
Chapter 26

Luna stood there for a few seconds, staring into her father's eyes. She then rolled her eyes and dropped at the bag she was carrying on the floor. She then ran towards her father and punched him hard enough to make him unconscious. His unconscious body fell on the floor as Luna heaved out a sigh. "That's going to leave a bruise," she thought. She then carried her father since he wasn't that heavy and lays him on the couch. She picked up her bag and ran to her room to hide it under the bed where the other bag is hidden. She changed her clothes into pajamas and hid her uniform in one of the bags. She ran back to the living room and heaved a relieved sigh when she saw her father still unconsciously laying on the couch. She took a deep breath before slowly walking towards him. "father, wake up" she said as she shakes his body. John slowly opened his eyes and met Luna's. "I heard a loud thump down hear. So, I came down to check and I just saw you on the couch. What happened?" she acted. Her father sat up and placed his hand on his head. "I don't quite remember" he answered. "it looks like you hit your head or something, you have a bruise. I'll get you a bag of ice and you can go back to your room to rest" Luna said before walking to the kitchen.

Luna came back into the living room with a bag of ice and gave it to her father. "thank you" he said. Luna nodded and was about to go back to her room when her father suddenly spoke. "I'm sorry about earlier, Luna. I was just scared that she might do something bad to you when you do something about this situation. I guess keeping it down low will make this worse, huh?" he said in a sad tone. Luna looked at him with pity. "You need to trust me more," she said and shook her head. "I'm not a little girl anymore who doesn't know what she's doing" she added coldly before walking back upstairs and into her room.

She puts the pillow she positioned earlier aside and lays down on her bed. "Two nights," she thought. With that in mind, she easily fell asleep.


Luna was woken up by the sound of someone knocking on her door. She groaned aloud and sat up. "who is it," she asked as she rubs her eye. "come down and eat" she heard her stepmother's voice from the other side of the door. Luna raised her brow and answered an "okay" before standing up to pick out an outfit for the day and walked into her bathroom. She then went to the dining room and sat herself down. "it's odd that you're the one who woke me up for breakfast, Mary" Luna mentioned, not even looking at her, and started to eat her breakfast. Mary just rolled her eyes and started to eat her breakfast as well.

"Your father and I will be going out today to check out the venue for your wedding. You are not allowed to go out" her mother said as she finishes her breakfast. "I don't care what you instruct me. either way, if I want to go out, I will, and you know that very well" Luna said boldly as she looks at Mary. Mary gave her a dirty look and stood up. "I'm getting ready. Hurry up and finish your breakfast, John" Mary said and walked away. Luna scoffed and continued eating her breakfast. "take it easy, Luna" Her father mentioned as he stood up as well. Luna is now the one who is giving him the dirty look. "I am a ticking bomb, John. Don't piss me off" she simply said. John took a deep breath and walked away. "tough morning?" Luna heard Kelly ask. Luna just hummed and finishes her breakfast. "So, what're your plans for today?" Kelly asked. "I'm starting to get out of shape. I need to find a way to drop by the headquarters and train even for a few hours" Luna whispered as she walks back into her room. "what about your parents? They might catch you red-handed like last time" Adrien said upon hearing the short conversation Kelly and Luna had. "you know, at this point, I don't even care. I'll just come up with something" Luna responded and sat on the edge of her bed, trying to think of a clean plan.

"I got it" Luna whispered after a hot minute of thinking. "what?" Kelly asked. "This is risky, but I'll give it a try" Luna answered and walked out of her room. She saw her parents' walking out of the door. She suddenly grabbed her father's arm and pulled him back in. "Luna? What's wrong?" he asked feeling surprised that Luna suddenly pulled him in. "I want to personally meet your brother" Luna whispered. Both Adrien and Kelly gasped. "Are you insane?" Kelly exclaimed, but Luna ignored her and waited for her father to respond. "why?" her father asked. "I want to meet him personally, to see why Mary hates him so much. I want to know his personality myself" Luna said. Her father thought about it for a second before giving her a response. "Alright. I'll call him and tell him to pick you up" he said. Luna nodded and lets him go. As soon as the door closes, Luna heaved out a sigh and a victorious smile appeared on her face. "I can feel the victorious energy radiating from there, Luna" Kelly teased. Luna chuckled. "is Ace listening?" Luna asked. "I am. Your father just texted me. I'll be on my way" Ace answered. "great" Luna responded and walked back to her room to change into the training clothes that she picked up last night.

