
"The Crimson Time" • Date a Live x Arifureta

A cross over between Date a Live and Arifureta but with a twist

5 Chs

Ch 1: The Orcus Labyrinth

Everyone was now at the entrance of the great Orcus Labyrinth And All of the students are ready to experience their first Battle.

Kurumi who was standing saw Hajime Getting nervous so she walked toward him to talk

"Are you alright Hajime-kun?" Kurumi said

"Ahh I'm fine just a little nervous that's all" Hajime Replied

"Don't worry I'll protect you if you ever need my help" Kurumi said to reassure Hajime.

"Thanks, Kaori actually said the same thing so I'll say the same to you I'll also protect you I promise," Hajime said while smiling at Kurumi

Kurumi Only Blush at Hajime's words

"Are you ok you turn red all of a Sudden" Hajime said as he puts his hands on Kurumi's Forehead which didn't go in Notice by the people around?

The students Imidiatly Let out a Killing intent towards Hajime.

Hajime Notices it and Imidiatly Pulls off his hands.

After a while of waiting Meld, Arrive and everyone started to Enter the Labyrinth.

The First 19th Flor was easy for the students because of their Cheat Abilities and At the moment the students Were on the 20th floor of the Dungeon.

Kouki, Meld, Kurumi, and the Knights are Task to Be on Gourds In case any monsters attack, Kurumi was chosen Since she was the second strongest in the Group.

At the moment the students were resting and drinking water Hajime took some water and saw Kaori looking at him and she smiled gently at him. Shizuku who noticed this spoke in a playful tone.

"Hey, Kaori why do you keep looking at Nagumo-kun? Are you thinking of making a real-life romantic comedy? With you and Hajime-kun as the main characters" Shizuku said teasing Kaori

"Stop it Shizuku-chan"

The two Just Continue their Play full conversation.

On the other hand, Kurumi was also looking at Hajime and making sure he doesn't get hurt since she promise that Kurumi will protect him No matter what.

Unknown to Kurumi She was being watched by None other than Kouki who had a Secret Crush on Her but she didn't seem to notice it in fact she didn't care about Kouki's Feelings at all it goes the same for the other boys.

When Hajime saw Kurumi looking at him he only Smiles at her and Kurumi saw him smile at he Just Blush and Also smile.

Hajime continued looking at them but stopped when he felt that look that gave him a chill down his spine again.

"where is that killing intent came from?" He muttered softly.

The students finished their barefooting and continued on their way until they reached the last room on the 20th floor.

This room had a complicated feature, the walls were filled with stones that looked like stalactites.

When they arrived in the room they didn't see any monsters, which made them relax a little. But they raised their guard at Meld's words.

"They are cloaked be careful!"

After that the wall deformed and out of it came a creature that seemed to be made of earth in the shape of a gorilla that jumped to attack them.

"Be careful with your arms!"

The earth monster attacked Kouki but was stopped by Ryutaro's fist. At the same time, Shizuku and Kouki attacked the Golem from the sides the monster shattered with the double attack. Meanwhile, Meld defeated two Golems with his great sword and Kurumi Defeated 3 with her Sword.

The other students and the knights also easily defeated the other golems showing how cheated they were.

Then they hear a loud shout from the back of the room.


There was a Golem three times bigger than the others. It was made of a material that looked like black metal and it cast an 'intimidating' ability that caused the students to cringe.

It ran at the students with an overwhelming speed at the students.

Kaori, Eri, and Suzu cringed and stopped their spells while giving frightened screams at the hideous appearance of the creature. Meld noticed this and shouted.

"Hey what are you guys doing this is a fight!"

The girls came back to their senses and spoke ashamedly said "sorry".

There was one young man who was furious about this situation was our hero, Amanogawa Kouki.

"How dare you frighten them...I will not forgive you!"

Kouki seemed to have mistaken the girls' repulsion for fear. And he was angry at that misunderstanding.

"Reach for the skies, Rising Lightning!"

"You idiot stop now!"

Completely ignoring Meld, Kouki's incantation made his sword glow, and threw a blade of light at the crystal Golem. The light easily shattered him and hit the wall behind him. Debris fell from the wall, making it almost collapse.

The Golem got Destroyed and Kouki look at the girls with a smile but he got smacked on the head by Meld.

"Meld-san what was that for," Kouki asked Meld While scratching his head that was Hit by Meld

"You idiot, that attack of yours Could have made this room collapse and Kill us all here," Meld said as he points out Kouki's Mistake

Kouki apologized and the girls approached him with dull smiles trying to comfort him.

At that moment the wall that had been hit collapsed revealing a light and making everyone look in their direction.

"Meld-san what is that?" Kaori pointed to the glowing Crystal and asked.

The other girls were also delighted with the Beautiful Crystal that looked like a diamond sparkling.

