
Đọc Sách Tiểu Thuyết michael balzary Trực Tuyến - WebNovel

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  • Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!

    In a world where the interstellar era has brought both promise and disappointment, Michael Fang dreams of becoming a Lord in the mysterious realm. He longs to explore ancient ruins of fallen civilizations and build a territory loved and supported by his subjects. But his aspirations are shattered when he realizes that he is nothing special and just an ordinary boy in a world full of heavenly prodigies. That is until he stumbles upon the Gate leading to the Origin Expanse, a mysterious realm that promises to change everything he thought he knew about himself and his destiny. With newfound power and unwavering determination, Michael vows to turn his misfortune into opportunity, no matter how perilous the path is. "Watch, and witness as I extract everything!" Follow Michael Fang on his journey through the Origin Expanse as he battles through obstacles and enemies to achieve his dreams and become the Supreme Lord he was always meant to be. ** Discord: https://discord.gg/Zr8QvWJKVT

    HideousGrain · Kỳ huyễn
  • Hitman with a Badass System

    "In a world of shadows, I am the darkness they fear." In the shadowy realm of international espionage and contract killing, Michael was a legend. His deadly precision and a flawless track record had made him the stuff of nightmares in the underworld. However, his life underwent a complete transformation during his latest assignment. As Michael pulled the trigger, a mysterious, otherworldly light enveloped him, and he suddenly found himself in a different realm, inhabiting a foreign body equipped with a system. To survive in this treacherous new land, Michael had to embrace his inner alpha predator, for the system embedded within him was none other than the aptly named "Badass System." This system rewarded him with "badass points" whenever he displayed acts of sheer badassery. Yet, Michael soon realized that every twist and turn in his path was no accident; a grand design was at play, woven by higher beings with ulterior motives. In any compelling story, the quality of its villains is crucial. Thus, the question arises: who are the antagonists that will challenge our deadliest assassin? Will Michael overcome these intricate schemes to emerge victorious? Can he unravel the secrets concealed within the Badass System? Jump right into the book and you will not be disappointed...It's a guarantee... Anti Hero with a Symbiote System: https://www.webnovel.com/book/anti-hero-with-a-symbiote-system_23401860706535005 Dictator with a Badass System: https://www.webnovel.com/book/dictator-with-a-badass-system_24476949205615505 discord link: https://discord.gg/xWacJDwazf Join my wonderful circle and be part of the book!!! Schedule : Everyday 2 Chapters on Mon, Tue, Friday, Sunday 1 Chapter on Wed, Thu, Sat

    don_offl · Võ hiệp
  • A Beautiful Luna After Rejection

    Cecily was a scrawny girl with no friends. However, like all other girls, she yearned for true love. She always had a crush on Robert, Alpha's son in their Pack. However, on her eighteenth birthday, she found out that Robert was her Mate! Before she could hug him in excitement, Robert had already flung her hand away like a piece of trash. "You will not become my Mate. Pretend that nothing happened today. Leave and watch your mouth. Do not say anything that you should not say!" Robert publicly ogled at the sexy, beautiful blonde Alison at their high school graduation. The graduation trip changed Cecily, making her stronger, more confident, more vibrant, and more beautiful and sexy. Furthermore, Robert, who met her on his college campus again, began to pursue her. "You should be my Luna. We will live together from now on. We will have lots of kids. They will be healthy and smart." Robert's eyes were filled with lust. Robert's pestering made Cecily feel disgusted and nauseated! As Cecily could not protect herself from Robert due to the difference in strength, Michael appeared. "Your actions make you unworthy as an Alpha." Michael looked at Robert with disdain. During Robert's inauguration as Alpha, Cecily could no longer tolerate his pestering. "I, Cecily Levin, reject Robert Paslo as my mate." When Robert was furious and in pain, wanting to hurt Cecily, Michael appeared again! "Cecily was the Mate arranged by the Moon Goddess for me." Michael looked at Cecily gently. "Whoever dares to touch her is disrespecting the royal family."

    JQK · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Unwanted Marriage: Honey, No More Divorce!