After some time, Ace finally arrived and picked up Luna. "A lot has happened for the past few days, huh?" Ace asked as he drives. "totally. Why didn't you tell me that your brother is my own father?" she asked. Ace took a deep breath and sighs. "I was afraid that you'll start avoiding me or you'll get scared that I might send you back there" Ace answered. Luna understood and just nodded. "Well. at least I get to know that you're my uncle" Luna said, lifting up the heavy tension in the car. Ace just chuckled and kept his focus on the road.

As soon as Luna stepped into the headquarters, every agent in the lobby yelled in excitement.

"Agent 001 is back!"

"Agent 001, we haven't caught any criminals ever since you left. Teach us your secret"

"Welcome back, Agent 001!"

Luna smiled at them widely, which made them yell and cheer even more for Luna doesn't smile at them widely. "I think I'm going to pass out. Agent 001 just smiled at us" Luna heard one of the agents yell and made her chuckle. She was about to speak when someone suddenly launched at her and hugged her. "It's unfair that Adrien can see you anytime and I can't! have you forgotten about me?!" Kelly exclaimed making Luna laugh. "Of course not. I'm sorry for doing such a thing to you" Luna teased and hugged her back. Luna broke the hug and spoke loudly for everyone to hear. "my time here is limited. Has each and every one of you trained as I instructed you to?" she asked the agents. "yes!" they answered in chorus. "good" Luna said. "it's time for your training, Agent 001" Ace instructed. Luna smiled at him and headed to the training room with Kelly.

"I didn't see you in the lobby. Not excited to see me?" Luna teasingly asked Adrien once she saw him in the training room. "I did just saw you last night" he teased back and slowly walked towards her. "See what I mean?! So unfair" Kelly yelled and stomped her foot like a kid. Luna and Adrien looked at her and laughed. "I'm just her boyfriend, you're her sister. See the gap?" Adrien said, trying to make Kelly feel better. "true" Kelly responded before walking back to her spot. "Anyway, ready for your training agent 001?" Adrien asked Luna. "More than ready" she answered. She was about to walk towards Kelly when someone suddenly spoke from behind them. "Agent 001, you have a different training today," the man said. Luna turned around and smiled upon seeing the person. "Agent 0109. How are you?" Luna exclaimed as she walks towards him. "I'm doing great. As you may know, I'm a father now" he answered. "I've heard. What's your baby's name?" Luna asked. "Nathaniel, his name is Nathaniel," he said. Luna smiled at him widely and congratulated him. "Let's start with your training, shall we?" Agent 0109 said. Luna nodded and walked with him into a different room. "for this session, I want you to use your anger and frustration as your power, but don't forget about logic. Emotion and logic can be a powerful combination" he explained to Luna as they enter the room. "But I don't want to hurt you. I don't want your family to see a bruise on you" Luna said concerned. "you're not battling with me for today. You're fighting will be with agent 023" he said, and a man walked from behind him. "It's nice seeing you again, agent 001" the man greeted. "It's nice to see you, agent 0023. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're one of the buffest men here in the building?" Luna asked. Agent 023 laughed and nodded. "I am," he said boldly. "well, I'll leave her to you. Agent 001, good luck" agent 0109 said and walked away to sit down.

