

Welcome to Elmwood, Maine

Over 400 Years Later, America

Racing across the pitch-black streets was Nathaniel Bristow. The moonlight was her friend, and speed was her ally. She would have appeared as a blur of red and white to the human eye, but she persisted in staying in the shadows. The slumbering beach town was gradually settling in for late-night supper and prime-time television. This was one of the factors that led Nate to settle in Elmwood, Maine. The area was secure, serene, and quiet. Or so it was believed. Vampires were unchecked in Elmwood. Three of them, at least, did.

Nate came to a sudden halt and looked around her. She had made a mistaken turn. If he and Sarah arrived at their location before Sarah, Zachary was going to gloat. She sprinted in the direction of the town's center while picturing the smug look on her best friend's face. Nate made a powerful run. She turned a corner just like a cheetah pursuing its prey. Nate figured out a shorter route than the one she was taking now, and she jumped onto a nearby rooftop. She quickly crossed it by moving quickly. one, then the next, and so on.

Over the heads of the people, her feet moved silently.

None of them have learned anything new.

Nate had been horrified by what she had turned into long ago, following her first taste of blood. But now, more than 400 years later, she had learned to accept but also to govern who she was. Nate stopped to take in her surroundings as she arrived to the first restaurant rooftop. From her vantage point, she had a clear view of the busy marina. She could hear the seagulls' cries. She exhaled deeply, but it wasn't required. Nate cherished the aroma of the ocean. She then looked down into the shadowy passageway below her. Empty. She intended to fall silently to the ground, but instead splashed into a puddle.

Someone questioned, "What was that?"

"Probably nothing," another responded.

While she waited for them to pass, Nate pressed herself against the stone wall. She had arrived in the bustling downtown. At least in terms of what Elmwood residents regarded as bustling. Compared to the last metropolis she had resided in, this beach retreat was sparsely inhabited.

Nate groaned. It was unavoidable. She would have to continue on foot. She covered up most of her pale, freckled skin with a sweatshirt, and she added a blue hood to her auburn hair to add extra protection. She went quickly, but not quickly enough to attract notice. She shoved her hands into her pockets. She already drew quite a bit. No matter how hard she tried, it seemed like being dead made her stand out in this human world. Humans sought out enchantment in their life, and Nate's otherworldly beauty made her feel like magic, according to Nate's closest human friend. The reason, according to Nate, is that people desire danger, and there is nothing more terrifying than a predator that is ravaging you for blood.

When she arrived at Henry Park, Nate came to a sudden halt. What was actually there was a bench and a flower pot in front of the public library. She waited while sitting on the beaten-up bench.

Did you take the roofs, by any chance? Zachary questioned her in a kind manner, but he was still far away, and she could only hear him because of her vampire hearing. She flashed him a flirtatious look but said nothing. got to the bench where she was sitting.

At least you didn't keep us waiting like the last time, I suppose. His iridescent, silver eyes, which had just a tinge of blue around the corners, revealed the humor.

She responded, looking up at him, "Impatience persistent in the thought produces sadness to the spirit.

You are aware that you are living in America in the twenty-first century, correct? As she stood, Zachary mocked her.

Zachary was tall, powerful, and guarding. His name, in Nate's opinion, was a good fit for him, as were his face's nearly flawless facial angles and the halo-like appearance of his blonde hair. It was actually his personality, though, that made her think of an angel. Zachary loved people with a deep passion. He served as a mentor, a watchdog, and a leader. He enjoyed teaching younger generations the most. After the Battle of Brier Creek, Nate discovered him. A new vampire who had just returned from battle was unclear about how to be himself.

Nate had tried to teach him, but in the end, it was he who had brought up the importance of respecting human life.

The desire to murder was too overwhelming for Nate. Together, they came up with additional methods to obtain the blood they required, including the Red Cross, campus blood drives, and, where necessary, robbing a hospital's blood bank.

Zachary's wife of almost forty years, Sarah, was a true free spirit. Her native to this country, bronzed skin was enhanced by her long, black hair that hung past her waist. Her eyes were still the original black color of a human; the silver of aging had not yet supplanted it. She was a newborn vampire.

Bringing a young vampire into the center of a human settlement was never without risk. Sarah lacked the power Nate and Zachary had spent years trying to achieve. Nevertheless, Sarah had pleaded to go with them tonight to the Promenade. Evidently, she had become interested after seeing an advertisement for an upcoming art exhibition.

The three most dangerous predators in Maine went down a busy street to enter the modest gallery a few shops away as Nate let off her hood.

Nate sensed Zachary's touch on her shoulder as they continued to walk. Her eyebrows rose. One, two, three were present. Six people were part of the group gathered in front of Seaside Soda Shop, according to Nate.

As still another joined them, they howled and hollerd. This one was larger than the majority of the others and exuded the authority of an Alpha.

Zachary hissed, "Werewolves,"

A consoling hand was placed on his arm by Nate. Just keep going, she muttered. We've never been attacked by them before. Both species can exist in this town.

Zachary argued, "But Nate," as he stood between Sarah and the wolves. Reflexively, Sarah's hand reached up to touch one of the lengthy scars on her face.

Nate was aware that her coven had never taken well to the unwritten agreement between the magical beings of Elmwood. They were apprehensive near members of this other supernatural species because of previous experiences.

Nate muttered, "I said, ignore them," and started along the broad sidewalk. She froze, though, just as she was about to turn away. One of the wolves had come into view for her. He was tall, handsome, and trim. He had the same tanned skin, dark hair, and bright green eyes as someone Nate had known in the past. His and hers met in the gaze. She was unable to turn away.

