
"The Crimson Time" • Date a Live x Arifureta

A cross over between Date a Live and Arifureta but with a twist

5 Chs

Prologue - The Beginning

In a Place called the Spirit world, a Single girl with Black Hair was seen sleeping under the shade of a Single tree.

"Uhhh.." The girl slowly woke up revealing her Beautiful black eyes that resembles the night sky

"Where am I?" The girl said as she look around and only see an endless grassland with a few colorful orbs that was Floating Around.

"You are finally awake," A voice said

The girl then look where that voice came from and she saw a Hooded figure standing.

"Who are you? Where am I? How did I get here?" the girl said

"Only ask for one question at a time alright, My name is Zafkiel I'm an angel to Time, the place Where you at is the Spirit realm home of many spirits Ruled by the Spirit King, and on how did you end up here well you Died," Zafkiel said

"What I died how would I believe you?" The girl said clearly Surprises by the words of the man

"You don't have to believe me In time you'll know the whole truth...Master" Zafkiel said being the last words only he can Hear.

After Zafkiel said those words The girl's Vision turns white.


In a house in Japan a girl woke up from her sleep, she rubs her eyes as the Reys of morning sunlight hits her skill

"What a Strange dream...Yawn" The girl said as she Gets up and get ready for school.

The Girl's name was Tokisaki Kurumi she was a Transfer student from the United States, He Father was an American and her mother was Japanese.

After the girl eats her breakfast she started to go to her school

Once she arrived she walked straight into her class.

The Girl open the door and received some glances from the others.

It's not a Glance of Hate or anything but a Glance of admiration become Kurumi was one of the top students in the school she was also called one of the three Goddesses in the entire school.

She Went to her seat and seat down and takes out a book and started reading.

"Morning Kurumi"

Kurumi looks up from the book and there she sees her friend Hajime Nagumo.

"Good Morning Hajime-kun" Kurumi returned the Greetings with a smile.

For some reason, the atmosphere of the room became heavy and started to be filled with hatred directed at Hajime.

To add up to fuel another person spoke

"Good Morning Nagumo-kun and Kurumi-chan"

The two turned around and see another friend, she was one of the three Goddesses her name is Kaori Shirasaki.

Kaori was the type of girl that you could say Yandere she always stalks Hajime whenever she finds a Chance.

"Good Morning Kaori" Kurumi greeted her

Kaori then smiles, which always lights up everyone's day.

Now, you may be wondering why she was calling Kurumi by her first name well it's because when She first Transferred she Said to everyone to call her by her first name.

Kaori then look at Hajime who was still sleepy

"It seems you need a bit more sleep Nagumo-kun"

"Yeah" Hajime replied

"Good morning Kaori, Kurumi, and Nagumo-kun" a Female voice greeted them

"Kaori, Kurumi, you two are still hanging out with him again. You two are so nice."The second voice said

"Still, no matter what you say to Nagumo, he will still be worthless" a third person spoke

"Hey stop it," Kurumi said

The first to speak was Shizuku Yaegashi. Her family owns a dojo and is another Goddess of this school.

The second voice belongs to Amanogawa Kouki. He's just your typical pretty boy, and that's it.

And third is Sakagami Ryutaro, if people see him people will call him a gorilla a muscle brain to be exact.

Kouki and Ryutaro were making Hajime's reputation bad even though it isn't.

Kurumi tried to help, but no matter what she says it never reach the ear of the two.

"Good morning Yaegashi-chan, Amanogawa-kun, and Sakagami-kun." Kurumi greeted them

"Tokisaki, why don't you just ignore him? You do realize his using you" Kouki ask

"Do I look like I care?" Kurumi replied clearly not interested in Kouki

"No..." Kouki replied

"Exactly. I honestly don't care about what you or anyone else says about my friends. I choose to hang out with him, and I'm betting Kaori does the same, right?"

"You're right. I talk to you and Nagumo-kun because I want to."

"You see?!"

Before Kurumi can say anything else the bell rang. And their teacher walks in and begins teaching.


The bell rings indicating that It's now Lunchtime



Hajime impressively finished his lunch in 10 seconds, then Kaori sat down beside Hajime with a smile on her face.

"Mind if I Join," Kurumi said as She took a seat in front of Hajime's Table

("This is terrible!!!") Hajime thought.

"Nagumo-kun why don't you come and have your Lunch with us?" Kaori said

The dangerous aura spread through the room once more. Hajime groaned in his mind. He was Fine if it was Kurumi since Kurumi was the only one Hajime Feels comfortable around, but for Kaori, He didn't understand her intentions, he just knew that this would not end well.

"Ahhh thanks for the invitation Shirasaki-san, but I'm done eating. Why don't you join Amanogawa and the others?"

