
Review Detail of Yinghuo_392 in My legendary class is Husband Of Deathwill Sisters?!

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Book Title: My legendary class is Husband Of Deathwill Sisters?! (Sixth) Rating: 5 Stars Chapters 176/176 As of 5/23/22 Plot: Excellent My legendary class is Husband Of Deathwill Sisters?! Or we can it Deathwill for short. is a fantasy, romance and harem novel written by brother Sixth, the plot is Alex’s struggle in understanding why out of all the players for the latest VR game “The Avander World”. He was given the legendary class husband of the deathwill sisters and proceeds to meet his wives and learn about the world. However, as time goes on, he notices that the Deathwill Sisters are anything but simple A.I. nor are they NPCs. As the lines between gaming and reality blur, Alex must decide just how far would he give of himself to fulfilling his role as the Husband of the Deathwill. This is one of the two books I am a privilege reader of. The plot is your traditional game novel and follows the same formula. The overarching narrative of his Legendary class is explained as the chapters proceed. If hits the itch of thinking. “If the games we play start to affect us, are they really just games?”. Which in my book is a testament to my Homies skills in writing. Story flow: Excellent The narrative is separated into Slice of Life, Gaming and Fluff portions. As the world considers the avander world only a game, aside from Alex, the rest of the world treats it as such. Thus, the gaming portions are from the view of traditional humans to the game world or when the characters engaging in leveling or battle. Including their dreams, goals and enjoyment in playing the game. The Slice of Life portions would be the segments Alex daily lives in the deathwill castle together with his new family. While the fluff portions are the chapters dedicated to making you cherish the Harem that surrounds Alex. In my opinion all the pieces work together in a story flow that allows you to understand how Alex thinks what his priorities are and what he intends to do. Favorite Chapter: Fluff: Chapter 114 Pureblood, Gaming: Chapter 115 Headless, Slice of life: Chapter 127 Celia’s Feelings My favorite as you can see are too many, I had 3 favorite chapters based on the pieces that makes this novel. One thing to note however was Pureblood (Chapter 114) is the beginning of a fight and the reason it is listed as fluff is because of the emotional bits within the battle, The gaming bits I like the most is Headless (Chapter 115) which is the same battle that began in Pureblood (Chapter 114). AS you can see, the story is so blended you cannot separate them. On the other hand, Celia’s feelings is a slice of life chapter but is heavily drowned in fluff courtesy of Sara. The two mix so well they have the ability to make you keel from the feels, or the sugar. I liked Headless as it saw the abilities of Alex and the possibilities it opens. I am a huge fan of Illegal Move Trianna, the Force Silhouette or the Strike Pack system for those who get what I mean. As what makes Deathwill good is Sixth’s ability to meld the pieces together, getting something, which is far superior than simple addition. Favorite Character: Elias Deathwill I know, you may think this piece of wasted space should not be my favorite character however, as he is both the creator and driver of the Husband of Deathwill class. He can be seen in the story as an AntiHero I cannot not tip my hat of to him. As even if the person himself is trash without him The narrative and plot line as a whole cannot move forward. From his techniques to his responsibilities. Elias is the reason the book has a plot to begin with. As with out him my girls Sara, Stella and Schnee could never have been born. Although I would like to reiterate that I like him from a reviewer’s standpoint as I believe Sixth has a bigger purpose for him further causing both trauma and excitement to all who read. But as I reader I just want to nuke this piece of trash to kingdom come. 3 things I liked 1. Romance and Action As mentioned in the previous section Sixth has the talent of drawing heart warming images of love and affection through out the story. The action bits are not to the same standard but are enough to give purpose and meaning to the romance. Keeling from diabetes is a normal occurrence when reading Deathwill. 2. Celia and the Fluff Celia is TOO ADORABLE. I sometimes wonder if sixth actually has a creature like her in his real life as her interactions, thoughts and feelings are so well written. And so gut wrenching you would think she actually existed. The Fluff and love making sections are all also given the same excellent grade of diabetes inducing sugar Sixth is greatly talented in. The interactions, love and affection my boy Alex shares with his girls is so heart warming and believable I sometimes wonder if Sixth is actually a FL driven Author. 3. The reverse Isekai of the Dullahan King and Gravekeeper The world becoming real is a normal occurrence in this genre, but what about when the opposite happens. Just like Koming who is making waves right now. 2 of the mightiest Characters from the game have made it to the real world. This interesting plot device might be just taken as a gag of seeing absolute beings running from the police. However, the implications this has to the deathwill Castle are so far reaching I consider it a stroke of genius as the number of arcs and stories once can derive from the simple possibility is astounding. 