Upon waking up soung doung found his self looking confused by the untidy and tattered room he was in with the wooden like bed he lay on .
As he immediately became on alart as tousands possibilities run across his mind, as the rays of the early morning sunshine hit him through the open space on the roof .
Where am I ? Soung doung asked as if awaiting some kind of responce but go non as he immediately became startled as a blue panel screen floated at his front.
With some DISCRIPTION written on it which no matter where he moved his head to the screen always followed him .
Being a guys that was well familiar with games and their setting, soung doung quickly adapted to his present situation .
As he slowly began to read the content written on the screen .
Name: soung doung
Race: human
Sex: male
Age: 16
Ablities: summoner)
Class: low
Health: healthy
Emotions: unstable .
On reading his status the content on the screen once again changed which soung doung immediately began to read .
Dear soung doung you have been teleported into a planet named vestal sea against your will, the place you are currently in is your territory which you will need to expand over time. You have successfully been given newbies protection for a week and 2 days.
Within this amount of time you will not be attacked by any beast or threath that can claim your life, which within this amount of time you are also expected to grow stronger as much as you can.
On reading the DISCRIPTION soung doung was immersely confused not understanding one third of what was mentioned, but still had a rought ideal on how things was expected to work .
Detailed DISCRIPTION. Soung doung said as the content on the screen immediately changed once again as he diverted his foucus on his screen ignoring the constant rumbling coming from his stomach.
Host is expected to survive as long as he can this is not a game or a novel for more detailed explanation click the arrow on the left side of the screen.
Instinctively soung doung clicked the arrow like object on the left side of the screen as loads of information constantly flooded into his mind as a splitting headic asurted him .
Which he immediately held his head tightly with his hands while whaling in both pain and agony, which after a few second he was back to normal as he sat back on his bed with sweats dripping down his body while panting heavenly.
So this is what all this is about soung doung said as he began to sort all the newly optained memories in his head which after a while he got up from his uncomfortable bed made of wood and straw's .
While stretching his body which was screaming pain as he picked up a wooden axe from the floor while walking outside his newly given home .