
Đọc Sách Tiểu Thuyết goblin breeder Trực Tuyến - WebNovel

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  • The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak

    The fantasy VRMMORPG, Battle Worlds, is one of the most played games in the world. In this game, there's a legendary player that could defeat a "Boss" on his own. His name is Blood(In-Game-Name). Blood is a legendary player that surpassed all the players in the world. He completed hundreds of quests and dungeon raids alone. When Blood was going to log off, suddenly the virtual capsule that he was wearing exploded causing him to die. His soul didn't go to the cycle of reincarnation but it was sucked by something causing him to transmigrate into a body of Goblin. This is a story about a boy that was transmigrated in the body of a Goblin. Follow him as he rises through the ranks and become the most powerful monster in the world. ....... Tags: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, World Travel, Sword and Magic, Late Romance, Tragedy, Game Elements, Non-human protagonist, System, Beast Companion, Gods, Demons, Hero, War, Modern, Slice of Life, Dungeons, Scheme, Conspiracy, Evolution, Cheat, Weak to Strong, Drama, School Life, ....... Photo not mine. I only found this on google.

    DonnEll · Kỳ huyễn
  • Alfa Damien's Breeder: A primeira noite

    Ela era apenas uma humana que queria viver uma vida pacífica no campo quando encontrou seu companheiro. Ele era o Alfa workaholic que nunca se entregava aos prazeres mundanos, em vez disso, ele derivava alegria de ser poderoso. Seu destino se entrelaçou quando ambos possuíam o que ansiavam, paz e amor. __________________ Antes de completar a idade de 18 anos, Alfa Lucas da Matilha Clown Lovers reivindicou ser o companheiro de Aurora e quis torná-la sua Luna. Infelizmente, ela foi acusada de infidelidade no dia do seu casamento e foi rejeitada pelo homem que afirmava ser seu companheiro e que a amava. Teve que testemunhar a morte de seus pais e sua herança ser arrancada dela. "Eu, Lucas Dominion, rejeito você, Madison Aurora, como minha companheira." ……………………………………….. Depois de ser vendida como escrava, ela foi comprada para ser reprodutora do Alfa da matilha Crescent Red, a mais influente e maior matilha do país. Damien, que era o Alfa da matilha Crescent moon, não poupou um olhar para Aurora, e ela foi jogada na parte mais profunda da mansão para trabalhar com os ômegas. Cinco anos mais tarde, ela tinha meticulosamente planejado a morte de seus pais, pronta para colocar o plano em ação. Infelizmente, Alfa Damien, que a negligenciou por anos, de repente teve seu interesse aguçado e não a deixará sair de vista. Aurora, que nunca acreditou que poderia ser abençoada com outro companheiro, decidiu não se apaixonar novamente. Vendo como o Alfa a favorecia, decidiu aproveitar sua ajuda e vingar a morte de seus pais. As mesas viraram quando ela descobriu que ele era seu companheiro, outro companheiro? ………………………………………… "Companheiro? Não tenho tal coisa," ela disse, negando o faísca que sentia entre ela e Damien, mesmo que fosse evidente. Seu coração se aqueceu com a voz dele, seu rosto se aqueceu com o toque dele. Ele já havia despedaçado sua resolução, mas ela jurou não ser fraca novamente. Ainda assim, como ela poderia negar que não sentia nada por ele quando ele tinha tais efeitos sobre ela? Mas ela estava com medo, aterrorizada por ser traída por seu companheiro novamente! Havia casos raros de ter dois companheiros, por que a deusa da lua lhe concedeu tal destino? "Você não pode negar isso para sempre, e não tenho intenção de deixar você ir," ele disse, os olhos cheios de raiva, vendo como ela estava tão enojada com a ideia de tê-lo como companheiro. "Não tenho nada para oferecer a você." Ela tentou convencê-lo para tirá-lo do transe em que estava. Se ao menos soubesse que ele estava em seu juízo perfeito. "Eu só preciso da minha companheira," dizendo isso ele deu passos pesados em direção à porta e a bateu com força após sair. Depois de encontrar a força para se libertar de seu passado doloroso, Aurora é confrontada por seu primeiro companheiro, Alfa Lucas, que procura recuperá-la. Frente a uma escolha, ela voltará para aquele que a traiu, ou permanecerá com Alfa Damien, que lhe ofereceu nada além de paz? A capa é para o autor, não use!

