disgusting place. I don't deserve this. Sarah belongs to me, she was mine first. I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard people talking. I can't hear what are really saying, but well enough to know what's happening.

Guards: "Queen...Sarah...marry... wedding...today...3:00 pm."

*No One's POV*

Hearing this, Leo got even more angry and jealous. Jealous that he is stuck in a cage while Sarah and the queen get to have a good life. Not accepting reality, Leo started to plan an escape from his cage.

The guard that brought Leo's meal was a new guard that was just fresh out of the training, so he didn't know all the rules quite yet. There was two guards, one by the door cell, and the other was the one bringing Leo food.

When the guard brought Leo food, Leo grabbed the guard's sword and injured him. The guard by the door heard the commotion, so he turned to check it out, only to be met with a fist to his head, knocking him unconscious. Once both guards were down, Leo ran and managed to escape undetected.


*After the Wedding Vows*

Officiant: "Sarah, do you take Victoria to be you lawfully weded wife, through sickness and health, through rich and poor, and through happiness and sadness?"

Sarah: "I do." Sarah then puts the ring on Victoria.

Officiant: "Victoria, do you take Sarah to be you lawfully weded wife, through sickness and health, through rich and poor, and through happiness and sadness?"

Vic: "I do." Victoria then puts the other ring on Sarah.

Officiant: "With the power of goddes Selena vested in me, I pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Right when Vic and Sarah was about to kiss, Sarah saw in the corner of her eyes, a sword being thrown straight at Vic. Without thinking, Sarah pushed Vic's body away and the sword stabbed Sarah.

Vic came out of shock of being pushed, only to see the love of her life being pierced by a sword. Sarah smiled at Vic lovingly, then fell forward. Vic caught Sarah in time and when she lift her head up, she saw Leo standing there, smiling. Upon seeing Leo, Vic's blood boiled.


After shouting at everyone, Vic turned her head to Sarah.

Vic had tears streaming down her face: "Sarah, my love, come on, stay with me. Stay with me. Don't sleep. Please. Please don't sleep. Come on."

Sarah reached her head out and touched Vic's cheek: **Cough up blood** "Hey. I'll be alright. I promise. Just, just stay with me. You're so warm. It feels so cold. **Cough** **Cough** I...love...you. I'm so tired, I'm just going to take a little nap okay? Just for a little bit."

Vic sobbed and spoke weakly not caring about her appearance at the moment: "No. No. Don't. Don't sleep, come on you have to stay with me. Come on. We just got married, we haven't even went on our honeymoon and I still haven't had enough of you yet. Stay awake. Please."

Sarah didn't respond and her hand dropped from Vic's cheek. Once the doctor arrives, she did everything she could, and they took Sarah to the hospital. All the available doctors did their best. They managed to stop the bleeding and keep Sarah alive.

Vic was outside the room, where the doctor was fixing up Sarah. Vic waited and paced back and forth. The only people by her side was Anne and her cousin Valerie. It brought her a bit of comfort, but not much. Once the doctor went out of the room, Vic went right up to her.

Vic: "How is she? Is she okay? Is she going to live?"

Doctor: "She is stable for now, but she is in critical condition. She is alive, but in a coma. It now depends whether she can fight hard enough to heal and wake up."

Vic: "She will. I know it. Can I see her?"

Doctor: "Yes. She may be able to hear you, but make sure you don't touch her too much. I have another patient waiting, so I'll be going. "

Vic nods her head and went inside the room, leaving Anne and Valerie in the hall. When she saw how Sarah looked, she cried even more. She grabbed a chair and sat next to Sarah while holding Sarah's hand with tears streaming down her face.

Vic: "Wake up, my love, wake up."

After a while, Vic's eyelids started to close, but she didn't want to sleep. She wanted to stay awake and watch over Sarah, who sacrificed herself for her wife. Before she knew it, Vic had fallen asleep next to Sarah.


*1 Week later*

*Vic's Pov*

It was been a week since the incident, but Sarah hasn't woken up yet. I wished I could stay by her side the entire time until she wakes, but I can't. I have a duty as a queen, and as the queen, I must punish those who hurt a member of the royal family.

It turns out that some guards weren't trained hard enough, so when that da.nm bas.tard escaped, they couldn't stop him and for that, they will be put back in their hellish training. As for the prisoner, I made sure that he only had enough to eat to still be alive.

Once I made it down to the dungeons, I saw that bas.tard chained, all ready for me to began my, well, let's just say my fun.

Vic: "You are going to regret what you did Leo. I'll make you wish I had killed you, but no, no no no, you are going to pay dearly for what you did. I'll make sure of it, after all, I am known as the blood queen."

*No One's POV*

Leo saw the queen starting to approach him, which made him scared. He tried to scream, but his mouth was bound. He had forgotten that the queen was known as the blood queen, and he knew why. She was known as the blood queen, because when she tortured someone, she can make them pour out buckets of blood, but they would still be alive. Did he regret what he did, a little bit, but not much.