    After three years of marriage, Wendy Stewart was used to Michael Lucas's sarcastic remarks, his frequent threats about getting divorced, and even his indulgence of a mistress. She thought that she could bear with this her entire life, until she accidentally got pregnant with a child that Michael did not want. Finally despondent, Wendy signed the divorce agreement and left. She thought they could have parted ways forever, but Michael refused to stop looking for her after the divorce. When they met again, she was the world's top designer. Smiling sweetly at her ex-husband, she said, "My dear, we're already divorced." Michael simply stared at her coldly, "Tell me, what will it take for us to reconcile?"

    TheHana · Thành thị
  • Reincarnated Hero System

    It was just a game; one Evan played way too much, but it was still a game in the end. At least it that’s what it was supposed to be... However, on the day the main quest ended, he discovered it was more than just a game. The world of Aidos was real and the demon threat was even more so. He was sent to be the leader of the new generation of heroes and save the world from the demon invasion by the god who made the game. Unfortunately, nothing was as simple as it may have seemed. As the truth behind the invasion and the previous Seven Heroes was slowly revealed, he began to have second thoughts about his choices. He began questioning if the demons were truly the enemies of Aidos. Even more so, when he discovered a new truth. That he may not actually be who he thought he was. #wsa2022 WSA 2022 Entry [Check out my other stories from my profile: Godslayer’s Legend & Beyond the Bloodline] ◇ ◇ ◇ Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ZXyAjGtS4r ◇ ◇ ◇ Support Me: https://ko-fi.com/michae_l ◇ ◇ ◇ I'm new to writing so I hope you all will support me on this journey. I'm hoping for your review on what you think about the book. Constructive criticisms are allowed too. Cover by KingU ◇ ◇ ◇ DISCLAIMER! This novel is a work of fiction and though it draws inspiration from historical places and events, it is by no means meant to be a realistic representation of any current or historical events, places cultures, or people. The story may contain themes and events that may be disturbing to some people and if you are "triggered" by pretty much anything at all, It may not be suitable for you as I will not limit myself in terms of themes, events, or topics while writing.

    _michael · Kỳ huyễn
  • Uma Linda Luna Após a Rejeição

    Cecily era uma garota magricela sem amigos. No entanto, como todas as outras garotas, ansiava por um amor verdadeiro. Ela sempre foi apaixonada por Roberto, filho do Alfa de sua Matilha. No entanto, no seu décimo oitavo aniversário, descobriu que Roberto era seu Companheiro! Antes que pudesse abraçá-lo em excitação, Roberto já havia lançado sua mão para longe como um pedaço de lixo. "Você não se tornará minha Companheira. Finja que nada aconteceu hoje. Vá embora e vigie sua boca. Não diga nada que não deva dizer!" Roberto olhava publicamente para a loira sexy e bonita Alison na formatura do ensino médio. A viagem de formatura mudou Cecily, tornando-a mais forte, mais confiante, mais vibrante, e mais bela e sexy. Além disso, Roberto, que a encontrou novamente no campus da faculdade, começou a persegui-la. "Você deve ser minha Luna. Viveremos juntos a partir de agora. Teremos muitos filhos. Eles serão saudáveis e inteligentes." Os olhos de Roberto estavam cheios de luxúria. A insistência de Roberto fez Cecily sentir nojo e náuseas! Como Cecily não podia se proteger de Roberto devido à diferença de força, Michael apareceu. "Suas ações o tornam indigno como um Alfa." Michael olhou para Roberto com desprezo. Na inauguração de Roberto como Alfa, Cecily não pôde mais tolerar sua insistência. "Eu, Cecily Levin, rejeito Roberto Paslo como meu companheiro." Quando Roberto estava furioso e com dor, querendo ferir Cecily, Michael apareceu novamente! "Cecily foi a Companheira arranjada pela Deusa da Lua para mim." Michael olhou para Cecily com ternura. "Quem quer que ouse tocá-la está desrespeitando a família real."

    JQK · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Matrimonio no deseado: ¡Cariño, no más divorcio!

    Después de tres años de matrimonio, Wendy Stewart estaba acostumbrada a los comentarios sarcásticos de Michael Lucas, sus amenazas frecuentes sobre el divorcio e incluso su indulgencia con una amante. Pensó que podría soportar todo esto toda su vida, hasta que accidentalmente quedó embarazada de un niño que Michael no quería. Finalmente desesperada, Wendy firmó el acuerdo de divorcio y se fue. Pensó que podrían haberse separado para siempre, pero Michael se negó a dejar de buscarla después del divorcio. Cuando se encontraron de nuevo, ella era la mejor diseñadora del mundo. Sonriendo dulcemente a su exmarido, dijo: —Mi querido, ya estamos divorciados. Michael simplemente la miró fríamente: —Dime, ¿qué hará falta para que nos reconciliemos?

