
Nothing Special [#2]

"And I! Dreamed of you ever since~. Now I. Build up my confidence~ girl, next time you come my way~ I'll know just what to saayyy~! Can we talllk for a minute? Girl, I want to know your name." I was still tied up in her room, she hadn't been back since a minute ago so I started singing.

"Can we taaalllk for a minute? Girl, I want to know your name... whew~ I got a little in the moment there, but I forgot the rest of the lyrics so I guess I'll choose a new song." I was about to start a new song before the door was opened.

"I'm back! I wanted to get you your favorite food for today, but things got in between, especially money." She busted in with excitement and a bowl of what I believe to be oatmeal.

"The fridge is as empty as can be, so I just got you some oatmeal for now." 

"You must be so hungry, I'll feed you. As usual." 

'I do not have any problems with this, I've never been spoon fed by a cute girl before... What? So, what if she's my kidnapper? This isn't my body so she didn't necessarily kidnap me, and I have no way to resist either so I might as well find the good even in the worst of situations, it's the best way to live instead of being all depressive and mopey.' 

"I don't have a spoon with me right now, so I guess I'll have to settle with my hand, it should be alright, my hands are clean."


'I guess I won't be able to cross being spoon fed off my bucket list, but I guess I can add, and cross off being handfed.'

"And you're dirty anyways, so it doesn't really matter if we make a mess. Well, it matters a little bit since I had to clean so much. So let's be careful. I hate cleaning."

'Tch, okay, no need to throw strays at me, I don't deserve it, and it's not my fault either, its yours for not being a good owner, at least take your dog out its cage and take it for walks instead of blaming it.'

"I know it's weird to eat out of my hand, but you're not grossed out by me, right?"

"It could always be worse, and as long as your hands are clean, I'm fine with it." I gave my best shrug with my hands tied behind my back.

"Great! Then let's go on shall we, say aah!" She took a handful of the oatmeal, making a squelching sound as she bent down and got closer to me, her hand coming towards my mouth.

I open obediently as she shoves her hand in my mouth with the oatmeal.

"Hmphf!" My mouth is stuffed with her hand and oatmeal, I combo I'm not really understanding. 'I don't even know how to react to this... she freaky.'

"..." I have no idea what is going on right now, I'm having my first kiss... I think, it's really weird since it feels like a French kiss with my tongue, her hand, and oatmeal all together while she just stares at me with a smile.

'I've lost my purity, I've been violated.' I couldn't help but feel that I had lost something in this entire exchange as she finally takes her hand out, slathered with saliva, but no more oatmeal to be seen.

"That was nice right? Want another bite?" She smiled innocently as she took another scoop of the oatmeal.

In my shock for this situation, I had not bothered to swallow, however a second later I could only praise everything divine that I had not.

'Is... Is something moving in my mouth.' Immediately I felt sick and spit out as much of the oatmeal as I could.

On the ground there was oatmeal... however unlike what I had believed at first, there wasn't only oatmeal, there were little things squiggling in it.

"Maggots..." Once I registered what had just been put in my mouth I immediately continued spitting, no matter what there could be nothing in my mouth. There is only one bug I fuck with, and that's spiders, if its anything else and I'd do anything not to touch them.

"What are you doing!?" She screamed at me, however I gave her no mind, she could go to hell for all I care, I am in no circumstances keeping maggots in my mouth, I hate even seeing those things with my eyes, touching them with my hand could make me want to cut it off, but to have them in my mouth!

"Shut the fuck up! You put maggots in my fucking mouth!? The fuck is wrong with you bitch!?" I'm a naturally calm person, and I rarely call women bitches, even when I don't like them, however this crossed every fucking line in my book.

"Bitch!?" She seemed taken aback by my outburst.

"Yes bitch!" I continued spitting even when I didn't feel anything more in my mouth, just the knowledge that it had ever been in my mouth made me feel disgusting, and the more I thought about it the more pissed off I became. 


"Mmph!" She punched the fuck outta me, right square in my cheek, with some real force to the point that I fell over. However, in the end I didn't give two shits about that, my adrenaline had already kicked in the moment I knew maggots were in my mouth and that was the only think I could focus on, even if she shot me right now I would still be spitting this shit out.

"Ah, I'm sorry! I really am! But you shouldn't have called me that! And you spit out my food to! Don't you know you're not supposed to waste food!?"

"Food? Woman I'm the last person to waste food! But there is no way in fucking hell I'm just gonna eat some maggots! If there's anything I don't fuck with its people messing with my food, and bugs! And you fucked with both at the same time!" I cursed my ass off, although I can be a shameless person, take most verbal abuse and maybe even physical as long as it benefits me, but if something crosses my line, then I'd rather die than continue with the bullshit.

"Stop screaming at me!" She punched me again, this time in my gut, making me hurl over and throw up.

'Heh, would you look at that, she helped me out.' I saw nothing in my throw up, allowing me to realize that there was nothing left in my mouth. 'Thank god.'

"I'm sorry again, I just couldn't control myself! And you kept making me angry." This time she truly had a worried expression on her face, but I could also see the anger as well, as she bit her fingernails. "Just listen to me and I won't have to do this! You're only making things hard for yourself."

I didn't have the ability to respond as I caught my breath.