However, Kaori who couldn't read the mood wouldn't give up so easily.

"Eh? Was that all your Lunch? You have to eat more. Here take this, I'll share some of mine with you." Kaori said

Kurumi didn't bother to stoping Kaori since she know that Kaori would not listen to her.

The Room was filled with killing intent that was Directed at Hajime since he was Eating lunch with the Two goddesses.

But The Atmosphere changed when the room Glows Hajime was the first to realize that it was a summoning circle since he was an Otaku.

The room Glows and everyone got covered by it when they opened their eyes they Saw 30 people that wore white clothes with faint blue details.

The closest person had the most prominent clothing and clothes reminiscent of a priest, he had a staff in his right hand. This man approached and spoke

"Welcome to Tortus Hero-sama and his companions. I am Ishtar, Pope of the Church of the Eth, let us get along well from now on."

This man appeared to be 50 years old and spoke in a solemn and respectful voice while showing a gentle smile.


After a While, they are told that Everyone was Summoned by the God Eth and asked for help to defeat the demons.

Aiko didn't Believe at first that they are in another but when she saw that outside she was Suprise.

The Kouki Convince everyone that they must help the people of Tortus Only Kurumi and Hajime were skeptical about this but either way they still accept it.

And now they are in a training Ground where they will receive their status plate.

"My name is Meld I'm The Head The Head Knight of Heiligh Kingdom"

Meld introduce himself and began his explanation.

"Okay, everyone received one of these Plates? It's called a Status Plate. It is the most reliable of identity cards. As long as you have one you will not be in danger even if you get lost. Any questions?

Seeing that everyone understood he continued.

"We'll be buddies from now on, so you don't need to use honorifics with me or with the other knights."

Meld then Continues to explain how the Status Plate works.

After they know how it works they started to try Activating the plate one by one.

Nagumo Was excited to see his status and expected it To op like in the manga but.

Name: Nagumo Hajime

Age: 17 years old

Class: Synergist

Level: 1

Strength: 10


Stamina: 10

Agility: 10

Magic power: 10

Magic resistance: 10

Abilities: Transmutation, language comprehension.

The students were thinking "it looks like a video game" as they analyzed their statuses.

"I will explain about your status. First the level, it will increase when your other statuses increase. The maximum level is 100 for humans, but no one has ever reached this level and can think of the level as a means to judge a person's potential.

Training will naturally increase your status, and artifacts will also increase it. You will have access to the artifacts later. For now, let's train to increase your status.

Apparently, the level increased when your other statuses increased, and not the other way around as in the video games. Meld continued talking...

"Next the Class, it is intertwined with ability. Some classes can be unmatched and others not so much. There are also some classes that are rare and some that are common.

Meld Finished and Then he asked the students to show their status.

There first to show his status was Kouki

Name:Amanogawa Kouki

Age: 17 years old

Class: Hero





Agility: 100

Magic power: 100

Magic resistance: 100


Aptitude with all elements. Resistance to all elements. Fencing. Physical resistance. Teleportation. Herculean strength. High-speed magical recovery. Presence detection. Magic detection. Overcome threshold. Language comprehension.

"Hou. A Real Hero. Level 1 which already has 3 digits, also comes to scare the number of skills. Sounds very reliable!"

After those words, Kouki scratched his head shyly. By the way, the commander's level was 62 and his status was around 300. However, Kouki was only level 1 and had one-third of his strength. Kouki was special.

After Kouki Everyone showed their status and when Hajime showed his status Meld only let out an "Eh" since Hajime's status was A common one.

After that he was bullied by Hiyama and his Gang to add up to fuel Aiko also showed her status it was not as great as the others and her strength was weaker than Hajime but she had a special Skill that allows her to Maintain and grow Crops.

"Is that everyone, ahh you there the girl on the back" Meld said as he Called Kurumi

When Kurumi give Her status Meld was Surprises

Name: Kurumi Tokisaki

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Level: 1

Class: Master Swordsman

Strength: 250

Vitality: 250

Defense: 200

Agility: 150

Magic: 100

M. Defense: 300


Magic Manipulation

Spirit Summoning

Strength Boost

Defensive Boost

Magical Boost

M. Defense Boost

Language Comprehension

Meld was Surprised since this Girl I form of him was the second strongest amongst the hero Group and he was Confused on what is the skill spirit summoning.

But he just brush it off saying that She was strong


After a few days the Students Did their best to Train and Hajime did the same but no matter how she tried He was Stuck and he was getting bullied by Evey Hiyama.

For Kurumi, she was progressing But not as fast as Kouki who reach level 15 in just training.

Geld also told them that they will Head to challenge the great Orcus Labyrinth to gain battle experience and also to become strong.
