

2024-02-09 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • daemonfeir
    trả lời ShadowStalker

    if 1 hour is equal to a full night, so 8X dilation. if he has access to billions of mp, then upping the dilation to 100 or even 200X wouldnt be impossible but gathering that much mp is hard unless he collapses dozens of dungeons

    "Of course. Ember and my body double are working on getting the preparations for my expedited cultivation method as we speak. Once you've all made it to a considerable strength by morning, you'll be ready. I want to add at least 500 million extra MCP to all of your base mana controls before you attempt my method."
    Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power
    Kỳ huyễn · KaeNovels
  • daemonfeir
    trả lời Jake_steinfeild

    Numb, distant, softened as if by a fog. Dazed would be more like you’ve been hit and your brain is in a stupor

    Satisfied with the result of the three tests Vahn decided to rest and eat breakfast. Though he had only fired three arrows it had begun to cause a dull sensation in his mind which Sis informed him was the result of exhausting a large portion of his internal 'mana'.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Tranh châm biếm · Einlion
  • daemonfeir
    trả lời Travis_Rouse

    This is true, however, would you steal all the kills from people you are working with when trying to keep your ability a secret? Also, he is pretty strong at this point but not strong enough to take on everyone who might get mad at home for taking every boss kill

    Again, I let Nessa and Bruce handle the boss. We're in a small cave with a sandy floor, the boss is a level 226 lizardman with a large spear, beady red eyes, and dark green scaly skin. The beast stands over 3.5m tall, but before I could get a good look at it Nessa already finished it off….
    Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power
    Kỳ huyễn · KaeNovels
  • daemonfeir
    trả lời Migz_X

    think of it more like in a video game, you can have full HP but still have a broken bone. In this, He can heal the bones but that doesnt give him back HP.

    I dodged.
    Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power
    Kỳ huyễn · KaeNovels
  • daemonfeir
    trả lời Kimball_Richardson

    saving points for a legendary grade, probably legendary absorption

    Without the dense atmosphere of available mana, I'll have to rely on my remaining MP potions for now or the monsters I can directly drain mana from in a physical attack.
    Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power
    Kỳ huyễn · KaeNovels
  • daemonfeir
    trả lời Migz_X

    it probably doesnt snow in their small town

    "So this is real snow…."
    Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power
    Kỳ huyễn · KaeNovels
  • daemonfeir
    trả lời Migz_X

    he only gets a skill if he deals the final blow, besides, the bosses are all super weak currently

    Again, I let Nessa and Bruce handle the boss. We're in a small cave with a sandy floor, the boss is a level 226 lizardman with a large spear, beady red eyes, and dark green scaly skin. The beast stands over 3.5m tall, but before I could get a good look at it Nessa already finished it off….
    Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power
    Kỳ huyễn · KaeNovels
  • daemonfeir
    trả lời Barbatruko

    not every boss needs a skill. Besides, not every human gets an overpowered skill and can still become pretty strong through items. bosses have items that buff their stats too and more than make up for lack of a skill. besides, if he is constantly gaining new skills every fight, it would get very boring

    It's a gross wet cave-like environment with high rocky walls, pretty much the same as every other mountain or forest dungeon boss room. We wait around in silence for a few seconds until a massive mutant ogre appears. It's level 198, 4m tall, has dark green skin, and smells like rotting flesh.
    Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power
    Kỳ huyễn · KaeNovels
  • daemonfeir
    trả lời Migz_X

    he has regenerate but not heal. he can regen broken bones and limbs but it doesnt increase his HP, however it does fatigue him more and more depending on the dmg

    I dodged.
    Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power
    Kỳ huyễn · KaeNovels
  • daemonfeir
    trả lời Migz_X

    250 is the lowest you can be to sign up for the C class test. so technically it is high D class at most

    "Thank you all for waiting! Our first U250 fight of the day is about to get started! Please welcome our two brand-new fighters!"
    Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power
    Kỳ huyễn · KaeNovels
  • daemonfeir
    trả lời LemonJuice_

    he has special grade inspect that he never uses outside of on people

    "The… Flame Emperor's Sword…?"
    Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power
    Kỳ huyễn · KaeNovels
  • daemonfeir
    bình luận

    if it is a medium grade for a D class, shouldnt it be in like the lvl 500s since from D to C class is a 900 lvl difference?

    "Sure. The Troll Dungeon is a medium grade rating right?"
    Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power
    Kỳ huyễn · KaeNovels
  • daemonfeir
    trả lời Brenton_Rozar

    there are anime that have swords and guns in them. this story may yet have guns but most likely guns arent as good against high grade monsters since at the end of the day unless you can use magic guns probably arent too useful against special hardening monster or high defense stats. guns would also make strength a pointless stat

    Each escalator had black stairs and grey glass walls that went up to about waist height on other side.
    Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power
    Kỳ huyễn · KaeNovels