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  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Dust_PhoenX

    Yup, not sure where that came from. I'll fix it right away. Thanks!

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Panther_Lily

    To avoid any spoilers, I'll give you the short version. There are no yuri relationships in the story.

    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Maximus1334

    That's part of the mystery :)

     "Come to me," I whispered, gazing up at it in pleading awe, "Ice Spirit!"
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Maximus1334

    One of the obstacles of healing her soul (I forgot which chapter this was brought up in) was that she didn't know how to stitch her soul back together. It's been damaged beyond recognition by the various traumatic things that have happened to it. Xiviyah could have tried to experiment or play around with it, but a single mistake could leave her crippled or worse. Now that she understands what happened to Fable and the similarities of their souls, she can use his as a reference for healing herself.

    My breath caught as tears welled up in my eyes, and I pressed a hand to my chest, fingers curled in a partial fist. "If that's true, then I can...I can heal my soul!"
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Maximus1334

    yup, you're right. I'll get that fixed

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Maximus1334

    thanks for reading!

    Ch 349 Path to Healing
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Maximus1334

    Haha I'm glad you didn't forget me 😊

    Ch 341 Above the World
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Maximus1334

    Nah, sunpurge has always been incurable

    She wrapped her arms around me, carefully avoiding the Supurge, and said, "Don't worry, I got you."
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Maximus1334

    Technically yes, but magic classification gets a bit unreliable beginning with ninth. It'll be explored more in future chapters, but basically, the difference between a peak ninth-level mage and a beginning level on is bigger than the difference between a first-level mage and an eighth. The exponential increase in power only grows as you reach the realms above ninth-level. Their very existence strains a mortal dimension, making it impossible for one to remain in a mortal world for long.

    The biggest changes are in the identifications at the Shard of Omniscience. In regards to soul strength and mana affinity, I felt that the wording was a little confusing. I had some other ideas that made sense, but the story developed in a different direction. I've gone back and made the changes in previous chapters. You can view the new statuses in the character descriptions available for Xiviyah and Korra. 
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Nessa_Bright

    Thanks! I'll fix that right away

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Maximus1334


    I felt her nod. "Yes, the one who helped me break through to sixth level. I was merely a fourth-level mage last year during the Double Gate Incident and could do little more than watch as you suffered and bled for our people. The moment I heard my master was studying Sunpurge, I immediately offered to be her assistant."
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Maximus1334

    She's at the point now where necessary sacrifices are still sacrifices. The biggest thing is probably the shock factor. Xiviyah feels very in control of her power, so when things don't work out as she imagines it's very scary.

    The shock overwhelmed even my renewed grief at Aurle's death, not to mention my relief that Korra was well. Levin was dead? But how? He should have been like the Apostle of Fire and just been knocked unconscious. Why was he dead?
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Maximus1334


    "Is it done?" he whispered duly. "I can't…not again…"
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Dust_PhoenX_8732

    Haha they're all a *bit* racist. And a bit slow to adjust their expectations.

    "Quite impressive. I never would have believed there to be a demon this strong."
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời gimmeKapsa_4ver

    The story is about Xiviyah gaining her freedom and happiness. I'll spoil it and let you know she DOES break the Slave Crest, but it doesn't happen immediately.

    Ch 10 A New Name and Master
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Nessa_Bright

    Thanks for your thoughts and for reading this far! It's always been meant as a dark tragedy, but I can certainly see the point your making. Perhaps I'll include something in the summary so people know what they're in for.

    Ch 12 Shard of Omniscience
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Nessa_Bright

    yep, thanks!

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Daoist7sPHGu

    Hmm, seems I messed up the order somehow. Thanks for letting me know! I'll get it sorted out.

    Ch 329 Overwhelming Force
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Maximus1334

    Nah, I mentioned a few paragraphs before that when he shrunk, it left all the blood behind. The blood didn't shrink too :)

    I nodded and rested my head against Fable's shoulder, soaking in his warmth. After a few seconds, I struggled to my feet and pushed through the tent flap. Fable followed me in and curled up against the bed, raising a leg invitingly. Rolling my eyes, I collapsed against him. He rested his great head on my lap, and I idly stroked his fur, running my fingers around his horns.
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate
  • Author_of_Fate
    trả lời Maximus1334

    Yeah, but Adaptive resistance only affects magic.

    The soft grass was rigid with frost, crunching softly beneath my bare feet, killing any of the lingering morning haze my mind had been under. I bit back a squeak, jumping from foot to foot, feeling for a moment that I'd been plunged into cold water. The bitter breeze curled around my body in icy tendrils, hunting the last of my warmth to extinction. 
    The Forsaken Hero
    Kỳ huyễn · Author_of_Fate