
[GL] Quick Transmigration: Change of Fate

Sarah owned her own company, learned how to use a sword, knows how to cook, knows how to fight, but after saving a little girl from a truck and a thief, she died protecting the little girl. She was dying on the concrete, bleeding out, while the little girl cried. Then she got connected to a system to help females change their fate in different worlds. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first book and my first time writing so please don't judge it too harshly. Thanks. *Warning* If you didn't check the tags or read the title carefully, this is R18 and GL. *If You Don't Like It, Don't Read It.* Thank You for reading if you did.

rainbowbow_beautys · LGBT+
20 Chs

The Queen

*Victoria's POV*

Victoria: **Cough** "Uhm...Sarah, I would like you to meet my cousin, Valerie."

Sarah: "Oh, uh, hello. I'm Sarah and sorry about that."

Valerie: "Valerie. It's fine. Don't worry about it."

It was a little awkward and silent until Sarah moved to whisper in my ear.

Sarah: **Whisper** "Meet me later. I have something to tell you when you're done and I'm sorry about what happened earlier."

Sarah: "So I am going to go now. I'll see you later my queen."

As soon as Sarah walked out the door and walked away, Val started smirking.

Val: "So, my queen, huh. Is that why you fell in love with her. Now you know that she likes you back just as much, what are you going to do?"

Vic: "I don't know..."

Val: "If she didn't feel the same, she wouldn't have kissed you like that, plus I think she was jealous. I'm pretty sure she thought that I was someone who was trying to seduce you. I mean look at the way I'm sitting and dressed, I would think someone is trying to seduce a person if they sat and wore this."

Vic: "Maybe. Ugh, I can still feel her soft, plump, and sweet lips on mine. I want to kiss her more. What should I do Val?"

Val: "Stop being so lovestruck in front of me sheesh. If you want to kiss her more, than you need to stop talking to me and go find her to confirm her obvious feelings."

Vic: "You're right. Thanks Val. I'm going to go find her now."


*Sarah's Pov*

I'm back to the queen's garden thinking about what just happened. I am so embarrassed. I can't believe I did that, I mean I knew I was jealous but I could've just waited till that meeting was over. What if queen Victoria doesn't want me anymore because of what I did? Right in the middle of my thinking I see queen Victoria heading my way, making me nervous and hoping that she won't reject me. What if-

Vic: "Hey Sarah, I want to ask you something and I want you to be honest okay?"

Sarah: "Uhm...o-okay."

Vic: "I wanted to ask why you kissed me earlier? I know that I confessed my feelings to you, but I don't want you to do something you don't want to. I'm sorry for pushing my feelings onto you. Just please don't-"

She talks to much, but I guess I had nothing to worry about. So I kissed her to shut her up and to show that we have the same feelings for each other. Kissing her lips feels so good. I could keep kissing her forever if I could, but sadly, we need air. Once we broke apart, due to the lack of air, I put my forehead against hers.

Vic: "Wow. I-. You-. Uhm...d-does this mean that we are together as in like I'm your girlfriend now?"

Sarah: "Yes, yes it does. I would be happy and honor to have someone like you be my girlfriend. As for announcing our relationship at the banquet, I wouldn't mind as long as you don't either."

Vic: "Good. I want the whole world to know who you belong to."


**3 Months Later**

It has been 3 months since we started dating and I couldn't be happier. Vic always wants to be with me and always clings to me, but it makes me feel loved, so I don't really mind it. When she is mad at me, she would ignore me, but when I do apologize and make it up to her, I would cook for her and take her out on a date, then she would smile at me again.

Tomorrow is the banquet, so right now, I'm just helping Vic finish up the decorations and making sure everything is neat and good to go for tomorrow.

Looking around, I saw Vic talking to one of the organizers. Walking up to her as quiet as possible, so that I can scare her.

Vic: "You know babe, if you wanted to scare me you have to be more quiet and more aware of your surroundings."

Sarah: "You are not easy to scare huh. Oh well. So, how is everything going?"

Vic: "Everything is set up and good to go for tomorrow. Now that, that's done, come here and kiss me. I've missed you."

Sarah: "We just saw each other like 2 hours ago."

Vic: "I know but I still miss you. You don't miss me?"

Sarah: "Of course I missed you. I wanted to come over earlier to kiss you, but you were busy so I had to wait."

Vic: "Next time, just come up to me and kiss me, I wouldn't mind it one bit. Now shut it and kiss me already."

*No One's POV*

**TW: It gets a little hot in here**

Sarah pulled Victoria into a hungry kiss, missing how Victoria's lips were on her's. Sarah's hand were wrapped around Victoria's waist, while Victoria's wrapped her arms around Sarah's neck. Sarah slid her tongue into Victoria's lip, trying to have access and when Victoria opened her mouth, she felt Sarah in her mouth. Sarah moved her hands lower and grabbed onto Victoria's butt, squeezing it. She bit Victoria's lips and pulled on it, then kissed her again. Moaning at these feelings, she struggled to stand up, but Sarah held onto her. When Sarah pulled away for air, there was a silver line connecting them both. Victoria chased after her lips, but then realizes what she was doing and blushed. Sarah chuckled and kiss Victoria's head.

Sarah: "Let's get over these decorations, then we can spend the rest of the day doing whatever you want my love. We can continue the kiss once we are done here, but for now, let's finish checking everything."

Vic: "Okay."