
Đọc Sách Tiểu Thuyết darry Trực Tuyến - WebNovel

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    Saat janji telah terucap tidak akan membuat mundur Alvaro Zevan (24 th) seorang kapten polisi yang tidak takut akan kematian. Di saat hati Alvaro sudah menetapkan hatinya pada Zenita Darries (22 th) dan berniat mengikat janji sehidup semati. Tapi takdir datang begitu sangat menyakitkan, menjelang pernikahannya Alvaro menemukan Zenita meninggal dengan cara gantung diri di kamar mandi dan sebuah testpack di dekat Zenita. Di tengah kesedihannya hati Alvaro semakin terluka dengan kedatangannya Luna Darries (23 th) saudara perempuan Zenita yang pernah menjadi sahabat sekaligus wanita yang di cintainya. Bagaimana Alvaro mencari kebenaran di balik kematian Zenita, siapa laki-laki yang membuat Zenita hamil sedangkan Alvaro tidak pernah menyentuhnya?? Dan bagaimana Alvaro menahan perasaannya saat cinta di masa lalunya telah kembali di hadapannya? apakah cinta Alvaro dan Luna Darries akan bisa bersatu di atas bayang-bayang cinta Zenita Darries?

    NicksCart · Khoa huyễn

    When the promise has been made, it will not make Alvaro Zevan (24 years old) a police captain who is not afraid of death. At the moment Alvaro's heart has set his heart on Zenita Darries (22 years old) and intends to tie a promise for life and death. But fate came so very painfully, before his wedding Alvaro found Zenita dead by hanging himself in the bathroom and a testpack near Zenita. In the midst of his sadness, Alvaro's heart is getting hurt by the arrival of Luna Darries (23 years) Zenita's sister who was once a friend and the woman he loves. How did Alvaro find the truth behind Zenita's death, who was the man who made Zenita pregnant while Alvaro never touched her?? And how does Alvaro hold back his feelings when the love of his past has returned before him? Will Alvaro and Luna Darries' love be able to unite in the shadow of Zenita Darries' love?

    Nickscart_2 · Thành thị

    In the ''STAR EAST COUNTRY,' a young man was once look down and has a sweeet name of waste, Derrry skips was humiliated and bullied before. his girlfriend cheat with his bestfriend, his family lookdown upon him, his cousin, uncle, aunty bullied him. And finally he was expelled from his clan, after such humiliated and treatment he got from his blood relative he was deep in pain and he was heart broken, And angry sound came out from his heart and even he was shock at that moment. after 6 years of hard work, and sweat Finally he came back form the mountain. He look at the country site and sneered. In the place of the SKIPS CLAN there is a banquet and many young and talented people gathering today is the day of his cousin jack SKIPS Banquet. A sweet sound came from the crowd, today she is wearing a blue slip dress with sexy and hot figure, holding an arms of a young man, if Darry SKIPS is there he will be shock. Because the young man is his friend feng Zhao his bestfriend. the women is his Girlfriend Shelly moon. She looked and the crowd and and said . Tomorrow is the day of my wedding day please don't forget to attend the party. the crowd whisper and talk about Darry SKIPS, When the morning sun rose up ,In the Feng Zhao place there is a full of decoration and many VIPS were gather.at the wedding place there is a loud sound boom boom boom and all the banquet hall was shattering and the crowd was in turmoil. and A young man was standing like an emperor in the sky a lookdown the crowd like an ants in his eyes. when they saw the face of the man many people was shock. After 2 years there is fairy like women who was standing in front of the gate of the royal palace. she make a loud sound. boom boom boom. she was holding a fairy like a sword and the sword was shining like a dazzling Star, she look like she lost the whole world and extremely heart broken. she say who is responsible for Darry SKIPS came out and Die.........she look cold just like an iceberg but she can't hide her beautiful like fairy figure. after the 3 days of war, her whole body was full of blood, she look like she will lose her life any moment. but she fill no regret. she look at the sky and smile i hope i will meet you soon. and i will not forgive you .and than she close her eyes waiting for the sword.... a laughter came from the sky haha haha ahahah

    DrewsCarry · Kỳ huyễn
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