    TheHana · Thành thị
  • Une belle Luna après le rejet

    Cecily était une fille maigre sans amis. Pourtant, comme toutes les autres filles, elle aspirait au véritable amour. Elle avait toujours eu le béguin pour Robert, le fils de l'Alpha de leur Meute. Cependant, pour son dix-huitième anniversaire, elle découvrit que Robert était son Âme Soeur ! Avant qu'elle ne puisse l'enlacer d'excitation, Robert avait déjà repoussé sa main comme un détritus. « Tu ne deviendras pas mon Âme Soeur. Fais comme si rien ne s'était passé aujourd'hui. Pars et garde ta langue. Ne dis rien que tu ne devrais pas dire ! » Robert reluquait publiquement la sexy et belle blonde Alison lors de leur remise des diplômes au lycée. Le voyage de fin d'études transforma Cecily, la rendant plus forte, plus confiante, plus éclatante, et plus belle et sexy. De plus, Robert, qui l'a retrouvée sur le campus de son collège plus tard, commença à la poursuivre. « Tu devrais être ma Luna. Désormais, nous vivrons ensemble. Nous aurons beaucoup d'enfants. Ils seront en bonne santé et intelligents. » Les yeux de Robert étaient remplis de luxure. Les assiduités de Robert rendaient Cecily dégoûtée et nauséeuse ! Comme Cecily ne pouvait se protéger de Robert en raison de la différence de force, Michael apparut. « Tes actions te rendent indigne en tant qu'Alpha. » Michael regardait Robert avec dédain. Lors de l'intronisation de Robert en tant qu'Alpha, Cecily ne pouvait plus tolérer ses assiduités. « Moi, Cecily Levin, je rejette Robert Paslo en tant qu'âme soeur. » Quand Robert était furieux et souffrant, voulant blesser Cecily, Michael réapparut ! « Cecily était l'Âme Soeur arrangée par la Déesse de la Lune pour moi. » Michael regardait Cecily doucement. « Quiconque ose la toucher manque de respect à la famille royale. »

    JQK · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Eine schöne Luna nach Ablehnung

    Cecily war ein schmächtiges Mädchen ohne Freunde. Doch wie alle anderen Mädchen sehnte sie sich nach der wahren Liebe. Sie war schon immer in Robert, den Sohn des Alphas in ihrem Rudel, verknallt. Doch an ihrem achtzehnten Geburtstag erfuhr sie, dass Robert ihr Gefährte war! Bevor sie ihn vor Aufregung umarmen konnte, hatte Robert ihre Hand schon weggeschleudert wie ein Stück Dreck. "Du wirst nicht mein Gefährte werden. Tu so, als wäre heute nichts passiert. Geh und pass auf, was du sagst. Sag nichts, was du nicht sagen solltest!" Robert beäugte die sexy, schöne blonde Alison öffentlich bei ihrer Highschool-Abschlussfeier. Die Abschlussfahrt hat Cecily verändert, sie ist stärker, selbstbewusster, lebendiger, schöner und sexy geworden. Außerdem begann Robert, der sie auf seinem College-Campus wiedertraf, sie zu verfolgen. "Du sollst meine Luna sein. Wir werden von nun an zusammen leben. Wir werden viele Kinder haben. Sie werden gesund und klug sein." Roberts Augen waren voller Lust. Roberts Pöbeleien widerten Cecily an und verursachten Ekel und Übelkeit! Als Cecily sich aufgrund des Kraftunterschieds nicht vor Robert schützen konnte, erschien Michael. "Dein Verhalten macht dich als Alpha unwürdig." Michael sah Robert mit Verachtung an. Während Roberts Amtseinführung als Alpha konnte Cecily seine Pöbeleien nicht mehr ertragen. "Ich, Cecily Levin, lehne Robert Paslo als meinen Gefährten ab." Als Robert wütend war und Cecily verletzen wollte, tauchte Michael wieder auf! "Cecily war die Gefährtin, die von der Mondgöttin für mich bestimmt wurde." Michael sah Cecily sanft an. "Wer es wagt, sie zu berühren, respektiert die königliche Familie nicht."

