
Chapter 208

The armour around my torso looked intact, along with the one around my leg, though they were covered with my blood. I sighed, "this is going to take a lot of work to fix."

"I surprised you even survived," Bruce told me as he approached from behind, "the amount of blood you lost...Peter, it's a miracle Tony got to you on time."

"Believe me, I know."

"The suit's system's gone," he tapped the hexagonal arc reactor, "Tony took a look at it, he got a little bit jealous at the upgrade. But he did proclaim it to be useless now. In his words, 'it's like a condom with holes'."

I snorted, "figured," I picked up the gauntlets and looked them over. I opened them up and took out my SHIELD issue phone, it was shattered, "sigh, no luck here."

"You want to make a call?" Bruce asked reaching in and taking out his own mobile, "here."

"Oh, thanks," I said taking the phone.

"Who are you calling?" he asked.

"My girlfriend."

Bruce shivered, "Felicia right?"

"Yeah...you know here?"

The man gulped, "yes, we met. She had….quite a lot to say. Damn scary woman."

I grinned, "damn straight" I pressed the phone against my ear however the call didn't go through, the number was switched off, "fuck!"

"What happened?"

"She's switched it off, meaning either she ran out of charge, which is unlikely, or that she's doing something very, very stupid."

"Like something that would make Fury angry?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah, maybe. Why?"

"Because he looks pretty angry right now," Bruce looked over my shoulder. I turned around and sure enough Fury was walking towards us with a glare and a feeling of dread took over.

He walked in, it was like the lock didn't even matter to him. He looked at me, "what in the hell does she think she's doing?!"

I held up my hands, "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about," which was a lie. Duh.

"Don't you dare play me for a fool Spider!" Fury spat, "your girlfriend! The Black Cat! She just broke her father out, the greatest burglar in the world out of prison!"

I blinked, "I say honestly say I had no idea she did that," which was true, I didn't think she did it already. Damn, nice time management.

"Really? You're telling me you had no idea she wanted to break her father out of prison?" Fury asked.

"No, that's not true," I replied, "I told you yesterday that….I mean a week ago, damn, it's been a week," I sighed, "anyway, I told you a week ago someone I suspected was HYDRA contacted Felicia and offered to help free her dad. So I did tell you, so you tell me Fury what the hell happened?"

Fury met my gaze and held it for a long time. He growled, "she broke in two nights ago. We didn't even get informed about Walter escaping until yesterday evening. She's in the wind Spider, do you have any idea where she is?"

"No, sorry," I told him.

Fury was silent as he studied me, "fine, but if you do happen to find her call us right away. She's in a lot of trouble, but if we deal with it quickly and quietly she might just end up on the other side of this with her hair still white."

He looked at Banner and then to the table with my costume in tatters. Fury sighed, "I'm sorry we didn't get the bastard."

I nodded, "I know. What's the situation right now?"

"Dangerous to say the least," Fury growled, "Doom's claiming diplomatic immunity and keeping quiet, but his people, well they are all rallied up into a frenzy claiming his stay in another world courtesy of Reed Richards and apparently you," he sent me a glare, "is reason enough for war. Honestly kid, I don't understand what the hell to expect."

"Did you call in the Avengers?" I asked.

"The Avengers are a weapon for humanity against threats beyond its reach. They aren't a peacekeeping force or a means of attack for America. They can't be seen taking on a foreign power, believe me, the mere existence of the Avengers makes people nervous, seeing the go after an enemy of the state will only make things worse."

"But that doesn't mean we aren't going to try," a second voice called out as Tony walked into the lab with Steve following behind him. He spotted me and smiled, "hey kid, glad you're alright. You're looking a lot better."

"And I here I have you to thank for that," I smiled, "thanks Tony."

"Oh don't go soft on me, always a pleasure walking in on a dictator beating a teenage boy to death," he said patting me on the shoulder.

"Not the time Tony," Steve warned, to which Tony just rolled his eyes.

"So what's going on with Doom?" Bruce asked, "are we going to get him any time soon?"

"No," Steve spoke, "it's too complicated. The only way we would even have a chance is if he comes to us."




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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