
"My Destined One" • Tensura X Arifureta

Two Brothers who got summon in another world will they succeed in getting back home join them on their adventure on this new Fan-Fic. please note that I don't own any of the characters That's are included in this Fan fic all right are reserved for their respective author

96 Chs

Ch 72: Date and Confession I

{A/N: So I have read a lot of Responses that the previous Chapter that I uploaded is quite boring which I also think that it's quite boring so I decided to skip The boring chapter and Write based on my memory and keep In mind that I've read the WN of Arifureta Almost 1 year ago but if my memory serves me right I still remember all the major event That happened and also starting in this Chapter it will not follow The same sequence as in the WN and LN. Ohh yah and Dialogue will be different since this is based on my memory}


After Kam and The Hulian threatened Gaharudo That they will Destroy not only their Family but also the people of the Empire will also suffer until Gaharudo Replied to their request.

Gaharudo at first dint want to Listen to Kam and the Hulians but when he saw that his wife is the next that will be headed Agreed with the Hulians.

Seeing his Son Die Gaharudo had no choice but to release all of Their slaves and was made to swear an oath that will be carried on by The Future Generation of Gaharudo's Bloodline.

The Hulians also made sure they will keep their Oath by letting them know that no matter where they are no matter how far they hide or Run the Hulians will Come at them and take their life.

And if they try to break the Oath all of their Family members Who are involved in Their Bloodline will die and this will forever be engraved in the History of the Empire.


In the night sky In Felia Belgian Demi-Humans are walking around in Night Street until they heard a noise followed by an intense light That shine From above that illuminates the Surrounding.

The people in the street became Scared some are running around the place some are starting to Hide fearing that this can be an attack to them by the Empire

But contrary to what they have expected the light moves to an open field in the Center of the Town and the Thing that is generating the light slowly descends from above revealing an Airship with Red and Blue Markings.

After the Airship Landed some people and soldiers of Felia Belgian Started to surround the black Airship.

In a few moments of silence the hatch of the Airship slowly Opened the soldier ready their weapon to attack But what come out of the Airship is not the enemy that they expected

But instead, A fellow Demi human the Girl who was the first to come out looked around in Suprise she continues to look around Until she stop in a certain direction then tears began to flow down her eyes as she saw a Woman that's standing in the Crowd

The woman seeing her Imidiatly run towards the girl and hugs her tight

"Mother," the girl said as she continues to cry on her Mothers shoulder after that more and more demi-humans started to come out of the Airship and went to their family

After all, Demi-humans Leave the Airship Rimuru followed by Hajime, Yue, Tio, Kaori, Shea, Chloe, Akame, Sakura, Ciel, Shizuku, Suzu, Kouki, and Ryutaro came out of the Airship And look at the Surrounding Whare they heard a lot of Crying And joyful Lough because of The reunion of different Families that though that they won't be able to see their families again.

Kam and the others also came out and look at the Surroundings They wanted to return to the Hulian Village but because of some circumstances They have To Got to Felia Belgian First to Deliver the Freed Demi-Human

"Boss, Leader thank you very much for helping us in this war," Kam said as he bowed his head towards The Two Brothers

"You don't need to thank us, all we did was help you Prepare and you did all of this by your self" Said Rimuru Who Turned his gaze at Kam who is bowing

"My Brother is right I only did this for Shea nothing more," Hajime said

Shea who heard Hajime's Words became Red in embarrassment.

"Hajime-san thank you," She said and Hug Hajime's Arms while smiling

Yue dint stops Shea since she also cared about Shea Tio who sees Hajime Like that also tried to Hug Hajime's other Arm but Hajime throws her off and she started to say words like "to be Treated like this....ahhh....is a ... pleasure" and Stuff like that.

"Hayyys Hajime-kun should be honest with your feelings You're such a tsundere hahaha," Rimuru said as he laughs


Hajime Fired a bullet at Rimuru but like always It got stopped by Rimuru's Barrier and he continue laughing

"You Cheater," Hajime said, And Then Turns to Shea who was Hugging his Arm Seeing her all happy he just let her be and started caressing her hair.

They continue to Converse Until One of the Elders in Felia Belgian Walks towards them he is an elf with Loong's hair they know him by the name of Ulfric

Is one of the elders that lead Felia Belgian he is an elf that lived for more than 100 years, he walks towards the group and spoke.

"Rimuru-dono, Hajime-dono I've heard that you recuse our Kin From the Empire for that I thank that both of you," Ulfric said while bowing

"If you want to Thank someone thanks Kam and the Hulians they are the one who rescued your Kin, not us" Hajime Replied

Hearing Hajime's Words Ulfric Became Surprises but he imidiatly Thank Kam and the others he then Proceeds to offer that Kam and the Hulians to leave back to Felia Belgian but Kam Refuse and Said they can now sustain their self

Ulfric understanding that Kam and the others are fine without them, Dint push the subject Further but instead turn his gaze at Rimuru and Hajime and ask If they are planning to Enter the Haltina Labyrinth the two answered that they will Enter the Labyrinth So Ulfric offered them a place to Stay since it's Night time

Then Rimuru Accepts the offer which Hajime dint objected to after that Hajime stores the Airship in his ring that made everyone Surprises Kam and the other Hulian will also Stay in Felia Belgian Until Rimuru and The others finish Exploring the Labyrinth.

Ulfric Guide the Group to his House which is fairly large it can accumulate 30 people and the only ones living there is Ulfric himself and his Granddaughter named Altina and some servant that maintain the hygiene of the place.