    JQK · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Godslayer's Legend

    Check out my latest novel: Beyond the Bloodline. ◇ ◇ ◇ For billions of years, the gods have stood atop most universes, some being benevolent, while others being malevolent. Suddenly, there was a prophecy. One that foretold the birth of a certain being. The child of a god, born to put an end to the gods. Would the gods really let such a being exist in peace? Obviously Not. Would that being really let the gods mess up his life without retaliation? Definitely Not. This is a telling of that being’s story, as he rises up to fight against the gods who wish to end him, and as he discovers the other powerful entities and horrors that lurk in the vast cosmos. ◇ ◇ ◇ WARNING: THE EARLIER CHAPTERS OF THIS STORY ARE CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN Check out my other stories from my profile; ' Reincarnated Hero System' & 'Beyond the Bloodline'. ◇ ◇ ◇ Discord Link : https://discord.gg/ZXyAjGtS4r ◇ ◇ ◇ Support Me: https://ko-fi.com/michae_l ◇ ◇ ◇ Although many may think this story begins on a high note, worry not, things would flow normally soon after. I'm new to writing so I hope you all would support me on this journey. I'm hoping for your review on what you think about the book. Constructive criticisms are allowed too. Credits to the Image Artist. If the image is yours and you do not want me using it Kindly DM ◇ ◇ ◇ DISCLAIMER! This novel is a work of fiction and though it draws inspiration from historical places and events, it is by no means meant to be a realistic representation of any current or historical events, places cultures, or people. The story may contain themes and events that may be disturbing to some people and if you are "triggered" by pretty much anything at all, It may not be suitable for you as I will not limit myself in terms of themes, events, or topics while writing. ◇ ◇ ◇ (Alternative Synopsis The gods have been the rulers of most universes for billions of years, some being benevolent while some being malevolent. When there’s suddenly a prophecy about the coming of a being who can potentially bring an end to their rule, There’s no way they’ll let such a being exist. This is the story of that being as he rises up to fight against the gods who wish to end him and discovers other powerful entities and horrors that lurk in the cosmos.)

    _michael · Kỳ huyễn
  • Casamento indesejado: Querida, chega de divórcio!

    Após três anos de casamento, Wendy Stewart estava acostumada com as observações sarcásticas de Michael Lucas, suas frequentes ameaças sobre se divorciarem, e até mesmo sua indulgência com uma amante. Ela pensou que poderia suportar isso por toda a vida, até que acidentalmente engravidou de uma criança que Michael não queria. Finalmente desesperada, Wendy assinou o acordo de divórcio e foi embora. Ela pensou que poderiam ter se separado para sempre, mas Michael se recusava a parar de procurá-la após o divórcio. Quando se encontraram novamente, ela era a designer mais famosa do mundo. Sorrindo docemente para o ex-marido, ela disse: "Meu querido, já estamos divorciados." Michael simplesmente encarou-a friamente, "Diga-me, o que será necessário para nos reconciliarmos?"

    TheHana · Thành thị
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  • Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

    [COMPLETED NOVEL] Living together with my ex-husband? Sarah never thought she would one day meet Michael, her ex-husband, again in the operating room with his body full of wounds and needing treatment from her. They were already divorced for three years, and Sarah didn’t have a good memory of the man. If she could… she would have let him die. However, she was a doctor, and a doctor's job was to save patients. Sarah immediately regretted her decision to save the man because it turned out that Michael had amnesia and remembered that they just got married! To make matters worse, she stupidly accepted her ex-in-law's request to pretend to remain Michael's wife while taking care of him. Why did she do that? However… during the time she spent with her ex-husband, Michael's attitude was very different from what Sarah had last remembered. He was very gentle… and loving. It made the feelings she thought were gone, come up to the surface. Would Sarah be able to deal with her feelings? What would happen when Michael's memory suddenly returned? Would his attitude stay the same? ============= EXCERPT: "Wifey," Michael called, looking at Sarah who was lying beside him. “Hm,” Sarah answered curtly, not looking at Michael. "I think I'm healthy." Sarah's body stiffened when she heard that. Was Michael healthy? Did that mean he had remembered everything? Would he scold her for tricking him? "Wifey? Why are you silent? I think I'm healthy and I can do it," Michael said quietly. "What do you mean?" Sarah finally looked at Michael with raised eyebrows. “Do what?” "Making babies." ============= Ps: The cover does not belong to me, credit goes to the owner. You can tell me If you want it to be taken down. Pss: Check my other stories in English 1. Superstar Husband & Genius Wife 2. The Lady Vampire and Her Lover 3. Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband 4. My Beautiful Queen is Vampire

    FallenAngel4869 · Thành thị
  • Mariage Non Désiré : Chérie, Plus de Divorce !

