


Writes fanfics and novels!

2023-12-11 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Sato_Koji
    bình luận

    This will be the last chapter of the week. Christmas and New Year is coming up, so I will be taking a break until both events have passed. And this chapter is honestly the longest I have wrote, almost 3k words. Thanks for all the support! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Ch 10 Imposter!
    Kakashi in Akame Ga Kill
    Tranh châm biếm · Sato_Koji
  • Sato_Koji
    trả lời Devils_and_angels

    Just a spare one when Kakashi killed the bandits.

    At the lake, near the base. Tatsumi was swimming in his armor while Sheele was observing him. After he was done swimming he got out of the pool. "Well done swimming in that armor." Sheele praised Tatsumi for finishing his training.
    Kakashi in Akame Ga Kill
    Tranh châm biếm · Sato_Koji
  • Sato_Koji
    trả lời Devils_and_angels

    No, that's in the later episodes of the anime

    At the lake, near the base. Tatsumi was swimming in his armor while Sheele was observing him. After he was done swimming he got out of the pool. "Well done swimming in that armor." Sheele praised Tatsumi for finishing his training.
    Kakashi in Akame Ga Kill
    Tranh châm biếm · Sato_Koji
  • Sato_Koji
    trả lời Ronin46

    Hey I like her too, but Kakashi's personality fits better with Akame. But maybe in the future there will be another Akame Ga Kill fanfic.

    Name: Esdeath. Personality: Sadist. Strength level: "The Empire's strongest"
    Kakashi in Akame Ga Kill
    Tranh châm biếm · Sato_Koji
  • Sato_Koji
    trả lời Keeth_Leigh

    In this he will, and he is much younger

    "Not yet, when everyone's here I'll reveal it. Also I hear some shouting... I'll disappear into the shadows for now." Kakashi disappeared shortly after hearing the noise.
    Kakashi in Akame Ga Kill
    Tranh châm biếm · Sato_Koji
  • Sato_Koji
    trả lời liutianlong

    Kakashi's sharingan looks like Sasuke's in boruto

    The only thing he could do was looked at the silhouette in front of him and saw the face of a person with white hair, a mask covering his mouth, and with black eyes. However, one of the black eyes was different from the other, it had a somewhat a shape of a red star in the middle.
    Kakashi in Akame Ga Kill
    Tranh châm biếm · Sato_Koji
  • Sato_Koji
    trả lời Ronin46

    it hurts every time....

    "Argh!" Zank's moaned in pain as he landed on his feet. "You... and your substitutes..." Zank disappeared and appeared beside Kakashi. Kakashi sensing him, was about to strike him... before seeing Rin right in front of him. Kakashi eyes closed and coated his hand in blue lightning. "Chidori..." Kakashi said softly as he strike his hand into her chest. "That won't work one me this time... I've moved on thanks to someone."
    Kakashi in Akame Ga Kill
    Tranh châm biếm · Sato_Koji
  • Sato_Koji
    bình luận

    Today will be the last post for this week. I will only be posting 5 chapters per week. Thanks for all the support!

    Ch 5 Backstory?
    Kakashi in Akame Ga Kill
    Tranh châm biếm · Sato_Koji
  • Sato_Koji
    trả lời Same_Jake

    Thanks! This is my first time making a fanfic. Next chapter comes tomorrow.

    Ch 2 Deal...
    Kakashi in Akame Ga Kill
    Tranh châm biếm · Sato_Koji
  • Sato_Koji
    trả lời SlashNinja

    There will be a new chapter tomorrow, chapter will come daily for now.

    Ch 1 Prologue
    Kakashi in Akame Ga Kill
    Tranh châm biếm · Sato_Koji