


Just your typical observer. Tired of my past lives. Retired from my noble duty. I don't oversee, but I see enough.

2022-05-19 đã tham giaUnited States

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  • Master_Of_Destiny
     công bố

    Character Designs are quite okay at first, but along the way 1200+ chapters the characters endorsed are insignificant to the point that I don't bother reading names anymore. Wives became robotic, MC is a goddamn idiot that never learns, Han Tianyu's character lost justice and became a steward, MC is a pushover and (at the Unknowns arc), Akatziris, the development is fuckin shallow. Well I get that Akatziris is a lunatic, but at least give more justification. Author's machinations are obvious as well. World background went haywire... especially the real world, although the lore of the purpose of the game saved the story a bit. Translators can't decide about the names of the races. Demons and Nephilms, Nagas and Dragons became confusing. Miluya's death is quite a tearjerker, but not so special. The Level 5's became not so special. Suddenly there are so many Level 5s ffs. The plot armors are not amusing especially the 0541 plot armors at chapter 1200+. Suddenly a Core of Will exists. I dib bullshit. If you are new to novels, this is gold due to entertainment especially if you could tolerate Kirito-level stupidity. To veteran readers, skip this.

    The Almighty Ring
    Du hí · Primodial Saint
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    bình luận

    so this is what Rowan will look like in the future

    The two reluctant prisoners of Prefect Wilkes are firmly seated next to him. Rowan and Severus both have identical scowls on their faces making them appear that much more alike to each other. The food promptly appears before them and the older Slytherins begin to eat. Many of them had excellent table manners, but there are always exceptions.
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    bình luận

    Kill this guy early

    "The two of you actually earned us 40 points on the first day!" Wilkes cheerfully exclaimed.
    A Bend in Time
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  • Master_Of_Destiny
    bình luận

    Flitwick is that old?

    "We have Charms with Professor Flitwick and then Defense Against the Dark Arts with the new Professor, Professor Strives," Severus muttered.
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    bình luận

    Wow that's a lot of points. In other fanfics, Minerva is stingy in giving points. Maybe because she is younger here.

    By the end of the class, only Severus and Rowan have managed to turn their matches into needles. Professor McGonagall carefully shows the class, before saying, "Slytherin twenty points!"
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    bình luận

    I remember reading a novel putting on entire lyrics of a five minute song plus the link just to cap the word count

    For I'm a Thinking Cap!"
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    bình luận

    McGonagall hottie version

    Relieved, Hagrid turns back to the door and knocks thrice onto the doors. The doors swing open to reveal the thirty-five old figure of Professor McGonagall with dark hair and sharp eyes that have the beginnings of crows' feet. Her sleek hair is tightly pulled into a bun as a pair of square glasses neatly sit on the bridge of her nose. Her elegant emerald-green robes gently flutter behind her in the night breeze.
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    trả lời YOLO36

    Your mom

    "I've eaten worse things before," Rowan truthfully answered, before turning to gaze out at the scenery. Severus remains rather quiet at the truth of the statement. Starving, they had learned to eat anything no matter how terrible the taste including half-eaten food from the trash.
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    trả lời Asc3ns10n

    No... Dumbledore will plant his seeds to Rowan's womb.

    Before the two of them can actually have a go at each other, Lily tugs on Severus's sleeve, while James reaches over and grabs Rowan's wrist. Rowan turns to face James with a dark gaze, who hastily pulls his hand back as if burned. "There, all done," James cheekily said.
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    bình luận

    Mr. Imma Cuck You

    With a cheerful cocky smile, the untidy haired boy says, "The name's James Potter, and all you are?"
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    bình luận

    Severus being a boring beta male

    "Mm," Severus chimed.
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    bình luận
    The two of them sit there in silence until Rowan wraps her arm around Severus. "Sev, you know, that you're stuck with me forever and ever, right?" Rowan brazenly declared.
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    bình luận

    Seems like Ollivander was a victim of spoilers...

    Mr. Ollivander quickly takes Severus's measurement, before heading into the back and returning with two boxes. Mr. Ollivander holds out the first wand and says, "Blackthorn with a dragon's heartstring. 13 1/2 inches. Quite firm."
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    trả lời Banshee_45

    A horny dragon

    Of finding more than treasure here.
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
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    Ch 13 Acceptance Letter
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    bình luận

    Bruh! as a man... Rowan scares me.

    "Oh? But we're twins, Sev," Rowan teasingly purred wrapping her arm around Severus's shoulder. "Whatever is yours is mine and whatever is mine is yours."
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    bình luận

    This first few chapters in the Prince Manor is like a Korean Villainess Webnovel

    Georgine's eyes become distant as she stares aloofly into the faraway distance. Her hand unconsciously creeps under her pillow searching for her prized locket. She clutches the locket in her hands grasping it so tightly as if afraid to let go. She remembers a happier time filled with hope and dreams. Dreams that never came to be.
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    bình luận

    Rowan: Oh Lily doesn't like you? Don't worry, sister will comfort you tonight. We won't sleep until you scream all the gods' names.

    Fidel makes a squawking sound in protest as the hand tightens around his neck efficiently silencing him. "Now listen carefully, you are going to let Severus touch you as much as he wants and whenever he wants. And should I ever see you try to pull a stunt like that again, I will personally pluck out every single one of your tail feathers one by one. And no, I won't stop there, I will continue upward until all I see is a giant featherless chicken, is that perfectly understood?" Rowan hissed into Fidel's ear.
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    bình luận

    Does rock paper scissors exist in Great Brittain before??

    "Figures," Rowan thought to herself as she and Severus silently debate, who was to be the first one to try. After a silent and rather engaging game of paper, rock, scissors, Rowan emerged victorious in the end.
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma
  • Master_Of_Destiny
    bình luận

    Author's Thoughts are so informative. Do you have the same experience, author-san?

    Ch 7 Return Ⅱ
    A Bend in Time
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · EsliEsma