    Après trois années de mariage, Wendy Stewart était habituée aux remarques sarcastiques de Michael Lucas, ses menaces fréquentes de divorcer et même son indulgence envers une maîtresse. Elle pensait qu'elle pourrait supporter cela toute sa vie, jusqu'à ce qu'elle tombe accidentellement enceinte d'un enfant que Michael ne voulait pas. Finalement désespérée, Wendy signa l'accord de divorce et partit. Elle pensait qu'ils auraient pu se séparer pour toujours, mais Michael refusa de cesser de la chercher après le divorce. Lorsqu'ils se retrouvèrent, elle était la meilleure designer du monde. Souriant doucement à son ex-mari, elle dit : "Mon cher, nous sommes déjà divorcés." Michael la regarda simplement froidement, "Dis-moi, que faudra-t-il pour que nous nous réconciliions?"

    TheHana · Thành thị
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  • Ungewollte Heirat: Schatz, keine Scheidung mehr!

    Nach drei Jahren Ehe hatte sich Wendy Stewart an die sarkastischen Bemerkungen von Michael Lucas gewöhnt, an seine häufigen Scheidungsdrohungen und sogar daran, dass er sich eine Geliebte gönnte. Sie glaubte, dies ihr Leben lang ertragen zu können, bis sie versehentlich mit einem Kind schwanger wurde, das Michael nicht wollte. Schließlich unterschrieb Wendy verzweifelt die Scheidungsvereinbarung und zog aus. Sie dachte, sie könnten sich für immer trennen, aber Michael weigerte sich, nach der Scheidung aufzuhören, nach ihr zu suchen. Als sie sich wiedertrafen, war sie die Top-Designerin der Welt. Sie lächelte ihren Ex-Mann freundlich an und sagte: "Mein Lieber, wir sind bereits geschieden." Michael starrte sie nur kalt an: "Sag mir, was muss geschehen, damit wir uns wieder versöhnen?"

    TheHana · Thành thị
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  • Beyond the Bloodline

    [Chapter Updates Have Resumed!] Vampires and Werewolves... Two Powerful Races with Incompatible Bloodlines. Eternal Rivals with one another. And then someone decided to create beings who were mixtures of the two. Well…maybe they shouldn’t have done that. ◇ ◇ ◇ Eternal Life. Widely known to be an unobtainable myth, even for the long-lived elves and the all-powerful dragons. And then came Jamie. A young and promising werewolf from the prestigious Westley Werewolf Clan, finds himself entangled in a series of events that forever altered his existence. Ending up in the hands of a powerful witch, Jamie becomes the subject of a mysterious experiment, infused with the bloodline of vampires to create a Hybrid being of the two races. Among the Hybrids created by the witch, he alone stands as the only Perfect Hybrid. Throughout the ages, he rises to the top as one of the most powerful beings, living through countless eras, meeting and parting with many friends as well as witnessing the turning tides of history. Yet, this existence takes its toll, and Jamie occasionally subjects himself to self-imposed slumbers, allowing time to pass so he can embrace the future with new experiences upon waking. As he awakens from one of these slumbers, Jamie is thrust into a modern magi-technology-filled world that starkly contrasts with the ancient eras he once knew. With countless new experiences waiting for him. But things are never so simple. From the Vampires and Werewolves, who awakened him in their quest to overcome their racial weaknesses, to the other supernatural forces at play, their hidden agendas revolving around Jamie and his actions in the distant past. But most of all, three questions linger: Why was Jamie chosen by the Witch? What were their true intentions? And how would they affect Jamie, for better or worse? #wpc #wpcaugust #wpcaugust23 [Check out my other stories from my profile: Godslayer’s Legend & Reincarnated Hero System] ◇ ◇ ◇ Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ZXyAjGtS4r ◇ ◇ ◇ Support Me: https://ko-fi.com/michae_l ◇ ◇ ◇ DISCLAIMER! This novel is a work of fiction and though it draws inspiration from historical places and events, it is by no means meant to be a realistic representation of any current or historical events, places cultures, or people. The story may contain themes and events that may be disturbing to some people and if you are "triggered" by pretty much anything at all, It may not be suitable for you as I will not limit myself in terms of themes, events, or topics while writing.