Luna and agent 023 stepped into the ring. "are you ready, little girl?" the man teased. Luna got caught off guard. "what?" she said. Instead of answering, the man swung his arm and threw a punch on her face. Luna took one step back and had her head lowered. "you know, I don't get it. a little girl is the agent 001 and not me, one of the buffest men in here" he whispered but loud enough for Luna to hear. This made Luna furious. "Isn't agent 0109 seeing this?" She thought and looked at the side of the ring, she sees the chair where agent 0109 should be seated empty. "looking for someone to help you?" the man teased again and threw another punch, this time, on her belly. Luna fell on her knees and groaned. "what? You can't fight agent 001?" the man said. Luna got even more furious but then she remembered what agent 0109 said earlier. "emotion and logic can be a powerful combination". With that in mind, Luna stood up steadily and looked at the man straight in the eye. The man scoffed and was about to throw another punch, but Luna was quick enough to dodge it and ran behind him. "what?" the man exclaimed. He was about to turn around but was too late. Luna lowered herself and slid her right leg on the platform's floor and between his legs, hitting his left leg and making him fall on his knees. The man groaned and cursed under his breath. Luna scoffed and smirked. "I am not a little girl" she mentioned before lowering herself to wrap her right arm around the man's neck and pulled him back. Luna was now in a sitting position while her arm is wrapped around the man's neck. The man was trying to get off her grip, but he couldn't. Luna flexed her right arm, almost choking the man. "who's the little girl now?" Luna teased. The man just groaned and slapped Luna's arm, hoping that her grip will loosen, but it didn't. suddenly, the man stood up, making Luna hang on his neck, and her body dangling on his back. Luna's eyes widened. The man lifts Luna up by putting his hands under her arms that were wrapped around his neck and threw her hard on the platform. Luna rolled on the floor but stopped herself by putting her palm on the floor and bends her one leg, her other knee on the floor, and stopped her from rolling. She was about to stand up when the man threw a punch on her face again, making her fall on her back. Luna felt a stinging pain on the corner of her lips. She placed a finger on the corner of her lips and saw blood as she looks at her finger. "you sick bastard" she mumbled to herself and launched herself onto the man, wrapping her arms around his waist. As they fall on the floor, Luna pins him down by putting her arm on the front of his neck, crushing his throat. The man placed his hand on her face, making sure to block her vision, but that didn't stop Luna. When her vision got blocked, she immediately lifted her free hand and threw a strong punch on the man's face. the man removed his hand from her face and placed it on his own. Because of her frustration and anger, Luna lifted the arm she was using to crush his throat and placed her hand on the floor by his face as support. With her free hand, she removed the man's hand from his face and threw another punch. The man groaned, but this just made Luna even angrier, so, she kept on throwing punches on the man's face. "I will destroy your face and make you lose your job you asshole" she bluntly said.

"Luna!" someone yelled as they entered the room and saw Luna punching the man. The person ran to her in the ring and pulled her back by wrapping its arm around her waist. "Luna, stop," the person said. Luna looked behind her and saw that it was Adrien. Adrien saw her busted lips and a big bruise on her face. Adrien was about to speak when someone suddenly spoke. "what happened?" the person asked. Adrien and Luna looked in the direction where they heard the person. Luna got mad as she saw who the person was. "where the hell have you been? You just left the fucking room and let this bastard leave a mark on my face!" Luna yelled. Agent 0109 widened his eyes and looked at the man that was groaning in pain on the floor. Luna was about to yell even more when she suddenly felt pain on her stomach and dropped on her knees, putting her hand on her stomach, trying to lessen the pain. "Luna!" Adrien yelled upon seeing her drop on the floor and kneeled down to her level. "what's with all the ruckus here?" Ace asked as he enters the room with Kelly. Kelly immediately saw Luna and Adrien on the floor and quickly rushed to them. Ace follows Kelly with his gaze and grew mad upon seeing Luna badly hurt. Luna looked up and saw Ace in the room. "I want agent 023 fired. Now!" she yelled but groaned right after, for she felt the pain on her stomach get worse. "can someone get that man out of this building" Ace sternly instructed. Agent 0109 nodded and tried to lift the man on the floor. "Adrien, carry her to the clinic" Ace instructed Adrien. He nodded and carried Luna. "take it easy" Luna groaned when Adrien carried her. "I'm sorry" Adrien apologized and started walking. Kelly was about to follow behind when she saw the man who hurt her best friend. She ran towards him and threw a punch on his face as well. "why?!" agent 0109 exclaimed. "because I'm petty" Kelly answered and walked away to follow Luna and Adrien.