    Trishybaby · Thành thị
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  • Infinite Evolution System Made Me Too OP!

    [June 2024 WPC: Gold Place Winner] ---- [Ding! You have killed Elder Fuk Yu!] [You have obtained 108 Quadrillion Evolution Essence!] [Ding! Would you like to Assimilate the Stats or roll for a Racial Trait of Elder Fuk Yu?] "Roll for a Racial Trait." [Ding! You have acquired the Infinite Fuk Yu Mantra!] ... This is the story of Azmodeus—the only Trial Disciple of the Yang Sect—a boy who was born with everything and absolutely anything that could possibly impede his journey down the limitless road of cultivation. Weakest cultivation talent, weakest spiritual roots, weakest physique... However, it looked reality decided he hadn't suffered enough... On one day no different than the rest for the fourteen-year-old boy, as he was sweeping the courtyard's of the Yang Sect, misfortune struck once again, resulting in a Young Master killing him while in a drunken state... This was where his story ended, and also, where it began anew, and along with it, a system that guaranteed a new story for the boy—a story that would never end! [Ding! You have killed a Supreme Elder of the Godless Sect!] [You have obtained 500 Trillion Evolution Essence!] [Ding! You have leveled up!] [You have leveled up!] [You have leveled up!] [Ding! Would you like to Assimilate the Stats or roll for a Trait of the being you just killed?] "Roll for a Trait." [Ding! You have acquired the Galactic Quantum Flux Racial Trait!] [Your overall combat power has improved by leaps and bounds!] [Ding! Are you ready to pay the price to ascend your plane of existence?] "I am." ... Join Azmodeus on his journey toward a limit that doesn't exist, as he figures out just how far he can Evolve through the killing and Assimilating of other existences! "You say I can sit in a cave and cultivate while having my clones do the killing...?" "There are other System Users!? And I can Assimilate their Systems into my own!?" "This will make too OP..." ... Extremely Fast-Paced System Novel with a bunch of realms and new worlds/areas!! Don't tell me I didn't warn you beforehand!! There will also be comedic and slice of life aspects, even dark at times, so be aware of that before going in... He will become progressively more and more evil, so beware... MC is a Murderhobo and certified Loot Goblin, so keep that in mind as well. This novel is benefit-driven, and things happen for the sole reason of obtaining benefits! No NTR, No Yuri, No Incest, No weak MC's, lot's of grinding those levels!! 500 PS = 1 Extra Chapter 100 GT = 1 Extra Chapter Discord: https://discord.com/invite/FMHsSN3fN8 Patreon: patreon.com/Astral_Pandemonium

