
Review Detail of The_EnlightenedOne in The Good Wife [Naruto Fanfic]

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Get rid of this one and make a new fanfic because you have this in male lead. sadly you cant change it so you'll either have to deal with conpaints like this or rewrite it.

The Good Wife [Naruto Fanfic]


Được 1 người thích


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Nah, the story is fine. Plus, complaints about the story's flaws are completely normal. All authors who who have readers have experienced it. The only thing that matters is how you would take their complaints or criticism. Whether it's because of personal reasons or just the way you wrote certain things.


Alright, just be sure to include in the syopsis that the mc is female. Idk if it is.

Great_Young_Master:Nah, the story is fine. Plus, complaints about the story's flaws are completely normal. All authors who who have readers have experienced it. The only thing that matters is how you would take their complaints or criticism. Whether it's because of personal reasons or just the way you wrote certain things.