
Review Detail of byTraaq in Harry Potter: Magic Re: CODED

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A bit too early for a review, but I have to get it out there that the grammar needs some serious work. I’m always down for a HP FF, but this is becoming frustating to read (having to correct every mistake in my head, sometimes having to add/subtract words or change words intirely so it makes sense). I’m only a few chapters in, so maybe you’ll go back to correct the mistakes or maybe the writing will get better as time goes on, but I can see the grammar being a turn off for many people causing them to leave and you to loose motivation due to that. Highly recommended to fix these mistakes so more people would give this fic a better chance. Good luck, hope to see some improvement.

Harry Potter: Magic Re: CODED


Được 7 người thích


Trả lời1


bruh I cant even read it. The grammar is something else.