"Hooo that is a Frantz Crystal and one of that size is rare. Its beautiful appearance makes it very popular with women making it very expensive.

"It's beautiful."

Kaori blushed as she secretly looked at Hajime. Shizuku was one of the only ones who noticed that.

"If it's like that we should get one."

The one who said that and quickly moved toward the crystal was Hayama. He climbed up the rubble to reach the crystal.

"Hey! Don't do what you want like that! We haven't confirmed if it's safe!"

Meld shouted in panic but Hyama pretended he didn't hear and reached out his hand for the crystal.

At this moment knight who was holding a trap detector device shouted in panic.

"Commander it's a trap!"

But it was already too late. Hyama touched the Crystal and the next moment the students found themselves on a wide old looking but a sturdy bridge.

Then at the bottom of the bridge appeared a large magic circle. And from the magic circle appeared a bull with Red skin and Black horns that have red Linings around it, it was so big if it went to the side it would fall off the bridge.

"Ruahhhhhhhhhh" the bull gave a deafening roar.

"Be-behemoth no This one is Deferent it's a Grand Behemoth "

Grand Behemoth it's a monster That is 10 times stronger than a Normal Behemoth it can use Magic to Strengthen its body and it also has a type of Magic called corrosion which corrodes anything that it touches whether its Metal, Holy Artifact or even Human Flesh.

Without warning the Grand Behemoth Runs towards Hajime who was in the front of the Group When they got Teleported.

"Hajime-kun watch out" Kurumi Scream but Hajime was too sock to move

Kurumi the Run Infront of Hajime to Block the Grand Behemoth's attack When the goin of the Grand Behemoth Made contact with Kurumi's sword The sword Imidiatly Broke and The Horn Pierce Kurumi right in the chest.

The Grand Behemoth backs away and The students where Suprise by what happened but Meld brings them back to their senses The Mages Imidiatly puts up a barrier and everyone runs towards Kurumi.

"Kurumi," Hajime Said as he looks down at Kurumi whose chest was pierced open

"Hah thank good you fine Hajime-kun" Kurumi said

"No no stay with us Heal her," Hajime said as the other students tried to heal her but it didn't work the corrosion effect was slowly killing her, and healing magic is not working to add up to Their situation they got surrounded by lots of skeleton soldiers.

Meld and the Knights were trying to Fight them off but they keep appearing over and over again.

Kouki became Restless when he saw Kurumi get Pierce by the Grand Behemoth and Rush towards it using Magic.

Back in Kurumi, her life was slowly slipping away and her Vision is starting to get blurry.

"Hajime-kun I'm...Sorry, please... Survive" is the last word she said as she closed her eyes.

Everyone who saw her was crying since they didn't expect that one of their classmates will die in front of their eyes.

Meld also saw her die and was Angry since For him Kurumi was someone like His Daughter even though They only meet for a few weeks Meld had grown attached to the girl that he considered his own Daughter.

But he didn't have time for crying right now because he need to get everyone out of there.

Meld ordered the Students to Step back and head for the exit that the knights will create.

They all move but the Grand Behemoth Remained as a problem, Hajime who just got his senses back after Kurumi did Suggest that he will Hold the Behemoth off so that Everyone can get out the same.

Which Meld agree and once Everyone was in safety the Mages Lunch magic gives Hajime a chance to get back to safety but one of the spells Hits Hajime Making him fall from Abby's.


When they returned to the surface only Sadness was on their Face Since One of their Classmates died in front of their eyes another one fell down and are presumed dead.

Aiko was the one most affected by this when she saw Kurumi's lifeless body, the kingdom Heald a Funeral for Kurumi who have Died.

And They said that it was unfortunate but they also said that sacrifice is part of a war.

This statement made Aiko angry and made a demand to the kingdom.


In a place called a Spirits real, a girl was here sleeping once more.

When she woke up she look around and Said

"It's this place again," Kurumi said

"You are awake I believe you already know my name," Zafkiel said as he walks towards Kurumi

"Your Zafkiel right is this another dream?" Kurumi ask

"No this is Reality" Zafkiel replied

"How did I get here?"

"Have you forgotten you have Died?" Zafkiel said

At that moment Kurumi's memory Returns to her.

"I see I died saving Hajime-kun," Kurumi said


"Is he alive?"

"Yes he is," Zafkiel said

"So what now?" Kurumi ask

"I will give you a second chance I will return you Back to life and I will give you my power," Zafkiel said

"Why are you doing this are you a God?" Kurumi ask

"I am not a God I'm a Spirit Of Time and as for why I'm doing this is something that you yourself need to know by yourself"

"What" Kurumi was confused

"I don't have much time, I will give you a new body and my Power to use it Just say my name Master," Zafkiel said as he Disappeared and Kurumi's Vision darken.

When she opened her eyes she was in another Labyrinth similar to The Great Orcus Labyrinth but it was different at the same time.