Once they arrived at the clinic, Adrien lays Luna on one of the beds and asked Kelly if she could call the doctor. Kelly nodded and walked out of the clinic. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm just in terrible pain" Luna said as she looked at Adrien that was beside her. "It's alright, I understand," he said and bent down to kiss her forehead. After a few minutes, Kelly enters the clinic with disappointment written on her face. "the doctor went home early. They said that the doctor needed to go home as soon as possible since something happened to her son" Kelly explained. Luna heaved a sigh. "I'll get better soon, I just need to rest," she said and was about to sit up, but Adrien stopped her. "no, your wounds and bruises need to be treated. Lay down and I'll take care of you" Adrien said as he looks around the clinic to find what he needs to treat Luna's bruises and wounds. Kelly's phone suddenly rang in her pocket. "oops, sorry, I need to take this" she said. "It's alright," Luna said, dismissing her. Kelly nodded and walked out of the clinic.

"Can you sit up?" Adrien asked as he places the things he picked up from the shelves on a table. Luna nodded and slowly sat up, hissing in the process. "okay, I need you to take your shirt off" he instructed. "what?" Luna exclaimed. "I need to treat your stomach, Luna" he sternly replied. Luna huffed out a breath and tried to remove her shirt, but she couldn't. "fuck. I think my hands are swelling, it hurts when I try to take a grip of my shirt" she groaned. Adrien walked towards her. "can you lift up your arms?" he asked, making Luna nod and lifts her arms up. Adrien slowly and carefully removed her shirt and neatly places it beside her. he saw a big bruise that's starting to turn purple on her stomach. Luna bit her lower lip upon seeing the bruise on herself. Adrien walked towards a table and picked up some sort of cream and a few compression wraps. "this is supposed to heal your bruises and swelling overnight" he explains as he opens the container of the cream and scoops enough cream to put on Luna's stomach. Luna hisses and pain. "Just a little bit more, love," Adrien said as he finishes putting cream on her bruise. He puts down the cream and grabs the compression wrap. "this might hurt a bit. I need you to cope with me" Adrien said. "okay" Luna answered softly. Adrien started to wrap her stomach with the compression wrap. Luna groans and yelps. "I'm almost done, cupcake," Adrien said softly and finishes wrapping. "now, let me put some on your face and hands," he said and puts the same cream on her bruise and on her hands. He then wraps her hands with the compression wrap as well. "what about my busted lips" Luna mentioned. Adrien looks at her lips and nods before walking back to the table and picks up a different kind of cream. He spreads the cream on the scar that's on her lips. "You're all treated. Lift your arms so I can put back on your shirt" he instructed. Luna followed and lets him put her shirt back on. Adrien then leaned closer and rested his forehead on hers. "I was so worried" he whispered. "I'm sorry. that guy just pissed me off," Luna said. "well, now I know that I shouldn't piss you off" Adrien teased as he lifts his face up to properly look at Luna. Luna chuckled and looked at him as well. Adrien cups the side of her face with one hand and admires her. "I love you so much," he said. "I love you as much as I love the moon" she replied, making him smile widely. Ace then enters the clinic. "are you able to walk?" he asked Luna, making her nod. "okay, I'll wait for you in the car" he said before walking out. "I'll see you soon again," Luna told Adrien. He nodded and leaned in to kiss her, but she backed up. "you'll taste the cream you just put," she said. Adrien scoffed. "I don't care," he said and just kissed her. Of course, Luna kissed back. "get a room, not a clinic" Kelly teased as she saw them kissing when she walked in. the two stopped kissing and chuckled. "heard you were about to leave again, came here to say goodbye for now" Kelly said as she walked towards Luna. "can I hug you?" she added. "just not too tight" Luna answered. Kelly smiled and hugged her best friend. "I'll see you soon," Kelly said before letting go. "come on, I'll walk you to Ace's car" Adrien offered. "I swear you two. I'll wait outside" Kelly teased and walked out.