    Astral_Pandemonium · Huyền huyễn
  • Alpha Damien's Breeder: The first night

    She was a mere human who only wanted to live a peaceful life in the countryside when she found her mate. He was the workaholic Alpha who never indulged himself in worldly pleasures, instead, he derived joy from being powerful. Their destiny intertwined when they both possessed what they yearned for, peace and love. __________________ Before turning the age of 18 years, Alpha Lucas of the Clown Lovers pack claimed to be Aurora's mate and wanted to make her his Luna. Unfortunately, she was accused of infidelity on her wedding day and was rejected by the man who claimed to be her mate and loved her. She had to witness her parents' death and her inheritance snatched away from her. “I, Dominion Lucas, reject you, Madison Aurora as my mate." ……………………………………….. After being sold as a slave, she was bought to be a breeder for the Alpha of the Crescent Red pack, the most influential and greatest pack in the country. Damien, who was the Alpha of the Crescent moon pack, didn't spare Aurora a glance, and she was thrown into the deepest part of the mansion to work with the omegas. Five years later, she had meticulously planned her parent's death, ready to set it in motion. Unfortunately, Alpha Damien, who neglected her for years, suddenly got his interest piqued and won't let her out of his sight. Aurora, who never believed she could be blessed with another mate, decided not to fall in love again. Seeing how the Alpha favored her, she decided to take advantage of his help and avenge her parent's death. The tables turned when she discovered he was her mate, another mate? ………………………………………… “Mate? I have no such thing," she said, denying the spark she felt between her and Damien, even though it was glaring. Her heart warmed at his voice, her face warmed at his touch. He already shattered her resolve, but she vowed not to be weak again. Yet, how could she deny not feeling anything for him when he had such effects on her? But she was afraid, terrified of being betrayed by her mate again! There were rare cases of having two mates, why did the moon goddess bestow such a fate upon her? “You can't deny it forever, and I have no intention of letting you go,” he said, his eyes filled with anger, seeing how she was so disgusted about the idea of having him as her mate. “I have nothing to offer you." She tried convincing him to snap him out of the trance he was in. Only if she knew he was in his right mind. “I only need my mate," saying that he took heavy strides toward the door and slammed it shut after him. After finding the strength to release her painful past, Aurora is confronted by her first mate, Alpha Lucas, who seeks to reclaim her. Faced with a choice, will she return to the one who betrayed her, or remain with Alpha Damien, who offered her nothing but peace? Cover is for author, do not use!

    Trishybaby · Thành thị
  • Floating Island - Triple S Talent

    Humans of Earth were transported to the Divine Sky Realm, a world brimming with fortune and danger. In this celestial domain, humanity now dwells upon floating islands, ascending as rulers. When else will you get the chance to be a king and vie for supremacy? The system bestowed powers upon chosen individuals, granting limitless luck. Lein, an ordinary office worker, received the SSS-rank talent - Infinity Duplicate. There was nothing in this world that he couldn't duplicate, not even god-tier materials. The path to becoming the strongest lay before him. Yet, Lein knew all too well that it required a process. Even the gods needed a process to create the universe. The Divine Sky Realm offered a fantastical life that Earth's humans had always dreamed of. Soaring through the skies, shattering mountains, rising to the pinnacle in all endeavors. But humans remain humans, wherever they are, driven by their innate nature: greedy and unaware of their limits. Humans believed they were the sole inhabitants of the universe, thinking only they received the system's fortune. But reality proved otherwise. Other races in the universe were granted the same blessings, without distinction. In fact, the human physique was considered low-tier. Races like the Wood Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, Dragons, and countless others possessed bodies that defied the heavens from the outset. Could humans survive in the Divine Sky Realm? We can only hope for the best. The humans found themselves in a realm where dreams and nightmares walked hand in hand, a place where every desire and fear took form. Floating islands became their new kingdoms, a testament to their newfound power and ambition. Lein, an unremarkable man back on Earth, now wielded the power of Infinity Duplicate, a gift that could make him invincible.

