
Review Detail of FNU_LNU in Maxed Out My Passive Skill Due to My Laziness

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This is translation review, not novel review. If you are not familiar with it, webnovel has started westernizing most of the novels in 2021. This is awful practice that kills original novel. At best you get only names, places and organizations westernized and at worst you get half novel gutted and other half totally rewritten by translator. With best case scenario you get only names, places and organizations westernized which introduces plotholes cause while names are westernized, actual writing and character culture arent. You get chinese way of thinking, chinese places and organizations translated into most famous western (USA) alternatives and as a result you see absurdity. And with the worth case scenario, you are not actually reading original authors work, but some "translators" plagiarization cause half novel is removed (sometimes critical explanations) and other half is badly rewritten. And cause this requires so much work compared to normal translation, either webnovel is stealing original authors work and rewriting it (cause most of those novels dont come from qidian) or they are just using translators that dont know chinese so they are rewriting story with help of MTL (seen too many edited MTL translations lately on webnovel). overall any westernized novel deserves automatic 1 star review.

Maxed Out My Passive Skill Due to My Laziness

No Transmigration

Được 194 người thích


Trả lời19


Raw name of original title?


the worst case is when they treat new york like china suburbs. a place where you can live years not knowing the face of the person living above suddenly this random auntie is gossiping about your school life.


So what is the original Chinese novel?



raw ??

Reversion:the worst case is when they treat new york like china suburbs. a place where you can live years not knowing the face of the person living above suddenly this random auntie is gossiping about your school life.

Names like Ron..ugg




I think your reviews might be getting censored. You have the most likes and yet you are not on the main page. You have 20 likes as of right now yet the one they are showing as top on the page only has 6. Keep up the good work.


Now I know why last webnovel novels so absurd. + Some of new works using stolen images


Stealing work and putting ads? Lol just like some random novel sites in the internet.


It seems that web novel maxed out their laziness. 😂 Like really at this point I rather just read the mtl which I will right now.


Laziness? It takes more effort to change things than just translate it, doesn't it? But I agree with this poster, I hate the westernization of these novels.

Demonmaster:It seems that web novel maxed out their laziness. 😂 Like really at this point I rather just read the mtl which I will right now.

raw link or raw name coz names with passive skill, skill. maxed out skill are too common. cant find this one

Demonmaster:It seems that web novel maxed out their laziness. 😂 Like really at this point I rather just read the mtl which I will right now.

arent originals doing the same ... lol


hélas je doit être d'accord avec toi.


You don't seem to be very familiar with this system. For years now, they've had this going on. I have translated for sites like 起點 in the past and my lady, has done it from the Chinese side. This is how it goes: Chinese author writes an honestly pretty bland story ---> it gets popular due to Chinese people seeing the high word count + a decent concept to imagine ----> story makes enough money that they think it can be a success in Engish ----> Chinese - English translator (often Chinese) translates to English -----> "editor" that took four years of english in highschool from Indonesia or 14 year old drop out from the US looks over the work ----> "editor" is told to take huge liberties with the story with the idea that it will be more interesting to westerners ----> editor gets paid to add in tons scenes based on what they think would be "cool" ------> The Chinese translator re-checks the "editor's" work for mistakes (no kidding, they themselves know the people they hire to edit can barely spell) and changes the story up more to their own personal tastes -----> chapter is published ----> random person that reads MTL and knows HSK 1 only ( Ex. FNU_LNU) complains as if they know what the process is -----> repeat process with another "novel".


THX for that exstensive explanation, I really didnt knwo how any of this worked

carbond:You don't seem to be very familiar with this system. For years now, they've had this going on. I have translated for sites like 起點 in the past and my lady, has done it from the Chinese side. This is how it goes: Chinese author writes an honestly pretty bland story ---> it gets popular due to Chinese people seeing the high word count + a decent concept to imagine ----> story makes enough money that they think it can be a success in Engish ----> Chinese - English translator (often Chinese) translates to English -----> "editor" that took four years of english in highschool from Indonesia or 14 year old drop out from the US looks over the work ----> "editor" is told to take huge liberties with the story with the idea that it will be more interesting to westerners ----> editor gets paid to add in tons scenes based on what they think would be "cool" ------> The Chinese translator re-checks the "editor's" work for mistakes (no kidding, they themselves know the people they hire to edit can barely spell) and changes the story up more to their own personal tastes -----> chapter is published ----> random person that reads MTL and knows HSK 1 only ( Ex. FNU_LNU) complains as if they know what the process is -----> repeat process with another "novel".

It’s a problem indeed…


I didn't notice tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