    _michael · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Michael and The Four Queens

    Michael is just your average guy who used to work as a successful bartender before an incident messed it all up. He helps Alexandria Alexia Demonte one of The Four Queens and in doing so he becomes involved in something far bigger than he ever thought possible when he was living his mundane life. He will learn about The Four Queens, there past and there secret as Michael becomes closer to them and they to him before starting a relationship that if found out will turn the world upside down because of the power The Four Queens hold. Book will contain Yuri though the chapters will have a warning for those who don't like this gene so they can skip. Release schedule of 2 chapters per day. This is my first novel so please go easy on me :) Grammar is improving with each chapter *Artwork is not mine*

    Sweeps83 · Thành thị
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  • The Vampire Michael

    Michael lives far away from the city with his mother Asiya. One day Michael goes to the city and comes back. His mother is injured. I will be found and I will not be able to live anymore. I have been attacked by enemy vampires. After my death, this house was set on fire. Is and comes to the forest He starts reading the diary. Your father was a doctor. You know that a doctor and a scientist were also in this city. So your dad made a serum to get rid of vampires. When the vampire Agha found out, the vampire tried to kill your father. When he failed, Vampire Agha gave me a tour of my life so that I could get the serum from him with the magic of my love. I could not do that. Because I fell in love with your dad and he started liking me too. Then sometime later you were born. We were very happy. I told your dad everything. He told me that he was very angry with me. Why did I lie to him that I was a vampire? Then our son is also a vampire because you are a vampire. ۔ If you are a vampire and you are Michael's wax, then Michael is also a vampire. And when he turns 22, Michael will have the power of a vampire. Your father planned to get rid of these vampires to keep us safe Before your dad could do anything, he found out about Vampire Agha. He sent some vampires to kill me and your father and he wanted to take you away from us. Your father has killed these vampires. So your father decided to send me and you away from the city. I did it to protect you. Vampire Agha came from behind, I saw him, but Vampire Agha did not see me and you and then your father injected this serum and gave it to Agha. Agha was a powerful vampire, he was impressed. But that effect wears off in a few years. The rest of the vampires killed your father all at once because all the vampires were nothing without Agha. ۔ When you were ten years old I found out that Agha was recovering so I brought you to London and they will snatch you from me and kill you. Because you have been an intelligent child since childhood. Your eye level is higher than normal. You have never seen blood. You didn't look like a vampire, but you were 22 when we returned from London. One day you left Rome and left home at three in the morning. I was drinking water in the kitchen. You were a vampire when I saw you go. You are a vampire. No, it can't be I can't be a vampire. I am human. wax Don't be a vampire. I followed you. You were going to the forest and there you killed an animal and drank its blood. And then you came to your senses. You are a vampire, now you will remember everything that you did not remember in human form. Whatever you do now, you will know everything in the form of a vampire ..., don't forget that you are the offspring of a man You're a human, don't forget Michael ... and I knew that when we came from London, Vampire Agha was looking for us. I was about to tell you everything but I couldn't. Then that night I wrote in my diary. When I saw you as a vampire. I don't know if I can tell you if Agha Vampire found us or not he will kill me first because I betrayed Agha ... that's why I wrote diary ... if I die then you Will be transferred home. In the city, our hotel is in the city, then you all have to attend. Your dad had a hospital but I sold it and bought this hotel ... he was very sad in his heart. He picks up the diary, comes to the car, looks at the house which was now reduced to ashes, then gets in the car and leaves for the city. The daughter of a working woman falls in love with Bella and then marries Bella. One day they go on a honeymoon and the vampires attack them. And then Michael needs to drink human blood to fight them and Bella tells him to drink her blood Michael fights the vampire by drinking Bella's blood and heals Bella then they both come back. A son is born and he becomes a vampire and then after a lot of effort and treatment, he turns his son from a vampire into a human. ...

    KR_M · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Michael the werewolf

    There's a thin line between believe and disbelieve, and this novel depicts how either can corrupt the other. Michael is the pinnacle of this novel, let's journey through his adventurous life together.

    ReuelJay45U · Võ hiệp
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