    Riski_Bambang · Du hí
  • Alpha Damien's Breeder: Die erste Nacht

    Sie war ein einfacher Mensch, der nur ein friedliches Leben auf dem Lande führen wollte, als sie ihren Gefährten fand. Er war der arbeitswütige Alpha, der sich nie weltlichen Vergnügungen hingab, sondern seine Freude daran hatte, mächtig zu sein. Ihr Schicksal verband sich, als sie beide besaßen, wonach sie sich sehnten: Frieden und Liebe. __________________ Bevor er 18 Jahre alt wurde, behauptete Alpha Lucas vom Clown Lovers Rudel, Auroras Gefährtin zu sein und wollte sie zu seiner Luna machen. Leider wurde sie an ihrem Hochzeitstag der Untreue bezichtigt und von dem Mann, der behauptete, ihr Partner zu sein und sie zu lieben, zurückgewiesen. Sie musste mit ansehen, wie ihre Eltern starben und ihr das Erbe entrissen wurde. "Ich, Dominion Lucas, lehne dich, Madison Aurora, als meine Gefährtin ab." ............................................... Nachdem sie als Sklavin verkauft worden war, wurde sie als Züchterin für den Alpha des Crescent Red Rudels gekauft, dem einflussreichsten und größten Rudel des Landes. Damien, der Alpha des Mondsichel-Rudels, schenkte Aurora keinen Blick, und sie wurde in den tiefsten Teil des Anwesens geworfen, um mit den Omegas zu arbeiten. Fünf Jahre später hatte sie den Tod ihrer Eltern minutiös geplant und war bereit, ihn in die Wege zu leiten. Leider hat Alpha Damien, der sie jahrelang vernachlässigt hat, plötzlich sein Interesse geweckt und will sie nicht mehr aus den Augen lassen. Aurora, die nie geglaubt hatte, dass sie mit einem anderen Partner gesegnet sein könnte, beschloss, sich nicht noch einmal zu verlieben. Als sie sah, dass der Alpha sie bevorzugte, beschloss sie, seine Hilfe in Anspruch zu nehmen und den Tod ihrer Eltern zu rächen. Das Blatt wendete sich, als sie entdeckte, dass er ihr Gefährte war, ein anderer Gefährte? ................................................ "Gefährte? So etwas habe ich nicht", sagte sie und verleugnete den Funken, den sie zwischen ihr und Damien spürte, auch wenn er grell war. Ihr Herz erwärmte sich bei seiner Stimme, ihr Gesicht erwärmte sich bei seiner Berührung. Er hatte bereits ihre Entschlossenheit erschüttert, aber sie schwor sich, nicht noch einmal schwach zu werden. Doch wie konnte sie leugnen, dass sie nichts für ihn empfand, wenn er eine solche Wirkung auf sie hatte? Aber sie hatte Angst, Angst davor, wieder von ihrem Gefährten verraten zu werden! Es gab seltene Fälle, in denen man zwei Gefährten hatte, warum hatte die Mondgöttin ihr ein solches Schicksal beschert? "Du kannst es nicht ewig leugnen, und ich habe nicht die Absicht, dich gehen zu lassen", sagte er, und seine Augen waren voller Zorn, als er sah, wie sehr sie sich vor der Vorstellung ekelte, ihn als ihren Gefährten zu haben. "Ich habe dir nichts zu bieten." Sie versuchte ihn zu überzeugen, um ihn aus seiner Trance zu reißen, in der er sich befand. Nur wenn sie wusste, dass er bei klarem Verstand war. "Ich brauche nur meine Gefährtin", sagte er und ging mit schweren Schritten auf die Tür zu und schlug sie hinter sich zu. Nachdem Aurora die Kraft gefunden hat, ihre schmerzhafte Vergangenheit loszulassen, wird sie von ihrem ersten Gefährten, Alpha Lucas, konfrontiert, der sie zurückfordern will. Sie steht vor der Wahl: Soll sie zu demjenigen zurückkehren, der sie verraten hat, oder bei Alpha Damien bleiben, der ihr nichts als Frieden geboten hat? Das Cover ist für den Autor, nicht verwenden!

    Trishybaby · Thành thị
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  • Reborn As a Goblin With Simulation System

