
Review Detail of Filler1_Name2 in Doctor Son-in-law William Cole

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From the free chapters, which end way too quickly, and the lack of a proper description and lack of tags, this is a generic novel with a so called orphan, that is actually the rightful heir to the biggest company ever, with the most money ever. He is married to a woman that claims she used to love him, has never slept with her EVER, gets treated like garbage by everyone in the family of his wife, including his wife, and gets magical doctor powers that I presume will make him the biggest star later on to slap everyone across their faces. This is very unoriginal, unrealistic, absurd and really not to my liking. If you want generic faceslap novel, you have one right here. This really is not my liking but hopefully someone out there can enjoy this as all forms of art need appreciation

Doctor Son-in-law William Cole

Guang Da

Được 15 người thích


Trả lời1


every son in law novel is a trash and worst men are the husbands without backbone or dignity or personality just simps and like to get bullied and laugh at and do everything secretly and let others get credit for and never slept with his wife but fitful and she abused h and even cuckolding him and he don't get divorce and even if he get divorce he get back to her in the exact minute lol mc in this novel just a doormat and imbecile and even after they discovere that he's richest man and very strong and have connections and all of that they just used him and still treat him like a trash and he accept all of that lol who wrote this novels I guess he hated men or he's need a therapy because they're crazy and the stupidity level is higher out of the sky