3 Things I didn't like 1. Elias Deathwill As mentioned, I don’t like this guy, as a reader I want to smash his face to the ground and paint the floor with him. I believed he could have been developed further though. Although he is the biggest trash, I want to drop kick over a cliff. Making the readers hate him for being a battle junkie ruins what could have been a good antihero. For example, instead of him leaving deathwill because he was itching for a fight. Making it seem like he left since he had a war coming for him would have fit both his personality a bit better. Because crafting the husband of deathwill class and then not caring about the family he leaves are two points so opposite they sometimes make no sense. He either cared enough to lay down a growth plan for his successor, or he didn’t care enough as he abandoned his family. It makes no sense for him to be both as the personality holding the value for each action would oppose the other. 2. The implications of the Gravekeeper’s quest I also consider this wasted potential, while I do understand that the gravekeeper needing to go somewhere is plausible. The problem of having monsters in your basement was so compelling it kept everyone on edge, especially when told someone would be permanently lost. Originally, I liked this very much as the dilemma of juggling offense or defense was so good, I felt it would make Alex grow as a person when the portal was left open in the basement. However, when the Gravekeeper gave his quests, the danger suddenly dissipated. Due to a simple verbal promise. It was so lack luster it was disappointing. The danger, the suspense all wasted. 3. Disproportioned importance of gaming This is also something that could have been handled better, the entire world considers it a game, yet the MC does not. Thus for the main audience the world is not a game. This conflict in opinion makes the entire human cast seem insensitive as they do not consider stakes the same way as the readers do. It makes them appear out of reality and irritating due to their ignorance. I kept saying, “these guys just don’t get it over and over again”. The only character to remediate this was Olivia who saw the disconnect and the stress is brought to Alex. In my humble opinion, getting team homies to help the deathwill castle would have been better than letting Alex just blow off steam. The latest chapters attempt to give a sense of danger which I believe should have been present since the beginning. Doing so will cause the behavior of the team homies and the rest of the players to shift. Triggering changes in the entire world of Avander impacting Deathwill. Examples would be the entire world hunting the death will castle. Celia being designated as a quest target etc. This is actually illustrated by the assassin killing the fairies, while Alex knows the ones killed by the Players do not come back. Assigning quests for the fairies when they were literally dying was so poorly executed, I find the endeavor laughable. I believe Alex just turned a blind eye, knowing the the people dying weren’t his. Which makes his goals for Remia questionable as Remia loved her people. Actual review Sixth has created a wonderful story with characters who are so lovable its criminal. From the nurturing Sara to the childish Stella, the sultry Schnee, the innocent Remia and the supportive Oliva. This novel hit all the right check marks for people who just want to feel warm and fuzzy inside. While feeling the love of a beautiful Harem of girls any man would be lucky to have. My homie has immense talent in writing emotional and romantic scenes that would make people’s troubles disappear as they read. This In my opinion is why people read books, to allow them to see and experience a different reality and Deathwill has that and more! Well done, Homie! Mighty props for my good friend who I owe much as he was the final push that allowed me to be an Author. To anyone who follows ULB, please thank Sixth from the bottom of our hearts as he is like the fun uncle of ULB. I will forever be grateful. May you see the light of Victory.

My legendary class is Husband Of Deathwill Sisters?!


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congratulations! you created a new chapter.



Omkar_M_7463:congratulations! you created a new chapter.

😄very long review like a chapter


Nah bro, this is what a review should be and I bet Author appreciate every single bit of it.

Omkar_M_7463:😄very long review like a chapter

chapter ? It is a fricking book

Omkar_M_7463:congratulations! you created a new chapter.

You just wrote a chapter my brodarr😲


honestly for real though 😂

Omkar_M_7463:congratulations! you created a new chapter.

does the game affect the real world


Bit of a spolier but since you asked. The game is a illusion. Its all real.

DaukSama:does the game affect the real world

np i love spoiler 😂 thanks

Yinghuo_392:Bit of a spolier but since you asked. The game is a illusion. Its all real.


Omkar_M_7463:congratulations! you created a new chapter.

Great work and can I ask do you know where can I see how they look like?