    After Dick Grayson's untimely demise, he found himself reborn, not as a human, but as a goblin - frail in stature yet lustful and cunning by nature. A newfound life greeted him with an unusual twist: the Goblin Life Simulation System. This system, ethereal and mysterious, offered him a choice that would shape his new existence. "Congratulations, you have traversed the boundaries of a new worlds," a voice, as old as time itself, echoed in the void around him. "Before you start the simulation of rebirth. Please select your birth mother from these options: A. Saint of the Holy See of Light, a beacon of purity and grace. B. Daughter of an Imperial Noble, born into a life of privilege and power. C. A Seductive and Charismatic Succubus, whose allure is matched only by her cunning. D. A Pure Forest Elf, one with nature and the ancient magics of the forest. Choose wisely, for each brings its own destiny." The air around Dick seemed to shimmer with anticipation, the weight of his choice palpable in the stillness. "Now, select your place of birth," the voice continued, its tone imbued with an air of solemnity. A. The Large Goblin Lair, teeming with life and the harsh struggles of goblin society. B. The Giant Goblin Lair, a place of fierce warriors and unyielding survival. C. The Goblin King's Lair, where intrigue and power plays abound. D. An Ordinary Goblin Lair, humble yet filled with opportunities for the cunning. Each option seemed to unfold in his mind's eye, vivid and distinct, beckoning him to make a choice that would set the course of his new, otherworldly life. #Reborn #Goblin #Elf #+18 #Adult #Magic

    Rqmk · Kỳ huyễn
  • Dungeon King: My Goblins Have Captured Countless Female Players

    Update Daily! 9 AM PST ---------------------- "The Earth was chosen by the gods, and all humans were sent to another world, participating in a 'Dark Lord and Hero's game'. Billions of humans played the roles of 'Dark Lord' and 'Hero', each needing to choose their initial race at the beginning. Ethan Jackson was matched to the 'Dark Lord' faction and became a Dungeon King. To his surprise, he found that he could see hidden information that others couldn't... [Goblin Dark Lord] Low-level Bloodline, not recommended. [Stone Giant Dark Lord] Mid-level Bloodline, not recommended. [Magical Treant Dark Lord] High-level Bloodline, recommended. [Golden Divine Dragon Dark Lord] Top-level Bloodline, highly recommended! ... Heroes coveted Ethan's dungeon, and the treasures within it attracted numerous adventurers. Among them, there were young Lady Knights, the saints of the royal capital, tsundere female magicians, and innocent but naive female priests... Ethan could never have anticipated that. As the game had just begun, the dungeon's Goblin guards caught a Lady Knight and offered her to him as a tribute." ---------------------- WSA 2023 Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week!

    Red_Skin_Duck · Kỳ huyễn
  • The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

    People flock into the holographic virtual lord game "Lord of Glory", only to find that they couldn't get offline. All players became lords and fought for survival and honor. Ji Chen found himself loaded with a troop talent tree, able to strengthen the skills of the troop types and even upgrade their ranks. Dragon Blood Fishman, Tidal Naga, Death Squid, Pure Blood Sea Elf, Deep Sea Goblin, Cang Dragon Knight, Death Leviathan, Northern Sea Giant Demon, and other powerful troop types arrived one after another. From then on, a lord and the aboriginal fear of the sea lord was born! In the boundless ocean, an ocean island became that bright pearl of the ocean. Players: This ocean lord is a bit unusual!

    Chenyu The Herder · Du hí
  • Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

    In the mystical world where dragons reign supreme, Bruce who just found himself in a body of baby dragon which stands as a stark anomaly. Unlike his kin, he is born devoid of the magical talents that dragons hold in high esteem. His mother, disappointed, labels him a 'waste dragon.' Yet, unbeknownst to all, Bruce possesses a secret strength: the ability to absorb magical powers from objects imbued with magical essence. Bruce then began his journey on a captivating adventure as he seeks to prove his worth in a world rife with danger and wonder. Each object he consumes transforms his perceived weakness into formidable strength. When Bruce devours the heavy shield of a Berserker, his Dragon Scale Iron Element fortifies, enhancing his natural defenses. The ingestion of an alchemist's poisonous concoction unexpectedly boosts his Dragon’s Breath Toxin, allowing him to unleash a deadly breath attack. Most impressively, consuming the staff of a thunder master bestows upon him the sought-after Thunder Magic Ability, enabling him to strike his adversaries with fearsome electrical attacks. As Bruce's newfound abilities emerge, so does the recognition of his true potential. From a ridiculed outcast, he evolves into a respected figure within the dragon realm. However, with great power comes new challenges. Bruce finds himself navigating the complex politics of dragon society, forging alliances, and facing both old and new enemies. This is not just a story about a dragon's physical transformation. It is a tale of resilience, cleverness, and an unyielding quest for greatness. It challenges the conventional understanding of power in a world where strength and ability define one’s place. Witness the metamorphosis of Bruce from a disregarded waste dragon into a legendary figure, redefining the essence of true dragonhood in a realm where power reigns supreme. #Dragon #Magic #Goblin #Nonhuman

