
"Why have I become a man at the end of the World! I am a woman!"

Elyrion was the chess piece of the Gods, a piece that could be destroyed at any time. After she died in her first life as an Elf Princess, she becomes the puppet under threat that is used to entertain them. After serving for thousands of years, her only wish is to die and free her people from the threat. "If you do not obey, your homeworld and your people on it will be destroyed forever with no right of reincarnation." In the last mission, her role was to find a necklace, give it to the villain protagonist and then die incinerated by his firepower. Why is the necklace different? (...) Overnight after obtaining the necklace, she wakes up inside an uninhabited subway laboratory, the owner of this body died by the Biological Disaster that brings world 'Eba' to its end. The necklace transmits to her the memories, knowledge, and skills of her previous owner and also the memories of the previous owner of the body. A unique space, a survival system, and many more resources. The water became contaminated, the animals and plants mutated into Zombie beasts being poisonous for the consumption of living beings, the human dead rose from their coffins devouring everything in their path, they became Zombies. Supplies are scarcely generating the growth of Zombies, a world known as 'Eba'. The atmosphere is radioactive, sunlight is like lava in the day, the night became colder than the north and south poles, Zombies are immune to the outside. The only survivors isolated under the earth. The change of gender will not be easy for her, adapting to the current situation is better. Creating a base under the earth and creating supply will be the beginning of their survival. Saving the last species of animals and plants will be the second. Saving the last humans will be the third, but... Why is it that there are only women who want to be his wives, small children who call him daddy, and old people who have fallen into madness, who mistake him for their deceased children? What he does not expect is that his new gender would create a great change to his personality, calmly... "I'm not a pervert!, ¡I'm not a pervert!" "Why have I become a man at the end of the World! I am a woman!"

Hecatenix · 玄幻
3 Chs

Chapter II

The predecessor and former owner of the necklace, was Dea an ancient goddess and the creator of the World 'Eba', a goddess who was at war precisely with the Gods whom Elyrion served under threat.

Dae was defeated and was killed by the Gods, but before her world fell into their hands, she exiled it by separating it from her domain to protect it.

Because the world did not have a god to lead it, the world was falling because of the bad steps taken by its inhabitants until the apocalypse of now.

The necklace in her hands was the only relic that remained intact of Dea, that was not destroyed during her death, and the most powerful, a relic that those gods wanted for their amusement and to destroy more worlds.

The relic still retained the desires, the desire to save their world, perhaps not with a god to lead it but with a human who could maintain order until he was able to lead it to its survival.

"Eba is destroyed little by little, I can't take care of it now. I leave the responsibility to you, if my necklace Styx chose you it is because you are fit. You are my successor and I wish you luck. Farewell Dea, Oh and I hope my gifts will be of much use to you."

It was the message left by the goddess before she died.

The next memories were from Elyrion Ousa, they had the same name although in this world their meaning and use were different. He was the original owner of the body, he was a young boy of 18 years old who had recently finished high school, but because of a car accident he was hospitalized in the hospital of Garni Pharma Group, his parents died in this accident and he was considered 'dead' and taken to the 'U' facilities as part of the experimentation program with the name of 'O1420', because of his genetic mutation from birth.

During 6 months he went through multiple experimentation processes, but not presenting any result or alteration he was left under observation, then happened the destruction of the U Laboratory and all Gypiant and he was forgotten, this body was dying little by little because of the substances injected in him, because of the isolation by the glass capsule he was not affected by the TeGu Virus. Because the body had received a new owner, the body began to revive, currently, his body had come back to life with some improvements adapted by Styx.

Dae had a very important wish that she would fulfill, thanks to her she was able to free herself from those cruel gods, according to the memories of the Necklace and Dae, she managed to know the current situation of this world, but she did not know what her current location was, because of the destruction of the planetarium she couldn't decipher how many meters underground she was, it was a miracle that the room was intact and the electricity, technology, and breathing apparatus were still functioning.

Despite his concern, his heart was somewhat reassured to discover an important piece of information on the necklace, his homeworld was safe, the future generations of his world were no longer in danger at the hands of these gods. Their world had been sent to an area far away from them in which they had no access and in the hands of a former friend of Dea's of a higher degree who would be able to keep it safe.

Elyrion regretted the life of the boy of the same name and the Goddess, he nor any of the people who were victims of this place deserved that inhumane treatment that caused the deaths of many and others who became monstrosities that went mad losing their humanity, and she... According to her memories, she was a just and wise goddess, who fought for the good.

Rising from the gurney, he carefully removed his mouthpiece leaving it on the bed, and slowly noticed that his body was very different? ... Very masculine? At that, she remembered the original owner of the body was a Boy...?

(Tall, Tall! What do you mean it was a Boy! I'm a woman, always have been!) Confused his eyes visualized a mirror, walking, taking it between his hands he observed himself, he was dressed entirely in white and was extremely handsome, his expression, of course, was very different from that of someone calm when he slept, his current expression did not go according to his feelings, since he had a frozen face, cold as ice, but with an unusual and impressive appearance that gave him a refined and neat charm. His purple gaze was capable of freezing everything in its path.

Although her face did not show any reaction of astonishment, alteration, or frustration towards the unusual situation internally one could see her current self in a great river of tears, screaming to the 4 winds that she did not accept something.

(I am a woman, not a man!... I don't accept this body! Someone please release me from this body!) The mental cries were capable of causing great mental pains with their dramatic scenes, fortunately, her current body was not fit for it and instead stood firm and cold.

Walking with natural elegance, characteristic of this body, her eyes observed two doors, she approached the silent door that only up to the lower half of the door was locked and the upper part revealed a sliding...

Thinking of a plan, Elyrion grabbed a metal bar that was on the floor and opened the other door from which came strange grunts, he noticed that half of the room had collapsed and the grunts came from a Zombie that had been half-buried up to its legs whose arms were blocked by debris like the rest of its lower body.

The zombie's head was split open and his right eye had disappeared revealing a black socket, he was wearing a white scientist's coat, presuming he was one of the former scientists who was in charge of supervising the boy. His hands held the iron bar as if it were a spear.

Behind him, the illusion was observed to an extremely beautiful elven girl with white hair and blue elven eyes holding a spear in the same position as him.

The Zombie upon sensing the human scent began to growl louder, Elyrion in a single motion pierced the head several times until he silenced it.

'At that moment a screen appeared in front of him with the title: 'You have received the package from Styx.'

Do you wish to open it |Yes| OR |No|.

Elyrion tried to touch the Yes but in the end, his hand went through, so he thought: 'Yes.

They disappeared the above, automatically appeared the hologram of a box and a letter that opened only with something written on it: - 'Hello Elyrion, my name is Stygian, I am the necklace on your neck. My mistress ordered me to grant you these resources that will be used in your mission, at the moment you will awaken in your new body. If you wonder if I have a conscience of my own? The question is 'Yes, but unfortunately I am not designed to speak so I communicate by text!

-Now let's hurry, as I don't have much time, unfortunately, because of the complications of bringing you into this world. I had more energy expenditure than I had budgeted for, so I only have a chance to get what you need before I disappear, so here is the list of resources sent to me by my mistress Dea.

1. 'Unlimited Survival System' or 'U.S.S'.

2. Dimensional Space 'Ubi'.

3. Survival Tool.