"haah~, I'll go get some ice for your face." She leaves for a few seconds and returns with ice in a paper towel that she applies softly to my face. "Actually, I should probably do this later, we should get you clean first, this smell is unbearable."

She drags me over to her bathroom and closes the door behind us. It's not a big bathroom, nor fancy since she obviously doesn't have the money for such things, but it has a tub, a toilet, a sink and a shower faucet so it's got what it needs.

"It's not the fanciest, but that doesn't matter."

"The water got cold, I'll put some more hot water in. Small room for two people, but we have to deal with it." She turned toward the tub and turned it on, pouring hot water into the cold water already there.

'She wants us both to get in? Luckily my body doesn't seem to be in puberty, nor do I feel I could get a boner from this bitch.'

"I read very hot water is bad for frostbite. Should be enough then."

"Time to get you out of those smelly wet clothes."

'I definitely wouldn't mind that.'

"I don't wanna touch them though, neither can I take your zip tie off, so I'll have to do this." She brings out a Knife.

'Ooh, that could be useful.'

She cuts through my clothes, leaving me naked, but still tied up with zip ties. I can feel her gaze stay on my body unusually long, I guess she likes what she sees, or not because I do have shit on me.

"That's really disgusting, please get in the tub." 

I don't argue about that as I get in the tub, enjoying the feeling of the warm bath and my body gaining heat, bringing itself back to its healthy temperature.

"I'll let you soak in there for a bit to warm up."

"Hmm... You know, I get that you aren't feeling great right now. Being in that forest must have been awful. That's how life is though."

"You must've had a horrible life if you feel that being tied to a tree in a freezing forest is "how life is"." I respond with a bit of venom in my tone.

"You have such a smart mouth, I haven't ever seen you use it like this before, maybe this is just how you truly act when you feel cornered and in danger." She scoffed. "You shouldn't act like you're the only one with problems. I had an awful week as well. My stress levels were off the roof... And I had to take care of you on top of all that."

'A Narcissist.' 

"The least you could do is make it easier for me, but I suppose you don't care at all." She said with a scowl and voice of disdain.

"You see..." I trailed my words for her to continue.


"You see Olivia, I wouldn't have minded cooperating, actually I would have been as quiet as a mouse and been a good dog, you could already see that from the way I had been acting on our way here. However, Olivia, I HATE bugs, and I HATE people who mess with my food, and you decided to do both. How am I supposed to make it easier?"

"...I'm sorry about the maggots, however you do know they have good protein, I just wanted you to be full and to recover faster, but I never knew about your hate for them, so I apologize." Olivia gave me a half assed apology that pushed most of her responsibility away.

'However, I'll accept it for now.'

"I guess I can accept your apology." I said reluctantly.

"Thank you. Seth, I care a lot about you... And I did so much. I care almost every day to feed and clean you. But I feel like you just don't understand."

'This must be my karma, because I could have sworn, I've had almost the exact same conversation with my dog, this is probably how I seemed to her when I got mad. It all just seems so coincidently similar; this game probably has symbolism with a dog and its owner.'

"...haah... Whatever, I guess we can just build ourselves over this. We should talk about something else."

"I've been wondering. Do you have a girlfriend?"

'Hm?' My eyebrows raised at the question. 'Out of left field, but I guess it makes sense, this is a Yandere game.'

"Nope, I'm a single dingle, you?"

"We're in the same boat, at least I haven't had any real relationships, just fleeting interactions, romantic failures and mistakes."

"Sounds about right." I nod to myself.

"Y'know what I won't even ask what that's supposed to mean." Although she said it in that way, I could see that she was slightly amused. "Now let's finish up your bath. You should be warm enough."

Olivia finishes bathing me as the murky brown water goes down the drain.

"Ew, that's disgusting, could you please not shit on yourself anymore." Olivia frowns at the sight of the shit water going down the drain.

"As long as you promise not to lock me up to a tree for days." I chuckle slightly.

"That's a promise I feel I can make." She smiles at me.

'Looks like I've mostly redeemed myself from the whole maggot situation, I guess I can avoid the bad end now.'

"I have new clothes for you, they're pretty big so it shouldn't be a problem for you to fit it." Olivia shows me a plain white T-shirt with grey sweatpants and boxers. "Although getting them on is a little problem, so I guess I'll have to cut you loose."

"Now I know that might sound exciting to you, but I've got a Knife so no funny business." Olivia comes behind me while I'm still in the tub and cuts me loose before handing me the clothes. I had already dried with a towel she had given me beforehand so getting the clothes wet was nowhere near a problem.

"Alright, back to the bedroom now. Oh yeah you've still got frostbite and can't walk, guess you'll have to crawl then." She says with both a teasing voice and smile.

However, unlike most other people, I don't really have shame as long as it benefits me, so crawling like a dog is as easy as breathing.

"All we need is a collar and a leash and we could call this an S&M play." I chuckled as I crawled back into the bedroom on all 4s.

"Hm, I guess I could put that on my shopping cart." Olivia smiled down at me.

[Achievement: Seduced a Yandere]

[This is an Achievement much like the last one, but I guess since effort was put in its a little better, however all you did was start at 99% and filled out that other 1%]

[+3 AP]

[+10 GP]

'I win.'