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Natalie Malca Moana, is a woman who came to Chicago hoping to find a job to help support her family's economy. However, not all went well. She finally tried her luck by doing a live stream on an adult app. She felt bittersweet there, but for the sake of her mother and two brothers and sisters, Natalie keeps trying hard and getting out of her comfort zone. With the fake name LORETTA and the flashy colored wigs she wore, Natalie became a very different person.
Until finally, she was met with an account called Zeus The Lorax, an account that continues to provide the most expensive gifts in the three applications that Natalie uses. It was as if the figure in the account was following where Natalie was, without telling her who he really was.
Because her curiosity was getting higher, she tried to invite Zeus through a video call, which is also a service in the application.
The figure of a handsome man with golden blonde hair, sharp bright blue eyes, a firm jaw, and other facial features that further perfect this creature of God's creation. Natalie never thought that behind the account was hidden a prince with a white horse!
The man's name was Nicholas Ramirez. Nothing else Natalie knew because Nicholas was so mysterious, he didn't even talk much.
How will their relationship continue? Does it end there? So what was Nicholas' goal is always giving gifts without trying to interact with Natalie?
Because to be honest, Natalie was getting increasingly curious about this man named Nicholas.
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