After they arrived they were shown to Their room after that they Gathered in Rimuru's Room and talk

"Wait why are you guys in my room in the first place?" Rimuru ask them

"Well they're the ones who chose to Use your room so I just tag along," Hajime said

"Hah well, anyways why are you guys here?"Rimuru ask

"Ofcourse we are here to Discuss on what we will do for Tomorrow Before we Entered the Labyrinth," Shizuku said and started to Tell everyone that They should take a break for tomorrow and then Enter the Labyrinth the day after

Hajime wanted to Enter the Labyrinth as soon as possible but Seeing Yue And Kaori wanted to take a break Decided to agree, Rimuru also dint objected since they are all tiered because of the happening in the Empire

Kouki Dint say anything And just Listen to the conversation

After their discussion everyone went To their room and sleep, Ciel, Chloe, and Sakura wanted to share the same room as Rimuru but each room only have one bed and it can only fit one person in the bed so they dint have a choice but to have their own room the same goes For Yue and Kaori.


In one of the rooms Whare, there's a balcony the light of the moon illuminates the room windows where A boy with Silver Blue hair Sleeps The boy Opens his eyes and Stares at the ceiling of the room.

"I want to hug you Shizue San" Rimuru said as he activate one of his skills that he made a copy from his subordinates

Illusion King Mespito and combined it with Information King Akashic Records to create an illusion that looks like a Hologram that shows the Memory of His and Shizue and the time they Spent Together

He continues to watch it until someone Knocks on the door in the Middle of the Night.

He opens the door and there He saw Akame Standing In front of him He invited her to come inside and they both sits at the table that was on the balcony of Rimuru's room and they started to talk.

"Is there anything that you need Akame-chan?" Rimuru asks Akame as he Poor a cup of tea for her

"I...I was just wondering After all of this is finished what will you do?" Ask Akame she somehow Has a hint of uneasiness in her voice.

"Well I'll go back to Our World And Continue to Have a meaning full life," Rimuru said well ofcourse this will only happen after He and Shizue are together again

Akame hearing his response Became even more uneasy and also had a scared expression on her face.

"What about You Akame-chan what will you do? I can return you to your world if you like" Rimuru said

"I... Even if I returned to my old world there won't be anyone waiting for me" Akame said While Looking Down She had a sad expression, an Expression of loneliness expression Not having anyone besides her for many years.

Rimuru Seeing Akame's expression moved his Sits next to Akame And Started to cress her head.

"If you don't want to return to your old world it's fine I'm not going to force you," Rimuru said

Akame Became red Because of Rimuru's action, For Akame the reason for her journey in her old world was to find a cure for her disease which Is cost by her Ultimate skill that she is not aware of But now that her Goal is Complete she Became Confused on what will she do next so she decided to join Rimuru and the others on their Journey

In the month that they all been together she Manage to earn the trust of the people around her their Attitude Resemble that of her old team Except for Hajime Who had some Anger Issues but still cares for his Team and His Family,

Shia reminds her of a girl named Mia who was energetic, Chloe Remained her of a Girl Named Leone a Cheerful Girl and a Caring one, Tio Remained Her of A Curtain green boy because of her Perverted attitude, all of her current teammates had similarities to her old Team but one of them stands out it was Rimuru his smile Reminded her of a Curtain Brown haired boy their Smile is full of Happiness but at the same time Cary a huge weight on their backs

Seeing Him smile reawaken the emotions inside the emotions that she thought she had locked away.

Akame was Afraid that if she let her emotion Out the same event will happen to her Current team But The more she spent time with them spacialy Rimuru Her emotions slowly Came back to her to the point where she can no longer Hold them in.

"Hey are you alright" Rimuru ask Seeing Akame space out

"I'm...I'm fine" Akame replied She wanted to talk to him about her Feeling but She was afraid that if she do she will lose him But then she remembers the Words Ryutaro give her 'just be Honest with your feelings' gathering her courage She spoke

"Hey, There is something I want to tell you," Akame said while Her emotions is boiling inside her.

"What is it?"Rimuru Replied looking at Akame's Red eyes

"If I say that I want to stay Beside you will you let me?" Akame asks while looking Left and Right


"I mean I want to stay Beside you like Chloe, Sakura, and Ciel," Akame said while her face is all red

"Ehhh wait you mean that..."

"Yes I love you I have thought about it and I know that we've only known each other For a few Months but Every time that I'm with you and I saw your smile my heart started to Beat Fast and I always feel comfortable when I'm beside you," Akame said

Rimuru dint reply which makes Akame more nervous When she looks at Rimuru, her Crimson red eyes lock on Rimuru's Golden Eyes The two stare at each other, and then Rimuru spoke.

"But are you ok with me I mean I..." Rimuru didn't finish his sentence because he Got Interrupted by Akame

"I'm ok With you I'll wait for you even if it takes years to Decades I...I just want to be with you" Akame said

"I know that you are looking for someone Right And that's the reason you dint marry Chloe and the others yet right" Akame ask

"How did you"

"Chloe Said it to me and I'm fine with that I'm also fine if you won't view me the same as them all I wish is just to be with you," Akame said

Rimuru seeing her like this let out a warmth smile and Hug her

"I can't let a Girl the Loved be sad like this can I"Rimuru said while Hugging Akame

"Does that mean?"

"Yeah you accept me Even though you know that I'm looking for someone and you said that you are willing to wait For me I saw no lies in your word so I'll ask you Akame will you be my Fiancé?"Rimuru ask Akame

"Y...Yes" Akame said and tears of joy started to fall from her eyes

Rimuru then takes out a Ring from his Storage it's the same one that he Gives To Chloe and to his other Fiancés but with different colors the ring that he gives Akame had a color of Blue that looks like the night sky he then put the ring on Akame's Fingers and Kiss her.

~To be continued ~


Quick question do you guys want a Lemon Chapter or not?