

2023-08-14 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Express_007
    trả lời cafreine

    I'm not opposed to the idea but I'm a little worried about the size of the harem as its already over 20. Any more and it's a bit excessive but I also want more so I'm torn.

    Ch 10 Solitary Shrine
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời cafreine

    Xenovia and Rossweisse yes, Suzaku no. Additionally, I've added Irina recently so this is all subject to change.

    Ch 10 Solitary Shrine
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời cafreine

    Yeah but I've never gone out of my way to describe it so picture it however you'd like.

    Calmly insulting his opponent even as the wall of fire grew ever closer Noel simply pointed his wand in the center of the attack. Part of a spell's difficulty was learning how to hide the center point. If they didn't…
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời cafreine

    Nope, different person. The last name Branwen is an real thing too.

    Resting her head on Noel's and giggling like a schoolgirl—which she technically should be—Morgan's tail wiggled back and forth. Standing by their side was their newest member, Amaris Branwen.
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời Lordbord

    I completely forgot about that. However, I still believe that after reaching a certain level of strength saying things like that isn't really an issue.

    "Oh thank god!"
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    bình luận
    Ch 17 Arrival of Greatness
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời Lakerus43

    I know in JJK they aren't referred to by any specific gender but I decided to twist things around to better fit my narrative goals.

    There were plenty of familiar faces in the crowd beneath him though Noel couldn't say he was happy to see all of them. Lord Sitri and his family had a large circle of nobility around him, the foreign representative of the yokai—a young woman named Uraume—stood silently to the side with her eyes closed and the former dragon king Tannin stood proud as always.
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    bình luận


    Ch 15 Greatest Promotion
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời Sidius_Cross

    I can't quite recall off the top of my head but its around 10 to 11. It would be good to remember that's she a bit of a sheltered girl as well.

    Written clearly in the air was the question, a question so barbaric that Rias was confident no devil had asked such a thing in a public setting in at least a thousand years. It was asking how many times they masturbated per week.
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời Daoist4MxvaV

    I feel like you're painting Riser in a better light than he deserves but its entirely a matter of opinion. Sure the points you raised could be true but its also true that Riser went well out of his way to torment Issei when they first met, harassed a women that clearly wanted nothing to do with him, and was quite literally set up to be unlikable. None of that changes just because the author decided to make him have a redemption arc. And while I can certainly see the benefits, I doubt a marriage between Rias and Riser is actually important in the grand scheme of things. Perhaps their blood could be conserved but is that truly important when the pillar system is become obsolete, traditional powers are falling apart at the seams, and the ratio of pure devils to reincarnated devils are falling?

    Those two were the most famous scum of the new generation with a list of fetishes that would never end and a desire for woman more than that of Zeus in his heyday. To marry either would be a fate worse than death of course—especially since one was engaged—but she didn't have many choices. It was either that or everything her family represented got taken from her.
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời Melon01

    I doubt devils are affected by just hearing the word and Ajuka certainly felt the pain. He just disregarded it in his surprise.

    "Oh thank god!"
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời Tidas

    As far as I've heard, each time a character page is updated the images reset so I've stayed away from that idea and decided to add the images in the comments of the chapter the characters are introduced.

    I'm not sure if I did Amaris justice here but I hope you like her. If I were to describe her it would shy, bold, and caring but so far I feel like I just showed the shy and caring parts. Either way, she'll get plenty of time in the spotlight so we'll see in the future how things have gone. 
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời BridgeToHeavens

    I can't quite remember how long it was exactly but from them breaking out of prison and taking over the cities only took a few hours. I believe it only took like an hour for Falbium to gather them all for war and then another two or so for plans to actually begin. Besides that, all six of them were incredibly powerful to the extent that it was quite literally a national crisis so there wasn't much the nobility could do by themselves.

    Ch 10 Solitary Shrine
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời Zailo95

    As of writing that comment it was about 14 but has recently grown to 22 though I am debating whether to remove a few. Ultimately, the challenge comes from creating a peerage with a limited number of interesting characters which led to make characters I liked and then add them to the ever growing harem so expect it to change.

    Murmuring softly in bemusement Valerie Tepes didn't even react at the blood soaking her face, her eyes blank as corpses fell to the ground and the snow was tainted crimson. Grinning wildly at the power of his eyes Noel teleported away just as Rias Gremory broke through the treeline. 
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời BridgeToHeavens

    No, just physical and mental abuse. I’m not exactly comfortable going into topics like those much less with such a prominent character.

    Ch 3 Not Quite a Damsel
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời BridgeToHeavens

    Of course! I might not be able to answer something because of spoilers but I’m more than happy to answer anything!

    "So it seems. Originally I had intended to make a fair trade but now I've changed my mind. Hand over that woman or the Astaroth clan will detach itself from the Purson clan."
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời BridgeToHeavens

    This is him as a child, he hasn't quite figured out his fetishes and just wants a bit of every pie.

    "So it seems. Originally I had intended to make a fair trade but now I've changed my mind. Hand over that woman or the Astaroth clan will detach itself from the Purson clan."
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời BridgeToHeavens

    It is and I’ve been slowly adding to it as well. I’ve been trying to keep things to a minimum but somehow or another I still ended up with quite the number of them.

    Ch 1 Union of Orca and Wolf
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời ThreshGasm

    Unfortunately, there is a lot of them.

    Ch 1 Union of Orca and Wolf
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007
  • Express_007
    trả lời neis_marko

    From those characters Koneko, Ophis, Ingvild, and Le Fay are the only ones I have included.

    Ch 10 Solitary Shrine
    DxD | Eyes of Malevolence
    Tranh châm biếm · Express_007