    Rqmk · Kỳ huyễn
  • Reincarnated into a New World As a Vampire

    Warning: ~SOUR RAW LEMONS~ Make no mistake, MC is a villain through and through. Story is not sacrificed for eye squinting lemons, cheek slapping lemons are not sacrificed for story. Detailed smut scenes, but I warn in advance, hold on to your pillows and be near a convenient location, only the strong can maintain calm. Your PP will definitely grow if you read this book! ----------------------------------------- It begins with a rough start, but stay with me, it only gets better!! ... Also, its not all about the lemons here, the story is just as important if not more. The lemons are an aspect of the story, not the other way round. Join my discord server:- https://discord.com/invite/Rjfy3Rkgwt You will find character illustrations there and get future updates. -SYNOPSIS- Following countless reincarnations, Aldritch had lived countless lives without any recollection of the one before. He was initially chosen by a god for a specific purpose, and for whatever reason, the god stuck with him, trying time and again to reincarnate him into a particular world, but each time, he enters a different world and loses the memories of before getting there. Just when the god was going to give up and finally search for someone else, Aldritch's reincarnation works... half works, since he still got reincarnated into the wrong world, but at least this time, it was one with a connection to the intended destination. Aldritch initially didn't wish to bother himself about this warworld, as he wanted to live a fun life, doing everything he couldn't in his previous life now that he has and can get anything he wanted, good looks, wealth, fame, and most importantly, beautiful women to carry out and fulfil all his desires and fantasies!! But then, realizing the truth about warworld might just change his mind... And what a weird start? he is starting out in the chamber of the goblin queen? ---------------------------------------------- Coming from the author to you guys, the readers, I ask for your support as I write this book, it will motivate me to write more and better. No support feels like no one is reading and kills morale and creativity. So don't be frugal at all!! Comments, Reviews, Gifts, Powerstones, Golden Tickets -- Anything & Everything. ... Information on bonus chapters: After every week; 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 200 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 300 power stones - 3 bonus chapters... And so on. ===== 50 Golden Tickets - 1 bonus chapter 100 Golden Tickets - 3 bonus chapters And so on. All the bonus chapters will be delivered the following week, if possible, all at once

    ZombieMann · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Golden Fox with System

    Theo volts, an 18-year-old Brazilian, died on his way home as he was struck by lightning. Upon waking he discovers that he was no longer human but a red fox. In addition, he also came to discover that he was gifted with a miraculous system. Defeating monsters and frantic animals, Theo climbed into his cultivation, turned into a golden fox and conquered a Goblin village. Discord: discord.gg/rK69edsWyt

    Lruska · Kỳ huyễn
  • Era of Castles: Starting with 99 Dragon Eggs

    Billions of Humans transmigrated to another dimension, each became a Land Ruler at the start and owned a castle. Each Land Ruler would draw a random starting Soldier-type Building, used to arm their castles. Recruit more soldier-types, plunder resources, and dominate the world! Some drew the Sacred Palace of Knights from the start and commanded troops of knights to crush all obstacles in its way, ruling over vast lands. Some drew the Goblin Cave, developed castle trade, and became renowned dirty profiteers. Of course, more people only drew the most unremarkable soldier-types: Goblins, Lizard Man, Skeleton Soldiers…… These people could only kneel before the powerful Land Rulers and serve them as slaves. But Mike was an exception. His starter soldier-type building was, Dragon Nest! Glacial Dragon, Hellfire Dragon, Undead Dragon, Black Dragon…... When one after another dragon egg appeared before Mike, he suddenly felt that…...conquering the World seemed quite manageable?