"Nate?" Sarah's voice seemed distant in her distress.

Zachary hissed once more. She was unable to take her eyes off the captivating werewolf despite the fact that it was directed at the pack this time.

Zachary accepted the challenge as the Alpha came at them. The impact between the two was supernatural in its magnitude. Nate was struck in the fight, diverting her attention from him. She took stock of the situation and noticed that the other wolves weren't yet involved. Before things got worse, Nate realized she had to step in. Zachary dodged the Alpha's full-fist punch at the last second by edging slightly to the side. Nate seized the opportunity and jumped in between the two combatants. She raised her arms to her sides as she stood. The Alpha stopped mid-stride as a result of this maneuver, as intended. For a little moment, Nate gave Zachary her entire focus. Nate said, "Back down," commanding.

Move Nate, said Zachary.

He was silenced by her look. I am confident in my actions.

Conceding, Zachary backed up a few steps to stand in front of Sarah. Nate swung around to face the Alpha.

The Alpha spoke the words "Vampire scum," appearing to have recovered from his disbelief at the intervention of such a diminutive woman.

Nate grimaced. She found it incomprehensible that he would be so foolish as to say so aloud. The incident had attracted a sizable gathering of onlookers by this point.

The Alpha spat again, but this time it was barely audible to Nate. "Move, or you'll be the one to die," it said.

You are the Alpha, yes? Nate asked, ignoring the danger. You need to deal with me right away in accordance with the relevant engagement guidelines.

The Alpha questioned, "You are the coven leader.

"I do," Nate said calmly as she took a position that belied her years and projected authority. Nate caught a glimpse of the other pack members starting to urge the gathering to evacuate out of the corner of her eye. A sigh of relief escaped her lips. At least she wouldn't have to deal with this uncomfortable encounter and being exposed to the local humans.

The Alpha asked in jest, "You?" "A girl...how about that guy you have?" He pointed towards Zachary.

"I may seem young, but if I were you, I wouldn't underestimate me."

He growled a little at her and replied, "You're a child.

You seem to lack understanding of how immortality functions for an immortal being. Two of the pack members laughed, which Nate overheard. The Alpha's complexion darkened.

So, trying to diffuse the situation by making it lighter wouldn't help. Nate modified her strategy. "My coven made a mistake by involving you. I really apologize for it. However, this strategy did produce the desired results.

"Your apologies mean nothing to me," the Alpha snarled. But now, instead of having a deadly grin, he had a smug one.

Nate said, "I'm confident we can resolve this amicably. What do you recommend, Alpha, if my apologies are insufficient?

The Alpha appeared to be deliberating on this issue. This town is under my jurisdiction, he declared after a little while. We no longer welcome you and your coven. You'll be leaving tonight.

Nate groaned. She hadn't intended for this to happen. In this community, we have lived in harmony for many years. We can definitely work out another arrangement, she said as sweetly as she could.

You're leaving tonight, he said again firmly.

"You see, I am aware that peace is possible. I've been around for a lot longer than this feud has been fueled by fire. Some of your species' greatest Alphas were peace activists. similar to Stephen Cain. You want to imitate him, of course.

This just seems to enrage the Alpha. You're very rude to bring up his name. You are not entitled.

"I am fully entitled. One of my closest pals was him.

The man hissed, "You're probably one of the devils who killed him.

She stated with ease, making sure to keep any anguish well hidden. "It wasn't me," she said. The tall man, who towered over her, began to shake with rage as she stared. Negotiation was failing. Now, Nate realized that this could only go one of two ways. The Alpha will either attack and perish or give up. With anger in his eyes, he approached her closer.

She said evenly, "Expose yourself right here. You're welcome. As of right now. You won't prevail in this fight, wolf or man. Nate was ready to attack if necessary.

He made a loud roar.

Someone yelled, "Klaus, back off!"

Nate stared over the large man's shoulder, momentarily startled. The werewolf that had earlier captured her attention had spoken. She examined the wolf thoroughly, from his unkempt hair to his Converse footwear. the similarity.

The Alpha, Klaus, glared at the person who had just spoken, "Stay out of this, Mason," with a sneer.

Nate waited in deadly silence.

Mason said, appearing unfazed by his leader's glares, "We've already been too exposed."

The Alpha?

"Are you blind to how old she is? Look at her eyes," said a different werewolf.

The Alpha turned and focused on Nate's eyes. Pure, untainted silver. A vampire's strength and expertise increased as they grew older. She was aware that he was beginning to doubt his capacity to defeat her in a one-on-one confrontation. Nate noticed the Alpha's determination wane and replied, "As I said, our species have coexisted in peace for years. There were long pauses between the immortal beings.

The Alpha said, "Fine demon, you may go about your business."

Nate did not speak. but continued to nod.

Klaus muttered under his breath, turning to return to his bag, "But this is not over."

Nate said under her breath, "I didn't think it was," and retreated a short distance, refusing to turn her back on the Alpha. After a short while, just as she was about to walk away, she once again caught Mason's eye. Through the windows of her eyes, he appeared to be seeing into the furthest reaches of time and age. She and he both nodded while maintaining a constant eye contact. Then they did, dispersing in different directions.

Nate went back to Sarah and Zachary, who had been watching the fight from a distance. So, shall we take in this art exhibition? Her relaxed demeanor reappeared as Nate questioned. Sarah was gazing at her with wide-eyed awe while Zachary was looking at her in disbelief.

Oh, calm down, both of you.