
"Soulful Symphony: The Music of Our Existence"

The concept of 'soul' and its power have been lingering since the ancient time . some say that the 'soul ' is immortal and some says we are just like machines that has ' organs 'to work . Spiritual beast , mana, also exist just as a mere fictious world and people like the concept of souls likes to degrade it. Since, we were kids we have always wondered about this concepts , we used to watched a lot of fantasy things and dreamt about a similar world where we might find them. Many of our ancient scriptures and texts also had this mythical things recorded. Such as the sacred dragon,phoneix,immortals. However are those concepts really just mere Myths? Rose a high school student , 18 years old had always believed in those concepts , she was mocked by a lot of people but she never cease to believe in her faith. She has always felt a connection to those Mystical creatures and a land where they might live. Alistair ,a freind of Rose ,who always stayed beside her never read those books but she never doubted her freind and somewhere she find herself attached to Rose. One day A mysterious event happened Rose disappeared. Will Alistair find her ? would Alistair finally believe in the concept?

Meosi · 奇幻
22 Chs

No Mage but Human

"Princess , I saw that maid lying near the corridor and as you have mentioned she is injured." Said a maid ,she bowed her head and stood behind a figure facing the window.

"Did you see anybody else following her?" Asked the Princess , her face was not visible as she was facing her back and the blue grown groomed the floor with her hair floating with the wind.

"No ,princess ." Said the maid ,still placing her head down .

It was not unusual for the lower class people to report everything with their head down and in some cases while kneeling. 

"You are dismissed. " said the Princess,waving her hand towards the maid ordering her to get away.

The maid obliged to her order without any question. 

"Looks like you have accepted the offer .Huh!" Said she in a lower tone ,her lips curled into a devilish smile and her grey eyes lit with mirth.

"I was right to save you ." Said she, without getting affected in any way.

She turned her face and casted a spell towards the area where Alistair was laid down with his injuries.

The spell was casted for others to not see what was going on and for them to find a half unconscious maid.

She then raided her palm and said something when a whitish pink wind appeared in the shape of a spiral whirlwind and connected her room and the passage where Alistair lay unconscious. 

Far from the Palace and the quarters of the princess where all this magic , politics were taking place, Rose moved in her room anxiously with her palms being clenched sometime and ,folding themselves against each other lightly scratching the surface sometimes.

"Did she find him or not ? Did she also get caught?" thought Rose ,moving left and right her legs were moving way fast and her dress was clenched due to the movements. 

"Why the hell did you have to come to Alistair?" Thought Rose .

It was not like she didn't want him to come and in fact she was the first to feel relieved after seeing him but now he was imprisoned and somewhere in her mind she knew it was her fault.

"Looks like you really love to exercise  ,but then again I doubt if your physique can handle that." Said a shooting yet cheered up voice.

Rose stopped and looked up where she noticed the tiny mischievous blue bird staring at her from the window still where it was sitting. 

"Hey, glad you returned .Did you find him? Where is he?What is he doing?"asked Rose ,her voice contained slight anxiety and slight hysteria, she couldn't just calm herself down.

"I thought that humans can answer one question at a time but I guess that's not true." Said the bird in a sarcastic tone.

It still sat at the window frame and gulped down every move that Rose made,her walking ,her emotions and even the tone.

"My fault but you didn't appear for a long time and I was worried. " said Rose, her tone was a bit calm because she saw the blue bird was laid down so that means nothing serious happened.

"Your friend is alright ,he was successful in getting out of the prison.  I handed him the map . Guess my work was completed and I flew back. " said the bird while slightly flying and then taking up its human form. 

Rose knew that there was something that this bird didn't mention and the whole process of Alistair in getting free, but she decided not to ask because it may alert her.

"Thank you so much for your help and here is the fruit according to our deal." Said Rose as she handed over the fruit to Her as they promised. 

The bird took the fruit and sat in the still to enjoy her treat .Although, they made a blood promise but they didn't cancel the initial deal .

Rose looked at the little girl bird who was eating her food and enjoying every bite. If not for the blood promise and the information, Rose would have thought of this bird as a little child.

However, the bird was far from a child and probably more scheming. 

The blue girl knew that Rose was looking at her and she didn't tell her earlier but after sometime she decided to say.

"If you think that staring at me will give you magic and make you a good mage ,who can shit those whole council members then I am sorry to inform you that you are far away from the truth." Said she ,her remark was sarcastic but held a firm truth and her eyes didn't move from the fruit.

"What are you saying ,of course I have magic, otherwise why would I claim myself as a mage." Said Rose ,her tone was clear but hints if nervousness were attached to it.

Rose's heart sank a bit because she knew that she never told anyone about that thing and it was impossible for this girl to know about that.

"Oh! I see, if you do have magic then why couldn't you save your friend using that." Said the bird and this time her tiny little eyes rose and looked straight at the frail yet bright eyes of Rose.

"As I was summoned, I lost a bit of magic and practice can bring it back." Said Rose, her voice now became more nervous and sweat started dropping from her dress.

"Look,  I have the ability to see someone's aura and I can give you proof also ." Said the girl ,jumping from the window still and making her way to where Rose stood. 

She saw that even after her telling ,Rose didn't admit that she is a human without any magic .

The girl smirked and her eyes narrowed. She summoned a mirror and placed it in front of Rose to show her the reality and as expected no 'aura' exhibited from Rose's body. 

"Well, it looks like now you don't have any other choice but to admit it." Said She , her lips curled and a grin appeared in them.

Rose became internally petrified but this didn't stop her from exhibiting a calm composure .

Finally, the girl said,"I will not tell anyone because you are not doing any harm but if you don't wanna die then you better think of something. "

Saying this , the girl turned into a bird and disappeared, giving Rose no time to ponder on anything.