    Golden Disc · Kỳ huyễn
  • The Goblin God's Predator Simulation System

    Yes, I'm publishing it on RR. I'm Lord Trexer. Bozo, a goblin, ends up getting killed at the hands of some cruel humans. This is something normal in the world, but Bozo feels betrayed. He is angry. Why must they be hunted? Why can’t they live in peace? His rage defined odds and his hatred against humanity, awakened the slumbering entity: Predator Simulation System. [If the host gains high-rank ratings, then he will be able to get good rewards and skills from the simulation which he could use in real life.] [The death in the simulation will not affect host, but he can no longer simulate the character that has died.] Bozo, the unfortunate goblin, finally had a fortunate encounter. His plan of revenge against humanity, and his plan to build a kingdom of his own could finally set in motion after he has grown stronger, all thanks to the Predator Simulation System which was destined to belong to a monster… or being who would become a true monster in the future! … Join the discord: https://discord.gg/BSU2UZT4s2 … Inspiration for writing style is taken from: Immortal cultivation simulation, world traveler simulation system, and Reincarnated as a wolf with cheats. …

    1st_Manga_KING · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Lord Summoner's Freedom Philosophy: Grimoire of Love

    Summoning. One of the rarest type of magician exist in the world. Who would able to underestimate summoning and ordering a mighty pheonix, or summoning an invincible dragon? Of course, none. To master the path of summoning, only those born with an innate talent and strive to learn the path of summoning magic might be capable of achieving and master the powerful magic. But not for Lyan Arcanium Evocatore. After succeeding defeating his lifetime quest of saving the human world by offering his life, the great incubus's wish of living freely got granted and he wakes up at a parallel world with 8 powerful spirits contracted with him and a summoning grimoire. [The gods have granted you the Grimoire of Summoning: Creatures of Love] [You're capable of obtaining the summonable monsters by having affectionate intercourse with your romantic interests] [The Grimoire is chosen in consideration of the host's former occupation as an incubus] "Intercourse!?" But not only the grimoire, The other problem is... -You are? -Whoa... What with this weakling? -It seems that you're my master, nice to meet you -So you're the forementioned servant, huh!? -B-Big bro! Y-You're the summoner! -........ -Boy, you look delicious -Um... Where exactly are we? "How should I know!? And why the hell should I sleep with women in order to get my summonable monsters!?!?" Follow the summoner Lyan as he collect monsters, get dragged into different kinds of war, became the greatest feudal lord, battling the goblin king, facing the dragon tribe, and opposing the evil god followers! One of the King of Kings Series ______________________________________ Join the discord server for discussions, announcements, and characters illustrations ---> https://discord.gg/v872fq3s5h

    Arkalphaze · Kỳ huyễn
  • Weapon seller in the world of magic

    Mark is a genius military weapon designer who was kidnapped by a mafia gang after refusing to work for them. They forced him to design unique weapons for five years, until one day he successfully escaped only to get shot by his trusted comrades. *Ding! You awakened a weapon system. When he opened his eyes, he was in a different body and in a different world. "You want to kill a wild boar without being detected? Forget about bow and arrow. Here, I present you this sniper rifle." "You want to kill a horde of goblins from the sky? Forget about those flying carpets and brooms. Here, I present you the fighter jet." "You want to kill a dragon? Forget about taking the help of the S-class adventure team. Here, I present you a nuclear bomb." Join Mark Spencer/ Lu Zhen as he brings the whole world to its knees with the help of his weapon system. *** Note: Author isn't born in an English-speaking nation and has no editor either. So, please be understanding if there are any grammatical errors. ************** Author's current works: War Online, My Soul Card is a Reaper Author's other notable works: The Last Slytherin, The Sharingan Hyuga ************** You can also support the Author through Patreon or buy coffee on Ko-fi.com https://www.patreon.com/snowstar https://ko-fi.com/snowstar5061

    Snowstar · Huyền huyễn

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