


I’m terrible at updating my fanfics…

2021-05-31 đã tham giaIreland

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  • mefait
    trả lời CopyPaste1

    I mean… he hasn’t even turned fourteen yet, who really knows what they actually want in life at the age of thirteen. Yeah, I don’t mind your opinion, really don’t. I only write when I get bored, you know? Not really trying to be a writer tbh. Though wouldn’t mine u being more specific that helps, I find it more fun to go over things and fix them. Oooh and the people being older and younger than cannon? Um can you expand on that cause that has me confused… the only person that isn’t cannon age is Amelia, perhaps I made a mistake somewhere? Cause I really can’t think of any of the cannon characters not being their cannon age. The plot holessss, please tell me more. It would be easier to fix things with more specifics- I mean I take loooonnggg breaks sometimes that I forget what I was planning to do cause I don’t really write things down at times. And yeah the fanfic is probably a mess tbh and a bore… but then again I write it when I’m actually not busy and want busy myself. Thankkk you very much really appreciate your honesty

    Ch 32 32
    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời hhhhz45

    They’r in their third now but just sayin since their second year

    A lot a changed since the start of their second year, which was his hair. His hair was a dark shade of what you would call blonde, which he had cut short, it wouldn't do good having your hair in you eyes after all.
    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời piptheduck

    no, perhaps I made a mistake in a sentence somewhere

    Ch 30 30
    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời Matesanz

    Sorry about that. I mostly started this for fun and to do when I’m and might have time. Though seeing how people actually like it I try update as often as I can but right now I’ more focused on studying since I have an exam I need to sit Thank you for the review!

    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời WebReaderPub

    Nope not still friends. Lily is just trying to be civil

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    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời Oglan

    That made me laugh

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    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời ptbv

    Oh no that was an accident I just put that thee until I changed wile I continued writing

    Ch 29 29
    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời Kkk123_

    Idk I’m resitting an exam so I’ve been studying mostly

    Ch 28 28
    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời Almarna


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    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời aa_aa_8182

    never read or watched dune tbh

    "It's Polaris, not Pol." Corvus all but spoke for him.
    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời BloodKingAsura

    I had forgotten to do that in the beginning so I just plan on incorporating it later on. I think there will be mention of it in the next chapter, 28. Though I'm still writing it

    They all stood at their desk, attempting the spell of transfiguring the needle they had on their desks into a shoe. He pointed his own wand at the needle before him and chanted the spell confidently. He already knew what he was doing.
    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời AvantHeim

    Hah yeah I did mention that in like two chapter maybe three there will be a time skip and he’ll be 13 turning 14 in 1977. Currently trying to make the next chapter longer than usual so I can move on quickly instead of having to make more chapters to end the summer

    Ch 27 27
    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời _oinkchan

    No she isn’t your thinking of Charlus potter’s wife. James father is not charlus it’s Fleamont and his wife isn’t Dorea which is cannon

    With bored eyes he stared, nothing going through his mind as he watched his brother laugh at something Lord Potter said, before his friend, James said something after, resulting in Lady Potter to his arm, making them all laugh. It would seem his mother noticed it too, her face was tense, her nose flared.
    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời WeavingSpider

    Thanks for the input. I like the idea of him travelling about possibly becoming a professor. Though we’ll have to see which subject hmm If I don’t continue to the cannon I’ll probably end it with him travelling and ending up working in the ministry and getting a high position or something Either or

    Ch 27 27
    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
     công bố

    This was started about a year ago, which I can't believe since it doesn't feel that long since I started. I started with nothing in mind just the name of the mc and the age differences between his siblings. With just that information I just went with the flow and wrote without thinking much, with no idea how to really write seeing as it was somewhat my first time trying to write a fanfic, mostly just writing creatively in general. I suppose ages ago, maybe eight months ago I stopped writing mostly because I wasn't really interested in the writing- well how it was written in a sense not too sure and the grammar too so I never really bothered because I wanted to edit it before continuing which I eventually did eight months later... I've edited the chapters taking some things out replacing it with other things, and changing dialogue and I'm still writing chapters to update once I've done one. Now I've got that interest back to continue writing curious about what will happen just as some of you might be, idk. I honestly don't have a vivid idea of what I want to happen, mostly just a vague idea of how it could end. I guess it's slow-paced which I didn't really intend to do like I said I just go with the flow but I guess most fanfics a much faster, my bad I get it I would want things moving along too. I guess low pace isn't for everyone, perhaps mine is 'too' slow pace idk everyone is free with their opinion. I guess it's rather a slow pace, it's definitely not close to a fast pace. I don't mind criticism, so feel free to comment or give honest reviews, I like hearing what people don't like about my fanfic, It helps me improve somewhat and know what I shouldn't do. Yeah and feel free to give ideas if you want, I'm open to ideas, I write with the flow anyways. Love interest is Amelia. No harem, never really got them or even know how to incorporate them properly into a story. I hope I don't lose interest again and don't update in eight months again. I'll try not to, though if I plan on dropping I'll say so, so you're not waiting on chapters or something.

    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời WeavingSpider

    Nope, I won't be going into quidditch matches like that. If they do have a quidditch match I would give a summary of a sort or perhaps have the characters talk about it passingly. Yeah Sorry about the pace, Idk I just do my own thing, I mostly just write this when I'm bored mostly when I rage quit in games... like now so I'm about to try to write the next chapter. I just go with the flow, I have a vague idea of what could happen in the future. There are different paths I have to decide to go on, one which wouldn't go into the cannon but rather end in a certain situation or go onto the cannon. It depends on how things go tbh with Voldemort and stuff. Yeah, Polaris is younger than Sirius by 4 years and 22 days. Yeah the chapters are long, the next chapter might be longer than most idk yet, I'm thinking of trying to fit the whole summer in that one chapter so who knows how long it'll be, if I get lazy I might just post 3000 words, instead and continue. I kinda just want to get to the end of the summer, to move on cause I want to do a time skip to his third year. Sirius would be in his seventh, Regulus in his sixth. I'm honestly open for ideas. Like I said it's mostly for fun and boredom, so I don't mind criticism on what could be better.

    Ch 27 27
    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời WeavingSpider


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    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời mefait

    Mofin didn’t attend Hogwarts*

    Ch 25 25
    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời LongSongGolden

    Tom ‘Marvolo’ Riddle It’s his middle name and his grandfather is dead and too be honest it’s not like people knew much about the gaunts since they kept to themselves. And In toms diary he mentioned how him and Harry were the onl parselmouths to have attended Hogwarts since slytherin which is to note that Morfin attended Hogwarts and tbh the family was seen as mad seeing as the had married first cousin to first cousin then sibling to sibling I hardly doubt they would care about Morton who was in Azkaban let alone question Tom about his name it’s not seen as odd to have another persons name tbh like Sirius has his Greg grandfathers name and regulus has his great uncles name. Then again tom is a parselmouth so I suppose you can say it’ll be way enough for him to pass as a gaunt seeing as they are the last known descendant of slytherin who Idk

    Ch 25 25
    Polaris Black
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  • mefait
    trả lời SagaLF11

    Yeah I changed that

    "Ah, right. We haven't even introduced ourselves. I'm Amelia, Amelia Bones, at your service. First-year Hufflepuff, who happens to have a very valuable permission slip."
    Polaris Black
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